Spanish Composition - Part 38

Part 38

to put up (_put away temporarily_), =guardar=, =dejar=.

to put up at (_stop at_), =para.r.s.e en=, =aloja.r.s.e en=.

to put up fruits, =conservar frutas=, =hacer conservas=.

to put up money, =avanzar dinero=.

to put up to (_leave decision to_), =dejar a=.

to put up to (_incite to_), =incitar a=, =instigar a=.

to put up with (_bear, suffer_), =sufrir=, =aguantar=, =tolerar=.


to run, =correr=.

to run across (_find_), =dar con=, =tropezar con=.

to run a machine, =manejar una maquina=.

to run against ( into_), =dar contra=, =chocar con=.

to run against (_oppose_), =oponer a=.

to run ahead, =ir= _or_ =correr adelante=.

to run along (_be situated along_), =extenderse a lo largo de=.

to run away, =escapa.r.s.e=, =huirse=.

to run away with a thing, =lleva.r.s.e una cosa=.

to run away with (_get the better of_), =apodera.r.s.e de=.

to run back, =volver corriendo=.

to run down (_clock or machine_), =parar=.

to run down (_find, overtake_), =hallar=, =alcanzar=.

to run down (_speak ill of_), =calumniar=, =enviliar=.

to run in the blood, =estar en el sangre=.

to run out (_be all used up_), =acaba.r.s.e=, =concluirse=.

to run out of, =estar sin=, =acaba.r.s.ele a uno=.

to run over a list, =repasar una lista=, =mirar atentamente=.

to run up an account, =incurrir una cuenta=.

to run up figures, =sumar numeros=.

to run up prices, =aumentar precios=.

to run up and down, =correr por todas partes=.


to stand the expense of, =pagar los gastos de=.

to stand alone, =estar solo=, =ser el unico de su clase=.

to stand aloof, =mantenerse lejos=.

to stand by (_be near_), =estar cerca=, =halla.r.s.e presente=.

to stand by (_help_), =ayudar=, =auxiliar=.

to stand for, (_represent_), =representar=.

to stand for (_signify, indicate_), =significar=, =indicar=.

to stand in one's light (_literally_), =quitarle a uno la luz=; (_figuratively_), =causarle a uno perjuicio=.

to stand in need of, =necesitar=, =tener necesidad de=.

to stand one in good stead, =ser util a uno=, =ser de buen provecho a uno=.

to stand off (_be at some distance_), =mantenerse a algun distancia=.

to stand on tip-toe, =ponerse de puntillas=.

to stand to reason, =conformar a razon=, =ser conforme a razon=.

to stand up for (_defend_), =defender=, =apoyar=.

to stand upon ceremony, =gastar ceremonias= _or_ =c.u.mplimientos=, =hacer ceremonias=.

to stand upon one's right, =insistir en sus derechos=.