Spider-Man: Duty And Loss - Chapter 120: Another Week?

Chapter 120: Another Week?

Chapter 120: Another Week?

Hey guys it's been a while, about 4 weeks since I posted a chapter and exactly 2 weeks since I have written anything. Having been busy with work and uni and everything else, not having to worry about getting a chapter out after a long day has been very relaxing.

I though I might get a chapter out today, but I really want to relax before going back into work again tomorrow. It has been scaling down a bit though! I got Friday off this week, thank G.o.d! And hopefully that means I've pa.s.sed through the worst of it and will have more free time soon.

So as seen in the chapter t.i.tle, I humble request another week of relaxation before releasing another chapter. (Though i'll probably just take it anyways.) I know you guys been waiting for it. I might even get 2 out! (Don't quote me)

Waiting for the good news! (Though I might get lambasted a bit for releasing a chapter that isn't a chapter and is just me asking for more time.....)