Spanish Composition - Part 64

Part 64

=advice=, consejo, _m._

=advise, to=, aconsejar.

=affair=, asunto, _m._

=afraid, to be=, tener miedo.

=after=, tras, despues de (_section 26_).

=afternoon=, tarde, _f._

=afterwards=, despues.

=again=, otra vez, de nuevo, volver a, _with infinitive_.

=against=, contra.

=age=, edad, _f._

=ago=, hace, ha (_the first precedes, the second follows, the expression of time_; hace _is used when definite time is expressed_, ha _when the time is indefinite_).

=agree with, to=, sentar bien.

=air=, aire, _m._

=alarm, to=, alarmar.

=alive=, vivo,-a; =man--!= hombre!

=all=, todo,-a; =---- of a sudden=, de repente (_section 46_).

=almost=, casi.

=alone=, solo,-a (_section 72_).

=aloud=, en alta voz.

=already=, ya.

=also=, tambien.

=although=, aunque.

=among=, entre.

=amused, to be=, divertirse.

=an=, un, una.

=and=, y.

=angel=, angel, _m._

=anger=, ira, colera, _f._; enojo, _m._

=animal=, animal, _m._

=another=, otro,-a.

=answer, to=, contestar, responder.

=answer=, contestacion, _f._

=anxious=, ansioso,-a.

=any=, algun, alguno,-a.

=apparently=, a lo visto, segun parece, segun parecia.

=appear, to=, aparecer, parecer, deja.r.s.e ver (_section 78_).

=appearance, to put in=, deja.r.s.e ver.

=appreciate, to=, estimar, apreciar.

=approach, to=, acerca.r.s.e.

=Argentine=, argentino,-a.

=arm=, brazo, _m._

=armchair=, sillon, _m._; butaca, _f._

=army=, ejercito, _m._

=arrive, to=, llegar.

=as=, como (_section 96_).

=ashamed, to be=, tener verguenza.

=ask, to=, preguntar, pedir, rogar (_section 3_).

=asleep, to be=, estar dormido,-a; =to be sleepy=, tener sueno.

=at=, a, en; =---- once=, en seguida; =to be---- = (_to attend_), asistir a.

=attention=, atencion, _f._