Spanish Composition - Part 43

Part 43

=apoyo=, _m._, help, support.

=aprender=, to learn.

=aprestar=, to get ready, prepare for.

=aprobar=, to approve, pa.s.s (_in examination_).

=aprovecha.r.s.e (de)=, take advantage of.

=apuntar=, to make a note of, put down.

=apura.r.s.e=, to worry.

=apuro=, _m._, trouble, difficulty, worry.

=aquel=, =aquella=, that (_demons. adj._).

=aquel=, =aquella=, that, that one (_demons. p.r.o.n._).

=aqui=, here (_section 29_).

=arbol=, _m._, tree.

=argentino=, =-a=, Argentine.

=arrancar=, to start (_from_), to pull out.

=arriba=, up, above.

=asiento=, _m._, seat.

=asistencia=, _f._, people present, guests, spectators.

=asistir a=, to be present at, attend.

=asomar=, to appear.

=asunto=, _m._, affair, business, matter.

=atacar=, to attack.

=atraer=, to attract.

=atreverse=, to dare.

=atribuir=, to attribute, put down to.

=atroz=, _m. and f._, terrible, atrocious.

=aun=, yet, still (_accented when it follows the word modified_).

=aunque=, although.

=automovil=, _m._, automobile.

=autor=, _m._, author.

=aventura=, adventure.

=avergonza.r.s.e=, to be ashamed.

=ayer=, yesterday.

=ayudar=, to help.

=ayudo=, _m._, aid, help.

=azucar=, _m._, sugar.

=azul=, _m. and f._, blue.


=bailar=, to dance.

=bajar=, to go down, get down, pull down.

=banco=, _m._, bench, seat, bank (_financial inst.i.tution_).

=banquete=, _m._, banquet.

=barato=, =-a=, cheap.

=barco=, _m._, bark, boat.

=bastante=, enough.

=bastar=, to be enough, do (_section 123_).

=baul=, _m._, trunk.

=Benavente (Jacinto)=, Spanish author.

=besar=, to kiss.

=bicicleta=, _f._, bicycle.