Spanish Composition - Part 46

Part 46

=conferencia=, _f._, conference.

=confesar=, to confess.

=confiado=, =-a=, confident, trusting in.

=conforma.r.s.e=, to agree.

=congeniar (con)=, to agree, get along well with.

=conmigo=, with me.

=conocer=, to know, be acquainted with, become acquainted with.

=conocimiento=, _m._, knowledge, acquaintance.

=conque=, and so.

=conquistador=, _m._, conqueror.

=consentir (en)=, to consent to, agree to.

=construir=, to build, construct.

=contar=, to tell (_section 90_).

=contener=, to hold, contain.

=contentar=, to please (_section 66_).

=continuar=, to continue, keep on (_section 34_).

=contra=, against.

=convertirse (en)=, to change into, turn into (_section 113_).

=convidar=, to invite.

=corazon=, _m._, heart.

=cordero=, =-a=, lamb.

=cortar=, to cut.

=corto=, =-a=, short.

=correo=, _m._, mail, post office.

=correr=, to run.

=cosa=, _f._, thing.

=coser=, to sew.

=crecer=, to grow (_section 23_).

=creer=, to believe, think.

=criado=, =-a=, servant.

=criar(se)=, to grow, grow up (_section 23_).

=cruelmente=, cruelly.

=cuaderno=, _m._, note-book.

=cuanto=, =-a?= how much?

=cuantos=, =-as?= how many?

=cuarto=, _m._, room.

=cuatro=, four.

=cuchillo=, _m._, knife.

=cuenta=, _f._, bill.

=cuento=, _m._, story.

=cuidado!= take care!

=cuida.r.s.e=, to take care.

=cura=, _m._, priest.


=chaqueta=, _f._, jacket.

=charlar=, to chat.

=chico=, =-a=, small; =los--s=, the children.

=chimenea=, _f._, fireplace.