SORCERESS 101 - Chapter 125

Chapter 125

When the initial shock left her, Mu Lingxi realized that she was about to get late in their cla.s.s . Running at full speed, she dashes straight to their cla.s.sroom .

Good thing that the cla.s.s has yet to start when she arrived . She was still panting heavily on her seat when Teacher Nana entered the cla.s.sroom .

As soon as Teacher Nana stepped inside, a fragrant smell that would leave anyone intoxicated drifted in the air .

All of the students can't help but turn their heads in her direction . Teacher Nana was as beautiful as ever . Just her very presence spoke volumes of elegance . A true G.o.ddess through and through .

She looks like an enchantress that steps straight out of a beautiful portrait . A deity that descended on the mortal world to grace it with her charm and grace .

Advertis.e.m.e.nt"Today, we will be studying the arts of Black Magic . I will go and teach you some basic spells so I hope that you can learn them in no time . Are you ready?"

Her voice is as beautiful as her face . It was not loud, but it was not too soft either . It was on a moderate phasing and every word she said seems to linger in one's ear as if the whispering of a lover .

"I have prepared some practical spells that can be useful in your everyday lives . Also, I prepared some types of  mild offensive spells that you can make use when facing certain danger . "

Spellcasting can be divided in two ways .

Magic spells that don't have much offensive ability tend to be chanted longer and some require preparations prior to its activation .

While conveniently, spells that were used for offensive attacks can be cast instantly as it will only take a few breaths to enchant its spell .

"Alright, since most of you here are fresh students, I am going to teach you a little trick . It just so happen that, there is such a spell that could help you remember everything that you memorized on a single night . "

Teacher Nana was pertaining to the RETENTION SPELL . This spell has its equal share of boon and bane .

The perk of learning this spell is that this spell will allow one to retain every information that they memorized the night prior to its usage .

Now, the bane of its spell aside from it has a time span for its effectivity is it also require its user to use its source, example the book, and place it under the pillow and literally sleep with it .

for visiting .

But this spell also comes with its own shortcomings . The light s.h.i.+eld requires the caster to continuously pump surges of magic qi to sustain it . Although PEST BUSTER SPELL only needs a small amount of magic qi to be activated, maintaining it for a long period of time is still quite taxing .


"So this one should be 'Oh-Diniroh-Plaas-MhNafigi' . . . . "

"This spells proves to be a little troublesome to enchant . Aside from the fact that it uses unfamiliar language, it's quite lengthy . "

"Cla.s.s, don't worry because those problems that you were experiencing right now is just normal . But once you get used to it in the future, you'll eventually learn to enchant it and master it by heart . "

"By the way, I also have a Ch.o.r.e SPELL . This kind of spell is usually used in households . You can apply this one once you go back to your homeland . "


This spell allows the dishes to wash itself . It was more like a telekinesis ability . Thus it requires a bit of focus, as sometimes things might end up messy if one's losses control over it .

"The enchantment of this spell should sound like, 'TafyatPlinit.i.ton-Yaftho-Sas' . . . "

"Err . . Is it just me? Cause I really find this spellcasting cla.s.s much more like a tongue twister activity . "

"Yeah, . . I kinda think so"Memory retain!Pesky creature be goneAye dishes wash yourself