Soul Land 2: The Unrivaled Tang Sect - Volume 17, Chapter 151.1 Extreme Teaching

Volume 17, Chapter 151.1 Extreme Teaching

Xian Lin'er said, “Let me introduce to the two of you. This is teacher Gao Sheng, and he'll be responsible for guiding you guys in the art of makeup and concealment. Learn from him.”

He Caitou mumbled pitifully, “Dean Xian, are you going to let us rest for a little while before we continue our other lessons? We will be more efficient that way. We have consumed too much soul power.”

Xian Lin'er snapped, “This will be the last time I hear you whine. Every minute that you have is precious. You don't need soul power to learn the art of makeup and the art of concealment. You will naturally recover your energy and your soul power during the process. Begin, teacher Gao. Fan Yu, you'll stay here to monitor their progress. If they slack off even a little bit—hmph!”

Gao Sheng walked elegantly before the two of them and made the gesture of a cymbidium with his right hand. He said softly, “My two students,...

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