Spanish Composition - Part 23

Part 23

(_b_) 1. _Even so_, they _know_ very _little_ about that man. 2. From _time to time_ he walked _toward_ the door. 3. They have ordered him _to appear before_ them to-morrow. 4. It _appears_ that I _was not right_ when I _told_ you that. 5. Don't go _without me_. I can't go _without asking_ permission. 6. It has _grown_ very dark. It _must_ be going to rain. 7. _Tell_ them it _must_ be done. They _must_ know that already.

8. We _must get_ him what he _needs even_ if it costs a lot of money. 9.

We are very, _very_ tired. We haven't had _even_ a moment to rest all day. 10. You _need_ not explain. I heard from your companions that you had been dismissed. 11. It must be dinner _time_. You _must_ dine with us this evening.

(_c_) 1. _Please tell_ them that I haven't enough _even_ now. 2. I _need even_ more than that, this _very_ minute. 3. _What's_ the weather _like_ just now? Oh, it rains _every now and then_. 4. You will _have to_ give me more _time_. I have _only_ two made. 5. _The only thing_ I _need just now_ is a piece of soap. 6. _The only thing_ I _succeeded in getting_ from him was advice. 7. If _only_ she were not so ill! But I _hear_ that she is _getting better_. 8. I _heard_ a lady singing. She sang _like_ a nightingale. 9. If you _mean_ that you _like_ the way he acts (say, _his manner of acting_) _toward_ others, you are crazy, _I mean_, you are not wise. 10. You _are right_. It _must_ be he. He _must have_ arrived this morning. 11. One _mustn't_ think that all things are _like_ these.


_Cuando me habla el deber, tan solo escucho su voz._[28]


=84.= The verb _to sit_ (_down_) is rendered =senta.r.s.e=. _To be sitting_ is rendered =estar sentado=.

_I'm going, I'm going, you say, and you sit down._

=Ya voy, ya voy, dices, y te sientas.=--TOMAYO Y BAUS.

_Will you sit_ (_down_) _here a moment, please?_

=Quiere usted senta.r.s.e aqui un momento?=

_Don Miguel is sitting in an armchair near the stove._

=Don Miguel esta sentado en un sillon inmediato al brasero.=


_Note._--It is always well to paraphrase _sit_ before translating.

So, _I sat_ (sat down, took a seat, seated myself) _where they told me to_; _I sat_ (was sitting) _in the armchair_.

=85.= _To stand_ meaning _to be on one's feet_ is rendered =estar en pie= or =parado=; meaning _to rise to one's feet_ it is =ponerse de pie=.

_Pardon me, I am troubled with my heart. I can't stand._

=Perdoneme usted. Padezco del corazon. No puedo estar en pie.=--PeREZ GALDoS.

_When they saw the lady enter, everybody stood._

=Al ver entrar a la senora todo el mundo se puso de pie.=

(_a_) Meaning _to be situated_, _stand_ is translated =halla.r.s.e= or =estar situado=.

_That church has stood there for years._

=Aquella iglesia se halla alli desde hace muchos anos.=

(_b_) Meaning _to endure_, _bear_, _suffer_, _stand_ is rendered =aguantar=, =sufrir=, =soportar=.

_He couldn't stand the pain._

=No podia soportar el dolor.=

_I can't stand this noise any longer._

=No puedo sufrir mas este ruido.=

=86.= English _corner_ has two translations. Meaning _an exterior angle_, it is rendered =esquina=; as _an interior angle_, it is =rincon=.

_At the corner of that street stands a house, and in one corner of the garden of that house is a beautiful tree._

=En la esquina de aquella calle se halla una casa, y en un rincon del jardin de esa casa se halla un hermoso arbol.=


(_a_) 1. La casa estaba situada en medio de grandes jardines. 2. Junto a el nos sentabamos nosotros, es decir, el padre cura y yo. 3. Se sentaron en torno de una mesa junta a la ventana. 4. Ponte de pie cuando yo te hablo! 5. Estamos muy bien en este rinconcito. 6. Ha de saber usted que no puedo aguantar a este hombre. 7. En la obscuridad di contra la esquina de la mesa y me lastime el brazo. 8. No habia asientos para todos y algunos tenian que queda.r.s.e parados (en pie). 9. Como ha soportado el enfermo el largo viaje? 10. Aqui en el rincon hay un banco.

Sentemonos aqui.

(_b_) 1. I am tired of sitting. Let's all stand up for a few minutes. 2.

Who is that boy who is still sitting down? 3. How long are we going to have to stand this? 4. We sat down to rest a few minutes because we were tired. 5. The house stands a little to the right of the church. 6.

She has been sitting here so very, very quiet that I had almost forgotten her. 7. You must always stand when a lady speaks to you. 8.

Turning the corner, he found himself in a little square that he had never seen before. 9. Put the table in the corner. We want to sit there.

10. There was a lady whom I didn't know standing by the window.


_A quien se apresta a luchar no le abaten pesares._[29]


=88.= English _self_ used reflexively is rendered by the Spanish reflexive p.r.o.nouns =me=, =te=, =se=, =nos=, =os=, =se=. Used as an emphatic modifier _self_ is rendered =mismo= for all persons, changing only for number and gender. =Mismo= may be used with a reflexive to emphasize it.

_I hurt myself, as you yourself can see._

=Me he lastimado, como usted mismo puede ver.=

_Give the letter to him himself._