Sense - Chapter 101: Proving the process with results (4)

Chapter 101: Proving the process with results (4)

The bus left the airport and stopped in front of a building with the long name, Shanghais First Peoples Hospital International Medical Center.

Dowook got off the bus and looked up at the designated hospital he had to come to work for the next three days.

The five-story L-shaped hospital was painted a simple gray color, so it gave off a very different feeling from Korean hospitals.

It feels a bit like a prison.

A Chinese person was waiting at the entrance and approached Dowooks group.

Welcome, everyone. Im Zhang Wen, the director of the International Medical Center here at the First People's Hospital. If everyone could follow me?

Zhang Wen spoke in fluent English as he guided the doctors into the building.

Our International Medical Center is a center that operates as an outpatient center, emergency center and wards for foreign patients and VIPS that is separated from the rest of the hospital. During the G20 event, you may use the resources from the emergency center to treat patients.

Dowook passed through the emergency center and saw that it was equipped with the latest technology and confirmed that the interior was not that different from Korean hospitals.

The specialized severe trauma area in the general hospital level seemed to have a perfect sterilization system.

That can be used as an operating room.

The fact that VIPs came to this area meant that only the rich among the Chinese could come here. The treatment of VIPs differed from Korea, and it seemed that this area was created solely for one patient.

Zhang Wen stopped in front of the reception desk and continued to explain.

If you talk to the nurses here, they will provide you with all medical supplies you need. If you need to treat a patient urgently, please feel free to use the beds over there. All international staff can speak English, so please dont worry.

Zhang Wen, who led people to a private lounge in the emergency center, disappeared after telling them to call him if they had any questions.

The doctors, who were tired from the constant travel, sat down in the lounge.

Dowook also sat at a table with Professor Lee, and the French doctor Claude Castle.

How old are you, Dr. Park?

34. Ah, no, Im 32.

Following the global rules of calculating age, Dowook answered with the reduced number. He didnt feel any guilt over it.

Wow. Coming here and representing your country at that age, you must be very skilled.

The professor is the representative. Im just here temporarily.

Minister Kims illness couldnt be mentioned lightly since it was a secret to other countries.

Claude pointed at Ellie, the Spanish doctor sitting alone, and poked Dowook.

Dr. Ellie is also 32 years old. Same age as you. You must have a lot of common interests, and its a great sin to let a beauty sit by her lonesome. Go talk to her.

Even seeing the American and British doctors, who were quite handsome, being rejected, he suggested such a thing. French culture seemed to be quite open when it came to expressing interest in others.

Dowook smiled lightly and answered.

If I go talk to her by myself, it wouldnt be fair to my girlfriend who is in Korea.

Oh, already? Im sorry. Then I can call her over without things being awkward. Dr. Ellie!

At Claude's loud voice, Ellie turned around.

Don't be bored over there. Come and talk to us. None of us will flirt with you. Promise.

Although everyone expected her to decline, she unexpectedly moved. As a result, the table for four was occupied.

Claude spoke to Ellie who sat down beside him.

Since you already know me and Dr. Lee from last year, we'll skip the introductions. This is Dr. Park. Name is Do-Ook?

At Claude's introduction, Dowook bowed toward Ellie.

It's pronounced Dowook.

Im Ellie de Armas.

Although the table had doctors from Spain, France and South Korea, Claude was the one leading the conversation.

Dr. Ellie and Prof. Lee also helped slightly by stating their predictions on how the international medical community would change as a result of the G20 meeting.

Dowook just listened and learned what the main agenda was.

Studies have shown that antibiotic-resistant infections will cause more deaths than cancer by 2050.

Those ALF bastards are just brainless. The antibiotic resistance problem should be dealt with immediately by revising international health rules. To think they gathered to prevent that. Dr. Ellie, what do you think about their psychological state?

It is an organization that believes that the value of human and animal lives are the same, so they show a radical tendency to risk their lives.

Dowook, whod been listening while only nodding his head, looked around the room because he felt a hostile gaze from somewhere.

Garrett, the American doctor, was glaring at him.

Dowook couldnt ask openly but he figured the other doctor was jealous since the British doctor was sending a similar gaze toward him.

He didnt do anything but was misunderstood. Dowook wondered if he should tell them that he had a girlfriend.

Why dont I take a look around the hospital for a moment?

Dowook coughed and said.

Im sorry to interrupt. I saw a store by the entrance. Im going to buy a drink. Is there anything you want? Theres only hot green tea here.

Wine would be best in this kind of atmosphere. Its a shame, the suns still up.

Then, grape juice for Dr. Cassel?

Claude smiled brightly while shaking his head.

The taste of artificial sweeteners in grape juice isnt that good. Carbonated water for me.

Ellie also asked for carbonated water while Prof. Lee ordered just water.

Dr. Park, Ill pay for it.

No, its alright. I also exchanged more than enough currency.

You dont have to keep feeling apologetic. And the person requesting should pay in situations like this.

Prof. Lee handed Dowook 200 yuan. Then he pointed to the other people in the room.

Since were going to the store, why dont we buy according to the number of people here? Ill go with you.

Its not that heavy. Its fine. And if you dont mind, please speak casually. You are my senior after all.

Dowook left the resting area by himself.

He was looking at the Chinese drinks and snacks in the shop when he heard the sound of an ambulance.

This sound is pretty universal.

He thought it might be one of the delegates so he turned to look outside. As the back door of the ambulance opened, the patient brought in by the paramedics was a local. A shout in Chinese could be heard even in the shop.

Traffic accident?

Blunt force trauma in the chest and abdomen. It didnt look like there were any obstructions or hernia. In that case, rather than hurriedly preparing for surgery, hemodynamic stabilization was enough.

Dowooks gaze softened as he judged that the situation was not serious.

Recently, he could roughly make out what was wrong with a patient just by looking at them.

The training, where he used Chief Ji Hwi-gwans sense, was of great help.

Although he couldnt diagnose at 100%, he was almost 70-80% correct when thinking of his recent time at the emergency center.

While he was paying for the drinks, his phone rang. It was a group text informing them of the events progress.

It also mentioned the scheduled end of the official event of the first day.

If its 7 pm, theres still 4 hours left.

It was clear he would continue to be bored during that time so he sighed quietly and returned to the lounge.

When he put the bag down on the table, Prof. Lee called everyone over.

If anyone wants a drink, please come over here.

South Koreas offering cold drinks. Why dont we use this chance to introduce ourselves?

Claude called out right away.

As people gathered, the atmosphere relaxed slightly.

As people whod experienced similar missions, Prof. Lee and Claude were extraordinary. Even the cold Dr. Ellie didnt seem as annoyed by them.

Englands Dr. Grant took a sip of juice and pointed to the emergency area where the Chinese staff was busy.

That patient in bed 1. Do you think its a circulatory or respiratory problem?

At this question, the doctors all turned to the large window in the lounge. Come to think of it, the inside of the emergency room was clearly visible from here. It was structured so doctors could run out at any time.

It seems to be a heart problem. The patient doesnt look so sick, but hes getting ready for a chest ultrasound.

Scanning the chest doesn't mean it's a heart problem. I think it's asthma. Breathing difficulties have calmed down, but ultrasound is performed to determine the risk of secondary breathing problems.

Hearing the opinions of the German and Italian doctors, the British doctor who asked the question laughed.

Both of you have a point but if that were so, there would be no need to inject that.

The two doctors were wrong. The American doctor Garrett spoke.

There is one reason I would intravenously inject adenosine. Blood flow load. I'm preparing to test for coronary artery disease.

The laughter in the mouth of the British doctor, who was about to show off, disappeared. It made people realize that Garrett had said the right answer.

Garrett immediately pointed to bed no. 3.

Car accident patient. I saw a special lesion before the accident. Does anyone know?

Its blunt trauma, but it doesnt seem to need open surgery. Since its not blocked damage. I think he was in a very safe car during the accident

Garrett nodded at the British doctors response even though he was a bit disappointed the other doctor got it right.

From that moment.

Instead of waiting in boredom for patients that did not usually come, the doctors showed off their professional knowledge while watching the rush of Chinese patients rush in.

As expected of doctors, Dowook thought that this was an interesting way to pass the time as he observed.

The person who answered the question would ask the next question and several answers would come from different directions. Even Dr. Ellie, who seemed indifferent to the conversation, watched the situation with interest.

Garrett, who obtained the right to ask the next question by accurately diagnosing the digestive problem of the Canadian internal medicine doctor, turned his head toward Dowook, who was sitting toward the back.

How come you arent saying a single thing, Dr. Park?


Would you like me to ask an easy question so you can take part without worries?

He was just sitting there watching everyone, but was suddenly provoked. Dowook turned to Prof. Lee.

Professor, if I meddle here it wont cause an international incident or something like that will it?

Haha. How would that be possible?

Then, Ill just say a few words and come back.

Garrett pointed to a patient being treated in a corner but kept his gaze fixed on Dowook.

Twisted pelvis. If you look at the patients pain complaint, its a high energy damage, but in what direction do you think it fractured? The time limit is until the X-ray results come back.

Pelvic fractures all have unique fracture shapes rather than uniformity. Therefore, Garretts question was difficult to answer unless one specialized in the field.

The British doctor frowned at Garrett.

Its not fair to ask a question that even you dont know the answer to.

I already know. Ill write it down here.

Garrett wrote his diagnosis on the paper and turned to Dowook.

Do you have anything to say, Dr. Park?

Just a moment.

Garrett smiled when the Korean doctor looked at the patient with a serious expression. After confirming that Ellie was looking at them, he smiled more brightly.

Ugh, it keeps tingling.

Dowook was trying to look at the patient with Commander Gs sense but the sense of the American doctor kept rushing in. There was no reason to be fair, but he deliberately didnt use Garretts sense since they were representing their countries.

Dr. Greer.

Garrett, whod been staring at the Spanish ice beauty, turned at Dowooks call.

Did you write vertical conflict in the notebook? Based on the hipbone, in the back and upward direction..

Garrett, who was holding the paper, paused. Dowook pointed at the patient and asked back.

The patient's pelvic soft tissue is severely damaged, so he needs to perform screw insertion immediately. Which screw should be fixed to which hip bone to minimize neurovascular damage?

What! How can you judge that without an X-ray?

Garrett raised his voice. Dowook beckoned silently for the paper. He scribbled an answer and returned the paper to Garretts hand.

Even if Im right, you should still ask the next question, Dr. Greer. Im still tired from jet lag.

The time difference between Seoul and Shanghai was an hour. He didnt know if the other doctor knew that but Dowook turned around and returned to his seat.

Prof. Lee asked in a low voice.

Dr. Park, are you that sure about your answer?

I just had a gut feeling so I tried it out.

Commander Gs sense which had been created from saving numerous severe trauma patients never discriminated against patients because of their race.

Whats written on the paper, Dr. Greer?

Garrett read the trauma treatment plan Dowook wrote with incredulity.

Inserting the ceiling screw from the edge of the hip to the second hip bone. Beware of damage to the C2s pelvic ring.

The British doctor, who was looking at the X-ray closely, laughed and looked at Garrett.

You got hit quite hard for acting out. You got the chance to ask a question. Hurry up and ask.

Garrett glared at Dowook.

An orthopedic surgeon from Korea is participating in the G20 mission?

At the question, Claude answered instead of Dowook.

Dr. Greer. Are you misunderstanding something? Dr. Park is a neurosurgeon.


Why dont you stop before you get more humiliated? I think youre just on completely different levels.

Garrett Greer, a promising specialist at Johns Hopkins Emergency Center, had no choice but to stare at Dowook, who managed to point out the most effective treatment method for the patient when he wasnt an orthopedic nor an emergency surgeon.