Select List of Books ... Relating to the Far East - Part 15

Part 15

_Nation, vol. 76 (May 21, 1903): 411-413._

=1903.= j.a.pan and Manchuria.

_Speaker, n. s., vol. 8 (May 2, 1903): 111-112._

=1903.= Russia in Manchuria.

_Spectator, vol. 90 (May 16, 1903): 768._

=1903.= American interests in Manchuria.

_American exporter, vol. 52 (June, 1903): 34._

=1903.= Eastern Siberia and Manchuria. George Frederick Wright.

_Chautauquan, vol. 37 (June, 1903): 245-262._

=1903.= Russia and Manchuria. E. J. Dillon.

_Contemporary review, vol. 83 (June, 1903): 884-894._

=1903.= The mischief in Manchuria. Wirt Gerrare.

_Fortnightly review, n. s., vol. 73 (June, 1903): 1051-1059._

=1903.= Conquest by bank and railways, with examples from Russia in Manchuria. Alfred Stead.

_Nineteenth century and after, vol. 53 (June, 1903): 936-949._

=1903.= The Manchurian outlook.

_American exporter, vol. 52 (July, 1903): 9._

=1903.= Our Manchurian trade. American pioneer [Sergey Friede] talks of Russia's performances and intentions in that region.

_American exporter, vol. 52 (July, 1903): 15._

=1903.= Russia and Manchuria.

_American monthly review of reviews, vol. 28 (July, 1903): 87-88._

=1903.= The reopened door.

_Nation, vol. 77 (July 23, 1903): 65-66._

=1903.= The Chinese eastern (Manchurian) railway. Alfred Stead.

_Page's magazine, vol. 3 (July, 1903): 21-28._

=1903.= Russia, Manchuria and Mongolia. Alexandre Ular.

_Contemporary review, vol. 84 (Aug., 1903): 189-208._

=1903.= The Manchurian peril. E. R. Thompson.

_New liberal review, vol. 6 (Aug., 1903): 72-81._

=1903.= Au j.a.pon et en Mandchourie. Souvenirs de l'an dernier. Paul Labbe.

_Questions diplomatiques et coloniales, vol. 16 (Aug. 1, 1903): 198-220._

=1903.= Transsiberien-Transmandchourien. Andre Brisse.

_Revue de geographie, 27e annee (Aug., 1903): 97-111; (Sept., 1903): 215-228._

=1903.= Mandchourie et Coree. Robert de Caix.

_Comite de l'Asie francaise. Bulletin mensuel, 3. annee (Sept., 1903): 362-363._

=1903.= The Russification of Manchuria. Alexander Hume Ford.

_Era magazine, vol. 12 (Sept., 1903): 199-210._

=1904.= Les Russes en Mandchourie. B. de Zenzinoff.

_a travers le monde, vol. 10 (Feb. 13, 1904): 49-52._

=1904.= En Mandchourie: les Khoungouses. Francis Mury.