Rising Tides - Quinn Brothers 2 - Rising Tides - Quinn Brothers 2 Part 181

Rising Tides - Quinn Brothers 2 Part 181

a Saturday night special shoved through the open window of a stolen

Toyota Celica. The finger on the trigger had belonged to a close

personal friend--or as near to a close personal friend as a

thirteen-year-old thief could claim on Baltimore's bad streets.

The bullets missed his heart. Not by much, but in later years Phillip

considered it just far enough.

That heart, young and strong, if sadly jaded, continued to beat as he

lay, his blood pouring out over the used condoms and crack vials in the

stinking gutter on the corner of Fayette and Paca.

The pain was obscene, like sharp, burning icicles stabbing into his

chest. But that grinning pain refused to take him under, into the

release of unconsciousness. He lay awake and aware, hearing the screams

of other victims or bystanders, the squeal of brakes, the revving

engines, and his own ragged and rapid breathing.

He'd just fenced a small haul of electronics that he stole from a

third-story walk-up less than four blocks away. With two hundred fifty

dollars in his pocket, he had swaggered down to score a dime bag to help

him get through the night. Since he'd just been sprung from ninety days

in juvie for another B and E that hadn't gone quite so smoothly, he was

out of the loop. And out of cash.

Now it appeared he was out of luck.

Later he would remember thinking, Shit, oh, shit, this hurts! But he

couldn't seem to wrap his mind around another thought. He'd gotten in

the way. He knew that. The bullets weren't meant for him, in particular.

He'd caught a glimpse of the gang colors in that frozen three seconds

before the gun had fired. His own colors, when he bothered to associate

himself with one of the gangs who roamed the streets and alleys of the


If he hadn't just popped out of the system, he wouldn't have been on

that corner at that moment. He would have been warned to stay clear, and

he wouldn't be sprawled on the street, staring into the dirty mouth of

the gutter while his lifeblood pumped out of him.

Lights flashed--blue, red, white. Dully, he watched them turn the gutter

trash into bright, nasty gifts. The scream of sirens pierced through

human screams. Cops. Even through the slick haze of pain, his instinct

was to run. In his mind he sprang up--young, agile, street-smart and

melted into the shadows. But even at the effort of the thought, cold

sweat slid down his face.

He felt a hand on his shoulder, fingers probing until they reached the

thready pulse in his throat.

This one's breathing. Get the paramedics over here.

Someone turned him over. The pain was unspeakable, but he couldn't

release the scream that ripped through his head. He saw faces swimming

over him, the hard eyes of the cop, the grim ones of the medical

technician. Red, blue, and white lights burning his eyes. Someone wept

in high, keening sobs.

Hang in there, kid.

Why? He wanted to ask why. It hurt to be there. He was never going to

escape as he'd once promised himself he would. What was left of his life

was running red into the gutter. What had come before was only ugliness.