Spanish Composition - Part 84

Part 84

=type=, tipo, _m._; =---- writer=, maquina de escribir, _f._

=tyrant=, tirano,-a.


=umbrella=, paraguas, _m._

=unable, to be=, no poder.

=uncle=, tio, _m._

=understand, to=, comprender, entender.

=uneasy=, inquieto,-a; intranquilo,-a.

=unjust=, injusto,-a.

=unload, to=, descargar.

=until=, hasta (_prep._); hasta que (_conjunction_).

=untruth=, mentira, _f._

=up=, arriba. (_This word is in Spanish very often untranslatable, being included in the meaning of the verb with which it is used; as_, =to pick ---- =, recoger; =to look---- =, buscar; =to get---- =, levanta.r.s.e, _etc._)

=upside-down=, de arriba abajo.

=us=, nos, nosotros,-as (_with prep._).

=use, to=, usar, emplear, servirse de.

=use=, utilidad, _f._

=used to, to be=, soler, acostumbra.r.s.e.

=usual=, usual, _m. and f._; acostumbrado,-a.


=vain=, vanidoso,-a; =in---- =, en vano.

=valise=, maleta, _f._

=valor=, valor, _m._

=vanity=, vanidad, _f._

=vegetable=, legumbre, _f._; verdura, _f._

=vehicle=, vehiculo, _m._

=velvet=, terciopelo, _m._

=very=, muy (_section 63_).

=victim=, victima, _f._

=village=, aldea, _f._; pueblo, _m._

=violin=, violin, _m._

=visit=, visita, _f._

=visit, to=, visitar.

=voice=, voz, _f._


=wait, to=, esperar.

=wake, to=, despertar; =to---- up=, desperta.r.s.e.

=walk=, paseo, _m._

=walk, to=, andar, caminar.

=want, to=, querer, necesitar (_section 98_).

=war=, guerra, _f._

=warm, to be=, tener calor (_persons_); hacer calor (_weather_).

=wash, to=, lavar.

=water=, agua, _f._

=water, to=, regar.

=way=, camino, _m._; modo, _m._ (_section 48_).

=we=, nosotros,-as.

=weak=, debil, _m. and f._

=wealth=, riqueza, _f._; opulencia, _f._