Socialism and Democracy in Europe - Part 28

Part 28

---- _The international Workingmen's a.s.sociation--The Civil War in France._ An address to the General Council of the International, 1871.


DAVE, V.: _Michel Bakunin et Karl Marx_, 1900.

ENGELS, F.: _The International Workingmen's a.s.sociation_, 1891.

FROEBEL, J.: _Ein Lebenslauf_--for an account of Marx vs. Bakunin.

GUILLAUME, J.: _L'Internationale: Doc.u.ments et Souvenirs_, 1905.

JAECKH, GUSTAV: _L'Internationale._ An English translation was published in 1904.

JAEGER, E.: _Karl Marx und die Internationale Arbeiter a.s.sociation_, 1873.

MAURICE, C.E.: _Revolutionary Movements of 1848-9_, 1887.

TESTUT, O.: _L'Internationale--son origine, son but, son principes, son organisation_, etc. Third edition, 1871. A German edition translated by Paul Frohberg, Leipsic, 1872.

---- _Le Livre Bleu de l'Internationale_, 1871.

VILLETARD: _History of the International._ Translated by Susan M.

Day, New Haven, 1874.

_Ein Complot gegen die Internationale Arbeiter a.s.sociation_, 1874, gives a careful version of the Marxian side of the Bakunin controversy.

"International Workingmen's a.s.sociation"--"_Proces-verbaux, Congres a Lausanne_," 1867.

_Troisieme Congres de l'a.s.sociation Internationale des Travailleurs_, Brussels, 1868.

_Manifeste aux Travailleurs des Campagnes._ Paris, 1870.

_Manifeste addresse a toutes les a.s.sociations ouvrieres_, etc.

Paris, 1874.

_International Arbeiter a.s.sociation Protokoll._ A German edition of the Proceedings of the Paris Congress, 1890, with a valuable Introduction by W. Liebknecht.


JAEGER, EUGEN: _Geschichte der Socialen Bewegung und des Socialismus in Frankreich_, 1890.

JAUReS, JEAN: _L'Armee Nouvelle--L'Organisation Socialiste de la France_, 1911. The initial installment of the long-promised account of the Socialist state.

LAVY, A.: _L'Oeuvre de Millerand_, 1902. An appreciative history of Millerand's work. Contains many doc.u.ments, speeches, etc.

PEIXOTTO, J.: _The French Revolution and Modern Socialism_, 1901.

VON STEIN, LORENZ: _Der Sozialismus und Communismus des Heutigen Frankreichs_, 1848.

WEIL, GEORGES: _Histoire du Mouvement Socialiste en France_, 1904.


BERTRAND, LOUIS: _Histoire de la Democratie et Socialisme en Belgique depuis 1830_, 1906. Introduction by Vandervelde.

---- _Histoire de la Cooperation en Belgique_, 1902.

BERTRAND, LOUIS, et al.: _75 Annees de Domination Bourgeois_, 1905.

DESTReE et VANDERVELDE: _Le Socialisme en Belgique._

LANGEROCK, H.: _Le Socialisme Agraire_, 1895.

STEFFENS-FRAUWEILER, H. VON: _Der Agrar Sozialismus in Belgien_, Munich, 1893.

VANDERVELDE, eMILE: _Histoire de la Cooperation en Belgique_, 1902.

---- _Essais sur la Question Agraire en Belgique_, 1902.

---- Article on the General Strike in _Archiv fur Sozial Wissenschaft_, May, 1908.


BEBEL, AUGUST: _Die Social-Demokratie im Deutschen Reichstag._ A series of brochures detailing the activity of the Social Democrats--1871-1893. Of course from a partisan point of view.

---- _Aus Meinem Leben_, 1910. An intimate recital of the development of Social Democracy in Germany.

BERNSTEIN, EDWARD: _Ferdinand La.s.salle und Seine Bedeutung fur die Arbeiter Kla.s.se_, 1904.

BRANDES, GEORG: _Ferdinand La.s.salle: Ein Literarisches Charakter-Bild._ Berlin, 1877. An English translation was published in 1911. This is a brilliant biography.

DAWSON, W.H.: _German Socialism and Ferdinand La.s.salle_, 1888.

---- _Bismarck and State Socialism_, 1890.

---- _The German Workman_, 1906.

---- _The Evolution of Modern Germany_, 1908.

EISNER, K.: _Liebknecht--Sein Leben und Wirken_, 1900. A brief sketch of the veteran Social Democrat.

FRANK, DR. LUDWIG: _Die Burgerlichen Parteien des Deutschen Reichstags_, 1911. A Socialist's account of the rise of German political parties.

HARMS, B.: _Ferdinand La.s.salle und Seine Bedeutung fur die Deutsche Sozial-Demokratie_, 1909.