Rise Of The Immortal Wraith - 1 Immortals And Gods

1 Immortals And Gods

Once I subjugate the heavens no one will be able to stand before me, and I think we shall start with the G.o.ds they are too prideful to believe that us humans would strike at them now that they have the upper hand in their war".

"Big brother are you sure this is the best path?" walking alongside the Emperor towards the grand formation's center was a young immortal in black imperial robes with a golden sun decorating his chest, his short black hair, and sharp appearance were only noticed briefly before attention was brought to his eyes.

They held a pair of suns just beneath their depths. "I'm sure there is a better way to defeat these intruders but subjugating the heavens and sneak attacking the G.o.ds surely will just bring about more problems."

He looked up at his older brother in golden robes, long silver hair, and with the same sharp features, he looked into his eyes that held a nebula of stars that seemed would go on forever.

"Don't worry so much little brother by the time they realize what is happening the G.o.ds will be weakened enough that they can't retaliate in a short amount of time and the demons won't come after us because we could be a potential ally."

"All we have to do is watch as they tear each other apart until we can eliminate them both, alright that's enough talk for now you should be prepared for what's to come I doubt the heavens are going to kneel without a fight".

Nodding and walking away the Solar Immortal's eyes flashed briefly with disappointment.

As the other immortals got into position the Emperor moved to the center of the grand formation his younger brother standing behind him he began to channel his immortal ki into this monstrous formation that spanned one-third of the cultivation worlds.

As the formations connected the Heavens came to life as a pressure more profound and terrifying than one's mind could even fathom fell upon the immortals gathered within the emperors' palace. The world itself began to shake, some of the immortals had blood upon their lips and some knelt upon the ground as cracks began to form around each of them.

The Emperor looked upon the heavens with disdain, how dare the heavens be above him he would bring the Heavens beneath his feet no matter what price he had to pay.

On every world connected to the grand formation magic and demon beasts ran and hid the world itself under so much pressure all life even cultivators and normal humans knelt unable to stand and the Heavens themselves sought out the enemy that conspired against its right to be above all. The Seas raged the oceans turned and civilizations knelt before the might of the heavens.

"Its finally ready" the Emperor grinned, his tattered robes and near broken body still standing, scorch marks and craters all over the palace a quarter of the immortals here were dead with the rest with varying injuries. The Heavens above the Emperor with all their majesty and might almost brought low by this human remained and prepared for a final blow against this usurper.

As the heavens gathered its might one last time the Emperor's b.l.o.o.d.y face revealed glee and madness within his eyes this was the moment that he was waiting for as he moved his hands to trigger the formation.


clink clink clink clink

Blood splashed upon the ground, "AHHHH" the Emperor howled in agony as he saw a spearhead penetrating through his abdomen. The spear blazing with Divine energy, his arms, and legs bound in chains made from the same energy as the spear. The pain brought by these weapons burned not only the flesh but gripped burned and ate at his very soul. As he looked around him there now stood around him five G.o.ds covered in armor with divine energy glowing at the seams unable to see their faces a chill went up the Emperors spine.

"Are you prepared for your punishment human?" the G.o.d holding the spear spoke in a deep voice that shook the air around him."For whAhhh!" the Emperor screamed as the spear was savagely turned inside his stomach blood pouring from the from the exit wound on his stomach."Don't ask stupid questions human," turning to his fellow G.o.ds he motioned for them to begin.

The heavens above starting to dissipate the emperor began to panic, everything was falling apart he would be unable to bring his plan to fruition the only thing he could do was bide his time and destroy these interlopers as soon as they let their guard down.

"Great lord, we are ready to proceed" a G.o.d to the Emperors left reported.

The Greatlord nodded his ascent just as he was about to speak the Emperor moved his hand towards talisman he kept around his neck dragging the G.o.d that had spoken earlier closer to him catching her off guard.


A fist struck the side of his head and someone s.n.a.t.c.hed the talisman from his neck "Enough older brother this is your punishment for what you planned to do, all those lives that would've been lost for your ridiculous plan!"

His head reeling from the blow and the shock of the one who spoke, he tried to look up at his little brother when the Greatlord spoke again"We take from you your right to reincarnate!" the spear in his stomach and the chains on his body flashed with power a ripping sound came from inside him he felt like he had lost something vital deep in his soul.

He screamed until he was hoa.r.s.e he turned to look at his younger brother who had tears streaming down his face "Why?!" he questioned his only brother.

"Because you do not deserve to be Emperor."