Slave Of The Aristocracy: A Gentlemen's Agreement - Part 19

Part 19

"Very well, then," Lord Snow said. "If you are willing to risk your life's work, then surely I can risk a single slave."

"Done," the professor said. "What do you have?"

"Full house, kings high." Lord Snow laid his cards on the table. "Only a straight flush or four of a kind can beat it, so if you don't have either of those hands, I will look forward to receiving delivery of your devices."

"Both a straight flush and four of a kind are rare hands," the professor said. "I have neither one nor the other."

Peach groaned softly.

"But you are incorrect on one particular." The professor shook his head slyly.

Lord Snow raised an eyebrow. "And what is that?"

"There is a third hand that can beat a full house, kings high."

The blood drained from Lord Snow's face. "No." He could barely articulate the word.

"Yes," the professor said and laid down his own full house, aces high.

Lord Snow stared at the professor's cards in shock. Then he raised his eyes to Irene and said, "I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry."

Irene felt like she was going to faint. She was now the property of the county's most feared s.a.d.i.s.t.

The professor rose from the table and said, "Thank you for a most enjoyable evening, Lord Snow. We can settle the tab for my chips at your convenience. If you don't mind, I'll take my new property home with me, now."

Lord Snow didn't answer. He was too stricken to speak. He kept staring at the cards lying on the table.

The professor stepped to Irene and offered his hand. "Come, dear. Let me show you to your new home. I have a most delightful bed for you to nestle in tonight. Though, I must say, I'm going to enjoy it far more than you are. It does lack something in comfort."

The portly s.a.d.i.s.t escorted his new slave from Lord Snow's manor out to his car.