Spanish Composition - Part 55

Part 55

=nevar=, to snow.

=nieve=, _f._, snow.

=ningun=, _see_ =ninguno=.

=ninguno=, =-a=, no, not any, not one.

=ninera=, _f._, nurse-maid.

=nino=, =-a=, child.

=no=, no, not.

=nocion=, _f._, notion, idea.

=noche=, _f._, night.

=nodriza=, _f._, nurse.

=nombre=, _m._, name.

=norte=, _m._, north.

=nos=, us, ourselves.

=nosotros=, =-as=, we, us (_with prep._).

=notar=, to notice, note.

=noticia=, _f._, notice, news.

=nuestro=, =-a=, our.

=nuevo=, =-a=, new.

=numero=, _m._, number.

=nunca=, never.


=obedecer=, to obey.

=obra=, _f._, work (_accomplished; as, the works of an author; see_ =trabajo=).

=obrero=, _m._, workman.

=obscuridad=, _f._, darkness.

=obscuro=, =-a=, dark.

=observar=, to observe, notice.

=oculta.r.s.e=, to hide oneself.

=ocupacion=, _f._, occupation.

=ocupado=, =-a=, occupied, busy.

=ocurrido=: =lo---- =, what has happened.

=ocho=, eight.

=ofender=, to offend, insult.

=ofrecer=, to offer.

=oido=, _m._, hearing, ear (_inner_).

=oir=, to hear.

=ojala!= (_an interjection that expresses keen desire_), I hope, I wish, would that, _etc._

=ojo=, _m._, eye.

=oler=, to smell.

=olvida.r.s.e=, to forget.

=operario=, _m._, workman, operative.

=oportunidad=, _f._, opportunity.

=opulencia=, _f._, wealth, opulence.

=oscurecer=, to grow dark.

=otro=, =-a=, other, another.

=ovacion=, _f._, ovation.


=paciencia=, _f._, patience.

=padre=, _m._, father.