Shakespeare's First Folio - Part 415

Part 415


Bra. I am in this, commanded to deliuer The n.o.ble Duke of Clarence to your hands.

I will not reason what is meant heereby, Because I will be guiltlesse from the meaning.

There lies the Duke asleepe, and there the Keyes.

Ile to the King, and signifie to him, That thus I haue resign'd to you my charge.


1 You may sir, 'tis a point of wisedome: Far you well

2 What, shall we stab him as he sleepes

1 No: hee'l say 'twas done cowardly, when he wakes 2 Why he shall neuer wake, vntill the great Iudgement day

1 Why then hee'l say, we stab'd him sleeping

2 The vrging of that word Iudgement, hath bred a kinde of remorse in me

1 What? art thou affraid?

2 Not to kill him, hauing a Warrant, But to be d.a.m.n'd for killing him, from the which No Warrant can defend me

1 I thought thou had'st bin resolute

2 So I am, to let him liue

1 Ile backe to the Duke of Glouster, and tell him so

2 Nay, I prythee stay a little: I hope this pa.s.sionate humor of mine, will change, It was wont to hold me but while one tels twenty

1 How do'st thou feele thy selfe now?

2 Some certaine dregges of conscience are yet within mee

1 Remember our Reward, when the deed's done

2 Come, he dies: I had forgot the Reward

1 Where's thy conscience now

2 O, in the Duke of Glousters purse

1 When hee opens his purse to giue vs our Reward, thy Conscience flyes out

2 'Tis no matter, let it goe: There's few or none will entertaine it

1 What if it come to thee againe?

2 Ile not meddle with it, it makes a man a Coward: A man cannot steale, but it accuseth him: A man cannot Sweare, but it Checkes him: A man cannot lye with his Neighbours Wife, but it detects him. 'Tis a blushing shamefac'd spirit, that mutinies in a mans bosome: It filles a man full of Obstacles. It made me once restore a Pursse of Gold that (by chance) I found: It beggars any man that keepes it: It is turn'd out of Townes and Citties for a dangerous thing, and euery man that means to liue well, endeuours to trust to himselfe, and liue without it

1 'Tis euen now at my elbow, perswading me not to kill the Duke

2 Take the diuell in thy minde, and beleeue him not: He would insinuate with thee but to make thee sigh

1 I am strong fram'd, he cannot preuaile with me

2 Spoke like a tall man, that respects thy reputation.

Come, shall we fall to worke?

1 Take him on the Costard, with the hiltes of thy Sword, and then throw him into the Malmesey-b.u.t.te in the next roome

2 O excellent deuice; and make a sop of him

1 Soft, he wakes

2 Strike

1 No, wee'l reason with him

Cla. Where art thou Keeper? Giue me a cup of wine

2 You shall haue Wine enough my Lord anon

Cla. In G.o.ds name, what art thou?

1 A man, as you are

Cla. But not as I am Royall

1 Nor you as we are, Loyall

Cla. Thy voice is Thunder, but thy looks are humble

1 My voice is now the Kings, my lookes mine owne

Cla. How darkly, and how deadly dost thou speake?

Your eyes do menace me: why looke you pale?

Who sent you hither? Wherefore do you come?

2 To, to, to- Cla. To murther me?

Both. I, I

Cla. You sca.r.s.ely haue the hearts to tell me so, And therefore cannot haue the hearts to do it.

Wherein my Friends haue I offended you?

1 Offended vs you haue not, but the King

Cla. I shall be reconcil'd to him againe

2 Neuer my Lord, therefore prepare to dye

Cla. Are you drawne forth among a world of men To slay the innocent? What is my offence?

Where is the Euidence that doth accuse me?

What lawfull Quest haue giuen their Verdict vp Vnto the frowning Iudge? Or who p.r.o.nounc'd The bitter sentence of poore Clarence death, Before I be conuict by course of Law?

To threaten me with death, is most vnlawfull.

I charge you, as you hope for any goodnesse, That you depart, and lay no hands on me: The deed you vndertake is d.a.m.nable