Sovereign of the Karmic System - Chapter 87 Friendship, Dreams, and a New Lesson

Chapter 87 Friendship, Dreams, and a New Lesson

Chapter 87 Friendship, Dreams, and a New Lesson

After healing Ligart's injuries, Daniel left the ring to him and teleported back into the pocket dimension.

He now had enough karma points and the required power to fulfill his promise. He appeared within the earth elemental sanctuary.

The moment he appeared, a few randomly place stones started to move into the shape of a giant completely made out of stone. Once complete, this giant started to shrink and approach Daniel.

"Daniel. It's good to see you again." Said Buriath while curving his rocky lips into a genuine smile.

"Buriath. I've come to fulfill my promise." Responded Daniel while smiling back at him.

Buriath tilted his head in confusion and asked "Already?.."

"Already.." Said Daniel while reaching with his hand. The next moment, the perfect earth treasure appeared in his palm.

Without waiting to see the earth elemental's reaction to his move, Daniel started to surround the perfect treasure with his spiritual essence. He then turned it into pure and perfect earth essence, and fed it to the earth treasure.

One by one, Daniel shaped the earth essence into thousands of forms and combinations, and demonstrated all the affected caused by mixing earth with other essences.

It took Daniel more than ten hours and half of the karma points he had just obtained to finally complete the perfect earth essence sphere.

The sphere looked like a precious gem with thousands of faces, and each face was composed of a different mineral. Some of which were so clear that one could notice the sphere's stony core through them.

The earth essence emitted by the sphere was so pure and heavy that, if not controlled, the sphere would be able to instantaneously fill the entirety of the pocket dimension in stone.

Daniel approached Buriath, which was looking at Daniel with shaky legs. He then handed the sphere to him.

"Y-you.. R-really did it.." Said Buriath with an emotional tone. The rest of the young elementals immediately approached Buriath and started to stare at the perfect earth essence.

"As I've promised." Responded Daniel with a large smile on his face. "In our future travels, we will find a quiet place for your race to live peacefully."

Buriath couldn't help but split his enthusiastic looks between the sphere and Daniel. Then, after a minute of thinking, the smile on his face disappeared as he said. "You have been fair with me human.." He then looked at the rest of the younger earth elemental