Spanish Composition - Part 78

Part 78

=perhaps=, tal vez, acaso.

=people=, gente, _f._

=perceive, to=, percibir, ver.

=permission=, permiso, _m._

=person=, persona, _f._

=piano=, piano, _m._

=pick up, to=, coger, recoger.

=picture=, cuadro, _m._; pintura, _f._ (_painting_); retrato, _m._; fotografia, _f._ (_photograph_).

=piece=, pedazo, _m._

=pitcher=, jarra, _f._ (_wide-mouthed_); jarro, _m._ (_narrow-mouthed_).

=pity=, lastima, _f._

=place=, lugar, _m._; sitio, _m._; =to take--=, tener lugar, verifica.r.s.e.

=plant=, planta, _f._

=plate=, plato, _m._

=platform=, anden, _m._ (_railway station_); plataforma, _f._

=play, to=, jugar (_games_); tocar (_musical instruments_); representar (_dramas_); =to---- a part=, hacer _or_ desempenar un papel.

=play=, drama, _m._

=please, to=, agradar, contentar, querer (_section 67_).

=pleasure=, gusto, _m._; placer, _m._

=pocket=, bolsillo, _m._

=poor=, pobre, _m. and f._

=portrait=, retrato, _m._

=possess, to=, poseer.

=possession=, posesion, _f._; =to take---- of=, apodera.r.s.e de.

=possible=, posible, _m. and f._

=postcard=, tarjeta postal, _f._

=postman=, cartero, _m._

=post office=, correo, _m._

=pound=, libra, _f._

=power=, poder, _m._

=practice=, practica, _f._

=practice, to=, practicar.

=preparation=, preparacion, _f._; preparativo, _m._

=prepare, to=, preparar.

=presence=, presencia, _f._

=present=, presente, _m. and f._; =for the---- =, a presente, al momento, por lo p.r.o.nto.

=present at, to be=, asistir a.

=president=, presidente, _m._

=pretty=, bonito,-a.

=prevent, to=, evitar.

=price=, precio, _m._

=prince=, principe, _m._

=princess=, princesa, _f._

=problem=, problema, _m._

=procession=, procesion, _f._

=profession=, profesion, _f._

=professor=, profesor,-ra.

=promise, to=, prometer.

=propagate, to=, propagar.

=property=, bienes, _m. pl._