Sex Genie: Pleasing My Master - 348 What Happened To The Genie?

348 What Happened To The Genie?

His temporary block didn't keep him safe for long. It was just near impossible to keep the fast moving Hanif far enough away. With great strength, Hanif gripped him by his s.h.i.+rt, and with a forceful swish, cast him about to the other side of the room. Stephen landed in a crumpled heap near the middle of the floor.

"You should have left her to die!" Hanif roared, who quickly crossed the distance, and laid a brutal kick against his sides once more. The world exploded in pain for Stephen, who rolled away with a slight howl to the opposite side of the room to get away.

"You can't save her! You can't even save yourself!"

Hanif was there once more, his fists pummeling against targets on his face, chin, and torso. Stephen absorbed the blows with yelps of pain and despair, trying his best to get away from the warden and back to his bat, the only protection he had. It was just too hard to out-run or out-move the powerful man.

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Another toss across the room landed him within arm's reach of the bat. Stephen's weak fingers reached out, making contact with the grainy wood finish, before the bat was kicked away by Hanif, who raised the helpless man back up parallel with his body, and roared in his face.

"Now, you will perish like her!"

Almost feeling the blow before it happened, he steeled his face to absorb the punishment. Yet the weight of Stephen's body caused a momentarily stumble in Hanif's footing, pulling him forward and putting him within arm's reach of Stephen's limbs. Stephen now had a single shot to inflict a great amount of pain, and he took it. Balling his fist back, he launched it directly into the warden's crotch.

Hanif let out a cry of pain as his grip loosened on Stephen. He hit his knees in pain, allowing Stephen to scamper out of his reach. In desperation, he grabbed both discarded weapons still laying on the floor. Carrying Hanif's knife in one hand and the baseball bat in the other, he awaited the warden's next move.