Serrano - Rules Of Engagement - Serrano - Rules of Engagement Part 44

Serrano - Rules of Engagement Part 44

I've heard of Brun taking any military training. And 'shot at'-was that part of a course, or something else?"

"One thing at a time," Vida said, suddenly looking more like the admiral she was. "Brun was accepted as a civilian trainee-she signed up for courses in search and rescue, and similar adventurous things. I was hoping, frankly, that she'd realize how well her talents suited us and join Fleet formally."

"Brun?" Marta snorted. "You could no more make that girl into an officer than a mountain cat into a sheepdog."

"So it seems. Perhaps she was on her best behavior with me. At any rate, while she was there, she was the target of at least two assassination attempts-one nearly fatal, in part because she insisted on doing what everyone else did, and eluding her assigned security detail. Her father wanted her to leave, and she refused. He recognized Lieutenant Suiza from all the publicity, and tried to enlist her help in making his daughter cooperate with her security detail. Apparently his daughter did agree, and things went along fairly well for a few weeks. Witnesses say that she kept trying to make friends with Suiza, who wasn't willing."

"Why?" Marta asked.

Vida shrugged. "Who can know? She was taking extra courses herself, doubling up, but all we know for sure is that she and Brun quarrelled the night before the field exercise in escape and evasion. Lieutenant Suiza was extremely rude and abusive-I've heard the tapes myself-and according to some sources, she had been previously heard to make disparaging remarks about the senior Families and the Grand Council. Highly unprofessional."

"Why didn't this come out at the time of the courts-martial?" Marta asked. "Surely if she'd had a bad reputation, it would have been a matter of some interest during the investigation of the mutiny."

Vida threw out her hands. "I don't know. I wasn't involved in that investigation, except in the most preliminary stages; all the background work was done at headquarters. Frankly, I had trouble believing that of her-I'd met her several times, you know-but the scan record is undeniable.

Moreover, she admits she said those things to Sera Meager."

"Odd," Marta said. She filed that away in the same mental cubbyhole as the sleek blonde's remark.

"So-what happened to Brun, then?"

Vida related what was known. "We're keeping it as quiet as we can, which isn't very. The newsfeeds have agreed, for now, but who knows when they'll change their mind? Clearly these people want it known: they keep leaking vid and other material-everything except location-to the newsfeeds.

Worse, we still do not know where she was taken-and until we know that, we can hardly formulate a plan to get her out. The Guernesi are cooperating in every way, but so far we are still sifting through a very large sandpile looking for one very small diamond."

"Well." Marta gazed past Vida at the wall screen-a pattern of slowly shifting bands of color-for a long moment. "I'll tell you what I've accomplished. I put Bunny to bed with his stomach full of decent food, and I think I've terrorized the medical staff into keeping him down for at least ten hours."

"I am impressed."

"You should be. I presume you wanted me for my knowledge of the region?"

"Your ships travel it regularly-we wondered if there was anything in any of the logs that might reveal a trace of the ship or ships that Brun was on."

"What are we looking for?"

"A Boros Consortium container ship-a heavy-called the Elias Madero, perhaps traveling in association with one or more ships of about patrol-class."

"I presume you want this information extracted without informing my entire staff?"

"If possible, yes."

"I'll do the datasuck myself." Marta stood up. "Now you, m'dear, need to take my advice to Bunny.

A hot meal, a long sleep. For a woman your age, you look like hell."

Vida laughed. "Yes, Marta. Are we convening the aunt's coven again?"

"No . . . Cecelia would be no help on this, and her feelings for Brun would be almost as obstructive as Bunny's. You and I should be able to handle it."

"If your esteemed friend will quit putting obstacles in my path," Vida said, shaking her head.

"He's so convinced there's a conspiracy of Serranos, I'm lucky to be still on the task force."

"Um. I'll see what I can do, when he's had some sleep. I should at least be able to insist on his eating and sleeping on a sane schedule. Now, what can you give me for doing the suck on my own database?"

"Well . . . we've gathered the best we've got. Take your pick-here's my private list." Vida handed over a data cube. "You might want to work through Heris; she's got the really good techs with her at the moment."

"Fine. Now what's our conference schedule?"

Between meetings and a long and abortive attempt to extract data about the Boros ship from her own databases (no one had reported anything like it), Marta pottered about, as she thought of it, listening and learning how Fleet fit together. Much like any large organization, including her own pharmaceutical firms, but subtly different. Yet it was made up of people, and people were people the universe over.

Take this matter of Esmay Suiza. She had heard of Suiza-everyone with a newsfeed had heard of Suiza, first for the Battle of Xavier, and then for the Koskiusko affair. A rising young hero, a tactical genius, a charismatic leader. And she was here, executive officer of a ship in the task force . . . but she was not here . . . nowhere in the lists of officers tasked with this or that planning, was Esmay Suiza listed. Her captain sat in on some meetings . . . she never had, it seemed.

It seemed stupid. Suiza was the obvious source of recent, detailed knowledge of Brun's performance and attitudes. Surely Bunny's irrational dislike wasn't affecting everyone's judgement. Was she on some secret assignment? When she turned out to be on leave, that seemed the most likely explanation. But according to gossip, she was in disgrace, and had been sent away.

A cover story, of course. Marta wondered what kind of cover story they'd concocted. She knew what she would have done. She managed to be in one of the rec rooms one evening, looking by design as close to a potty old woman as she could manage, and kept her ears open.

Of course, they all knew who she was, in a way. Ordinary old civilian women weren't hanging out in the junior officers' recreation room. But they all had grandmothers, and she had perfected an earthy chuckle in the years of having nieces and nephews and cousins visiting. Soon she had a circle around her, bringing her drinks and snacks, and chatting happily.

She didn't even have to drop the topic herself. A female ensign nudged another. "Look-there's Barin now."

They both looked, and Marta looked too. A darkly handsome, compact young man with a worried expression made his way across the room to the drinks dispenser; that same sleek blonde followed him.

"With Casea on his heels," the other ensign said.

"Lieutenant Ferradi to you, Merce-she is senior." That was a male jig, whom Marta had already pegged as stuffy and overly precise.

"She is what she is," the ensign said. Her eyes slid to Marta, encountered the unexpected, and she blushed.

That confirmed what Marta had already expected. These young people-so transparent.

"It's too bad," the first ensign said. "I'd like to get to know him, but I can't-"

"Well," said the jig, "she may be . . . whatever . . . but she's better than Suiza, and that's who he was supposed to like before."

Marta gave him a smile for doing her work for her, and cocked her head. "Suiza? That girl who's the hero?"

Nervous glances, eyes shifting from side to side. No one spoke for a moment, then the first ensign said quietly, "She's-not such a hero right now, Sera."

"Why?" asked Marta, ignoring the signals that this was a ticklish subject. Directness often worked, and besides, it was more fun. But this produced more sidelong looks, more shifting about.

Finally, the same ensign answered.

"She-said bad things about the Speaker's daughter. Said she didn't deserve to be rescued."

Marta blinked. That was not the kind of cover story she would have invented, and it wasn't something Admiral Serrano had told her. She had mentioned a row at Copper Mountain, but nothing since. That kind of rumor could hang around and damage someone's career years later. "Are you sure?" she asked.

Nods, some reluctant. "It started before, is what I heard," the jig said.

"It's all rot!" another jig said. "I don't believe it-someone made it up-"

"No, it's true. They have a tape. I heard Major Crissan talking to Commander Dodd, and he said he heard it himself. She quarrelled with Sera Meager at Training Command, something about a course they were both in, and they nearly asked for her commission."

"I don't see what you could say bad enough for that."