Rise Of The Immortal Wraith - 24 Heading Home

24 Heading Home

Though it was strange, he was feeling a pull towards something or someone amongst them, there was this desire to become whole in that crowd. Shaking his head to shake the feeling, he didn't have time for this, he rode his horse to the black tree he had planted only a little more than half a year ago.

Touching the tree he began chanting, this spell would turn off the other obelisks and this one would return to its smaller form, able to be replanted should he choose to. Though he was going to give it to the tree in Void city to absorb any remnant energy, that tree was also connected to the silver trees and could be used to control them as well.

The tree slowly reverted to a tiny version of itself, putting the obelisk away he turned to the large group of elves that were being loaded onto the wagons for easier transport. They looked nearly defeated, ragged even, as though they had nearly lost everything. He had misjudged the number of his pale skinned kin, they were easily over a thousand not including their children.

He would hear the report as soon as they made it into his city, his undead minions had secured the southern gate with ten thousand undead prepared to defend him if need be. His ravens let him know that there was a large formation of guards leaving from many of the n.o.ble houses, most likely in an effort to subjugate his people once again.

Giving the command he began the evacuation to the southern gate, the guards would not be able to catch them even if they were on steeds. This time at the back of the crowd with his knights, Salem watched as the elves moved on foot, most of the wagons had been occupied by children or tools and some clothes.

Most of the a.s.sets he had were already within his new home, within a few minutes they arrived at the gates exiting Koftas, the crowd moved forward while Salem sat and waited on his horse for the n.o.bles to arrive. He had left a small surprise for this city that dared to threaten him and he wanted to deliver it personally.

He had summoned all of his wraiths and even began to make more, he was becoming rather adept at this strange spell, he could now convert eight out of ten tries, a huge increase from his appalling three out of ten success rate after trying it out in the beginning.

Using the miniature tree as a source of power, he could cover hundreds of skeletons at a time, converting most of them in just a few moments while others became dust in the wind. During his spellcasting, Salem felt the barrier holding his power back finally weaken, he finished the spell quickly and disregarded the new wraiths.

He began meditating on his horse putting the world out of his mind, he absorbed the power of the worlds beyond his sight, it gathered until he felt nearly bloated and slammed it into the barrier, immediately there was a cracking sound and he repeated the action shattering the barrier with only his second blow.

"Congratulations master Salem, your energy levels are rising rapidly and should stabilize in a few minutes, your new power has increased your spells tiers by one. For being the first to reach this tier you will be granted a gift, a suitable mount to be specific as I have taken notice that you do not possess one capable of flight.

As you know the wraith wings ability won't have flight abilities until you reach beyond tier six, making long distance travel a burden on you and your knights. I have the means to take the wildlife of your choosing and design an evolutionary path for it to follow. Though it will take time for it to evolve into its final evolutionary stage and become very powerful, it will still be very useful in combat compared to any mortal mount."

He thought to himself the system was right, like usual, it had foreseen an issue and was prepared to a.s.sist him in becoming stronger in an indirect way, it never offered anything for free. Well, only those two books about mating had been given to him without charge.

Name:Salem Belegast

Location:Country->??? City-> Minas l.u.s.ta mil Luna

CP: 1.150.000

Race: (High) Void Elf

Physique:Tier- 3 Stage- 0

Agility:Tier- 3 Stage- 0

Intelligence:Tier- 3 Stage-0

Wisdom:Tier- 3 Stage-1

Devour- Absorb(T-3)

Mind- Alure(T-4), Mind Control(T-3)

s.p.a.ce- Short range teleport(T-3), Pocket Dimension(T-5)

Death- Raise Undead(T-4), Command Undead(T-4), Death Bolt(T-3) , Promote Undead (T-2)




Wraith-Soul Brand-3


Wraith knights:21

Wraiths: 10.000

Skeletons: 30.100

Undead captains:7

He was quite pleased with his current numbers, though he had lost quite a few skeletons it wouldn't be detrimental to his plans. All of his abilities had risen a tier and he would be able to use more power now that he had climbed the ranks, all of his spell work would also gain from the enhanced strength.

Taking his eyes away from the information due to the guards finally arriving, Salem motioned for his troops to slowly head to Fort Ko, the n.o.bles and guards followed from a distance. Once he arrived at the fort guarding the entrance to the tunnel Salem mounted the tall stone wall waiting for his audience to appear.

Lord Renwei rode towards the wall with his retinue, Salem looked down on the foolish city lord, there were a few other older n.o.bles with him he a.s.sumed they were the city lords compet.i.tion. Smiling Salem was going to enjoy letting them know that he would not be bullied into a trade, nor would he submit to slavery. If that was on the table he would unleash a ma.s.sacre on Koftas and just turn them all to wraiths.

"What brings you to elven lands Lord Renwei?" Salem called down to the city lord.

A n.o.ble riding next to the city lord had lines across his face, "These aren't elven lands! How dare you claim what is ours, you filthy slave!"

"Oh? Before your pathetic clans could even walk, this was the land of the elves so I would argue that you are on my land, but I won't argue with you over it. This fort is the border between your lands and mine, is there anything else I can clarify for you human?" Salem called down disgust and anger clearly in his voice.

Lord Renwei motioned for the n.o.ble to step back anger at having his authority being undermined, "Lord Belegast, we had an agreement that you would offer us aid against the undead for coin and materials, we held up our end of the bargain. Why have you declared that you would bring down the barrier protecting Koftas?" the city lord asked keeping his anger in check.

"The contract was violated when that guard captain attempted to arrest, defame, and threaten me with slavery. When you go over the contract you will find a clause that no charges or arrests can be made towards me or those under my protection for two years, it hasn't even been a full year since it was signed so I have canceled the agreement."

"If there is nothing else I need to tend to my refugees, you are always welcome in Void city, however." Salem tuned and walked a few feet before stopping to look at the stunned faces of the n.o.bles, "I almost forgot to mention, the barrier is already been lowered, you should return quickly to your posts.

Wouldnt want anything to breach the forts, who knows what might get into the city"

Salem left the n.o.bles to enjoy the run all the way back to the battlefield.