Sophie Mills: The Accidental Mother - Sophie Mills: The Accidental Mother Part 31

Sophie Mills: The Accidental Mother Part 31

Ben Nicholson's painting St. Ives Version Two (1940) helps Bella cope with the death of her mother. When did you first see this painting? Are you a fan of the St. Ives school of art, like Carrie?

I first found out about the St. Ives School of Art when reading a book called The Fatal Englishman by Sebastian Faulks. His description of one ill-fated St. Ives artist led me to find out more and I first saw the painting Version Two where it actually hangs in the Tate Gallery in St. Ives. I fell in love with it and the work of Ben Nicholson, Barbara Hepworth, and other St. Ives artists on the spot. I love the idea that they were trying to do something new, create a new world of hope and beauty. St. Ives is a still a wonderful place with a magical kind of light that to this day is chock-full of artists and craftspeople inspired by its unique properties.

The Accidental Mother was a big hit in the U.K. Are you excited to bring this book to the U.S.? Do you think Americans can relate to Sophie Mills as strongly as British readers have?

I am hugely excited that my book is being published in the U.S. and I truly hope that the American audience will relate to Sophie Mills as strongly as U.K. readers have! I'm fairly certain they will, though, because Sophie's story is a universal one and her dilemmas are ones that women all around the world experience.

Although the novel ends on a romantic note, we don't know exactly what lies ahead for Sophie, Louis, Bella, and Izzy. Do you envision their living happily ever after in Cornwall? Have you considered continuing the story of this "accidental" family?

Curiously I hadn't thought about writing a sequel until you asked. Now I'm wondering why I haven't had that idea! I'd love to write a sequel and if circumstances and my existing writing commitments will allow, then I certainly will. For now I see them happy and together, facing the future united.
