Shakespeare's First Folio - Part 446

Part 446

Sur. Ha's the King this?

Suf. Beleeue it

Sur. Will this worke?

Cham. The King in this perceiues him, how he coasts And hedges his owne way. But in this point All his trickes founder, and he brings his Physicke After his Patients death; the King already Hath married the faire Lady

Sur. Would he had

Suf. May you be happy in your wish my Lord, For I professe you haue it

Sur. Now all my ioy Trace the Coniunction

Suf. My Amen too't

Nor. All mens

Suf. There's order giuen for her Coronation: Marry this is yet but yong, and may be left To some eares vnrecounted. But my Lords She is a gallant Creature, and compleate In minde and feature. I perswade me, from her Will fall some blessing to this Land, which shall In it be memoriz'd

Sur. But will the King Digest this Letter of the Cardinals?

The Lord forbid

Nor. Marry Amen

Suf. No, no: There be moe Waspes that buz about his Nose, Will make this sting the sooner. Cardinall Campeius, Is stolne away to Rome, hath 'tane no leaue, Ha's left the cause o'th' King vnhandled, and Is posted as the Agent of our Cardinall, To second all his plot. I do a.s.sure you, The King cry'de Ha, at this

Cham. Now G.o.d incense him, And let him cry Ha, lowder

Norf. But my Lord When returnes Cranmer?

Suf. He is return'd in his Opinions, which Haue satisfied the King for his Diuorce, Together with all famous Colledges Almost in Christendome: shortly (I beleeue) His second Marriage shall be publishd, and Her Coronation. Katherine no more Shall be call'd Queene, but Princesse Dowager, And Widdow to Prince Arthur

Nor. This same Cranmer's A worthy Fellow, and hath tane much paine In the Kings businesse

Suff. He ha's, and we shall see him For it, an Arch-byshop

Nor. So I heare

Suf. 'Tis so.

Enter Wolsey and Cromwell.

The Cardinall

Nor. Obserue, obserue, hee's moody

Car. The Packet Cromwell, Gau't you the King?

Crom. To his owne hand, in's Bed-chamber

Card. Look'd he o'th' inside of the Paper?

Crom. Presently He did vnseale them, and the first he view'd, He did it with a Serious minde: a heede Was in his countenance. You he bad Attend him heere this Morning

Card. Is he ready to come abroad?

Crom. I thinke by this he is

Card. Leaue me a while.

Exit Cromwell.

It shall be to the Dutches of Alanson, The French Kings Sister; He shall marry her.

Anne Bullen? No: Ile no Anne Bullens for him, There's more in't then faire Visage. Bullen?

No, wee'l no Bullens: Speedily I wish To heare from Rome. The Marchionesse of Penbroke?

Nor. He's discontented

Suf. Maybe he heares the King Does whet his Anger to him

Sur. Sharpe enough, Lord for thy Iustice

Car. The late Queenes Gentlewoman?

A Knights Daughter To be her Mistris Mistris? The Queenes, Queene?

This Candle burnes not cleere, 'tis I must snuffe it, Then out it goes. What though I know her vertuous And well deseruing? yet I know her for A spleeny Lutheran, and not wholsome to Our cause, that she should lye i'th' bosome of Our hard rul'd King. Againe, there is sprung vp An Heretique, an Arch-one; Cranmer, one Hath crawl'd into the fauour of the King, And is his Oracle

Nor. He is vex'd at something.

Enter King, reading of a Scedule.

Sur. I would 'twer somthing y would fret the string, The Master-cord on's heart

Suf. The King, the King

King. What piles of wealth hath he acc.u.mulated To his owne portion? And what expence by'th' houre Seemes to flow from him? How, i'th' name of Thrift Does he rake this together? Now my Lords, Saw you the Cardinall?

Nor. My Lord, we haue Stood heere obseruing him. Some strange Commotion Is in his braine: He bites his lip, and starts, Stops on a sodaine, lookes vpon the ground, Then layes his finger on his Temple: straight Springs out into fast gate, then stops againe, Strikes his brest hard, and anon, he casts His eye against the Moone: in most strange Postures We haue seene him set himselfe

King. It may well be, There is a mutiny in's minde. This morning, Papers of State he sent me, to peruse As I requir'd: and wot you what I found There (on my Conscience put vnwittingly) Forsooth an Inuentory, thus importing The seuerall parcels of his Plate, his Treasure, Rich Stuffes and Ornaments of Houshold, which I finde at such proud Rate, that it out-speakes Possession of a Subiect

Nor. It's Heauens will, Some Spirit put this paper in the Packet, To blesse your eye withall

King. If we did thinke His Contemplation were aboue the earth, And fixt on Spirituall obiect, he should still Dwell in his Musings, but I am affraid His Thinkings are below the Moone, not worth His serious considering.

King takes his Seat, whispers Louell, who goes to the Cardinall.

Car. Heauen forgiue me, Euer G.o.d blesse your Highnesse

King. Good my Lord, You are full of Heauenly stuffe, and beare the Inuentory Of your best Graces, in your minde; the which You were now running o're: you haue sca.r.s.e time To steale from Spirituall leysure, a briefe span To keepe your earthly Audit, sure in that I deeme you an ill Husband, and am glad To haue you therein my Companion

Car. Sir, For Holy Offices I haue a time; a time To thinke vpon the part of businesse, which I beare i'th' State: and Nature does require Her times of preseruation, which perforce I her fraile sonne, among'st my Brethren mortall, Must giue my tendance to

King. You haue said well

Car. And euer may your Highnesse yoake together, (As I will lend you cause) my doing well, With my well saying

King. 'Tis well said agen, And 'tis a kinde of good deede to say well, And yet words are no deeds. My Father lou'd you, He said he did, and with his deed did Crowne His word vpon you. Since I had my Office, I haue kept you next my Heart, haue not alone Imploy'd you where high Profits might come home, But par'd my present Hauings, to bestow My Bounties vpon you