Shoujo Grand Summoning - Chapter 1182: Three magicians who are on par with spirits

Chapter 1182: Three magicians who are on par with spirits

Chapter 1182: Three magicians who are on par with spirits

Tengu city, inside a s.p.a.cious mansion.

Wu Yan scratched his cheek. While seated in the guest hall, he took a look around him to see meticulously designed windows and wide verandas.

Are all idols so rich?

Dont phrase it like that.

Miku turned her head the other way in dissatisfaction. .medrectangle-3-multi-146{border:none !important;display:block !important;float:none;line-height:0px;margin-bottom:15px !important;margin-left:0px !important;margin-right:0px !important;margin-top:15px !important;max-width:100% !important;min-height:250px;min-width:250px;padding:0;text-align:center !important;}

Youre the first male to ever come to my house, rejoice

Really? Alright, I will take you up on your offer

Wu Yan grabbed the cup of tea in front of him and he started sipping tea.

These tea leaves arent bad, however, the technique used to brew this pot of tea needs further refinement to produce a better taste

Ara, you talk like an expert

Miku isnt pleased to hear Wu Yans critique, she pouted like a child who had her toy messed with.

Youre just a man. You should be happy with water, much less tea.

Too bad for you, I like drinking black tea.

Wu Yan tipped his cup a bit.

Its also why I can rate your tea.

If you know I brew it then just drink it in grat.i.tude and shut your yap!

Miku turned to look at the twins who were having a blast pointing at whatever was in the courtyard. She sighed.

Ah~ Why did you have to be on the committee as well? Kaguya and Yuzuru would have been fine. I only need girls on my interschool committee.

I know you have a thing for s.e.xual discrimination. I also know you like treating men like flies, why am I still offended?

Wu Yan bitterly laughed. He lowered his cup of tea. .medrectangle-4-multi-147{border:none !important;display:block !important;float:none;line-height:0px;margin-bottom:15px !important;margin-left:0px !important;margin-right:0px !important;margin-top:15px !important;max-width:100% !important;min-height:250px;min-width:250px;padding:0;text-align:center !important;}

But, I still need to thank you for taking care of Tohka and the others. I would have been troubled if it were not for you.

I dont mind taking them for the rest of my life.

Well, I do.

Wu Yan shot Miku down without hesitation. Miku is obviously not happy to hear this. She glanced at Wu Yan before asking him.

Who is the lady from last time, is she a magician?

Wu Yan was reaching for his cup of tea before pausing. He looked at Miku who spotted a serious look.

Whats the matter? Are you afraid she might come looking for trouble?

Wu Yan was prepared to be met with jeers from Miku for this tongue-in-cheek question. But, Miku nodded sternly.

I dont know how to describe it but that person felt completely different when compared to the other magicians I fought in the past. She felt dangerous

Wu Yan flinched. He reckoned that Miku isnt pranking him before shaking his head.

I almost forgot youre already a spirit. Since you can sense danger that means youre not just good at singing, why do you a.s.sume youre nothing without your powers?

D-dont lecture me

Miku leered at Wu Yan.

I know you understand me well, stop bringing up my old past, okay? Its annoying

Well, whatever I guess

Wu Yan shrugged.

I already made preparations for a fight of attrition, I dont mind holding off for now.

Can you just answer my question already?

Miku placed her palm to her temple as if she was having a stress headache.

I have been stressing out over this matter. Also, she called you a spirit, didnt she? Are you really a spirit?

Ignoring whether or not I am a spirit for now

Wu Yan waved his hand. He stared straight into her eyes.

Shes a dangerous person. If you fight with her then youre going to lose for sure.

Miku wanted to retort.

Its only natural that she wanted to protest.

Spirits are walking calamities in this world.

Miku hasnt been a spirit for long. But, she already mastered her power so she knows just how powerful spirits can be.

Miku also fought against magicians in CR units. The magicians had to group up to fight her. Even then, the magicians can barely defend themselves from her attack. Why should she care about one single magician? How could another human possibly take a spirit like her all by herself?

Plus, Miku has a bias against humanity, she didnt want to subscribe to the idea that someone can beat her.

However, the feeling of oppression Ellen gave her during the day of the concert still stuck with Miku. She couldnt find an argument to retort.

This is the second time she felt powerless like this. The first time was when she fought against Wu Yan.

Frustrated, Miku followed up with another question.

Can humans become stronger than spirits?

I know its hard to believe

Wu Yan bitterly laughed.

There are three humans with power equal if not outright greater than spirits.


The twins also heard Wu Yan and Mikus conversation.

There are actually humans stronger than spirits?

Kaguya couldnt believe her ears.

There are three such humans?

Doubt, Yuzuru finds this hard to believe.

Yuzuru placed her hands behind her back with a frown. She tilted her head.

Kaguya and Yuzuru fought ever since we first manifested. Prior to Fading, we never encountered magicians. The humans we have seen are also paper tigers without any threat at all.

Well, you girls never fought magicians so

Wu Yan sipped from his cup of black tea.

He continued while looking at the three spirits.

Since you girls dont know about them then I am going to enlighten you. It wouldnt be fun if you messed up because you underestimated your enemies.

The three spirits held their breaths. With eyes on Wu Yan, they perked up their ears.

Wu Yan nodded in satisfaction.

The human magicians are powerful because they equipped a pseudo-magic equipment known as Combat Realizers. The lethality of these magicians depends on the users and the CR unit. Talent is an important bottleneck in this equation.

Among the humans, there are three humans with exceptional proficiencies with CR units.

He pointed at the cup of black tea in front of him. The surface of the tea started rippling.

A girl with a tear-drop mole near her eye appeared on the surface of the tea. The girl had a blue ponytail.

Shes known as Takamiya Mana, one of the three exceptionally talented magicians. Shes also augmented with artificial mana techniques that gave her the ability to punch above her weight despite being younger than most magicians. Shes someone who can kill weaker spirits all by herself.

However, Mana has defected to Ratatoskr, the organization I am affiliated with. Shes an ally so you dont have to worry about her

Wu Yan pointed at the cup of tea once more. The surface rippled as an expressionless girl with white hair appeared in it.

Shes Tob.i.+.c.hi Origami, a member of AST. Shes not that powerful but her talent and abilities as a magician are far above most in her line of field. Shes talented at handing powerful CR units. Shes actually held back by the inferior equipment the AST are using. Given a better CR unit, she will no doubt exhibit her lethality as a magician who is stronger than Mana.

However, since shes still in AST, we dont have to worry about her for now. If you meet her then get out of her way, dont provoke her.


Wu Yan changed Origamis image to Ellens image.

This person is dangerous, very dangerous.

If you ever encounter her by yourself then use every ounce of your power to escape.