Select List of Books ... Relating to the Far East - Part 9

Part 9

=Wiedenfeld=, Kurt. Die sibirische Bahn in ihrer wirtschaftlichen Bedeutung.

_Berlin: Julius Springer, 1900. (4), 202 pp. Map. 8^o._

"Begins with an historical survey of the Russian occupation of Northern Asia; then takes up the history of the Trans-Siberian railway from its inception and considers its commercial importance and its effect upon the development of Siberia, with much statistical information. The sources of information are given in footnotes."


=1891.= The Siberian railroad.

_Railroad gazette, vol. 23 (July 10, 1891): 476._

Review of report of Nicolai Woloshinow.

=1893.= The western section of the Trans-Siberian railroad. Michel Nicolaevich Ghercevanof.

_Railroad gazette, vol. 25 (Feb. 17, 1893): 132-133._

=1893.= The Siberian railroad [progress of the enterprise].

_Railroad gazette, vol. 25 (Dec. 8, 1893): 890._

=1894.= The political and economic importance of the great Siberian railway. Hermann Schonfeld.

_Engineering magazine, vol. 7 (July, 1894): 467-473._

=1896.= The climate along the route of the Trans-Siberian railroad. Frank Waldo.

_Railroad gazette, vol. 28 (Apr. 10, 1896): 256-257._

=1896.= The Siberian railroad. Herbert H. D. Peirce.

_Railroad gazette, vol. 28 (Aug. 7, 1896): 553-554._

=1896.= The Siberian railroad.

_Railroad gazette, vol. 28 (Oct. 23, 1896): 737-738._

"A list of articles relating to the Siberian railroad which have appeared in the 'Railroad gazette.'"

=1896.= The great Siberian railway.

_Engineer (London), vol. 82 (Nov. 6, 1896): 459._

=1896.= The Trans-Siberian railway.

_Engineering news, vol. 36 (Nov. 19, 1896): 322-324._

=1897.= From London to the Far East by railway.

_Engineering, vol. 63 (May 14, 1897): 649-650._

=1897.= Siberian railway extension in China.

_Engineer (London), vol. 83 (June 4, 1897): 562._

=1897.= The Manchurian extension of the Trans-Siberian railway. With map.

_Engineering news, vol. 38 (Nov. 11, 1897): 308-309._

=1898.= La Siberie et le Transsiberien. Le pays et ses habitans. Le chemin de fer. Pierre Leroy-Beaulieu.

_Revue des deux mondes, vol. 146 (March 15, 1898): 324-358; vol. 148 (Aug. 15, 1898): 808-844._

=1898.= The Trans-Siberian railway: its new terminus in China. Clarence Cary.

_Forum, vol. 25 (May, 1898): 285-299._

=1898.= The Trans-Siberian railway. [Details from the Report of the Imperial commission to the Tsar.]

_Engineer (London), vol. 85 (June 3, 1898): 519-520; vol. 86 (July 8, 1898): 25-26; (July 29, 1898): 99-100._

=1898.= Quinquennial report of the Committee for building the Siberian railroad.

_Railroad gazette, vol 30 (Sept. 16, 1898): 663-664._

=1899.= The Trans-Siberian railway and the coal resources of Siberia.

_Iron and coal trades review, vol. 58 (Jan. 27, 1899): 151-153._

=1899.= The Trans-Siberian railway.