Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife - Chapter 59: Miao Zifu’s Fear

Chapter 59: Miao Zifu’s Fear

Hearing the words she had written coming from the crowd, Miao Zifus face turned even paler than white.

Shes the same person in the photo! Someone else picked up the photo and started to make a comparison.

Suddenly, a mans voice rang out, sounding apprehensive. I think Ive seen this person before in a nightclub!

A tossed stone raises a thousand ripples. Miao Zifu desperately wanted to search for somewhere to hide. In fear and trepidation, she looked towards An Yexuan. He had remained cool and quiet since the beginning, but his lips were tightly pressed together. Miao Zifu knew that this expression signified that An Yexuan was in a horrible mood.

Suddenly, a middle-aged woman yelled out, Shes taken a liking to a rich young master! No wonder!

The crowd started jeering and swearing at Miao Zifu, and she was instantly drowning in a pool of criticisms and curses. At that moment she was thrown into a state of confusion and didnt know how to react. She had no clue how things had escalated to this point.

Yexuan, you must believe me. You must believe that this isnt true. The more she tried to cover it up, the clearer the truth.

What did you say? Why would I appear in a nightclub for no reason? Youre maliciously slandering me. Are you sick of living? Pointing at the man who spoke earlier, Miao Zifu hated that she couldnt tear him apart.

Whats wrong? You were shouting so loudly, such a feisty girl. Thats right, you showed exactly this temperament. Back then I wanted to drink you with, but you pretended to be haughty. It seems like you really do know how to act.

Miao Zifus anger made her lose her mind as she lurched forward to knock him out.

The scene became chaotic and quickly got out of hand. An Yexuan felt his face grew numb and he finally yanked Miao Zifu from within the crowd, hurling her into the car. A police car also arrived shortly after.

After she calmed down, Miao Zifus body started shivering. What happened to her earlier? She had let An Yexuan see that side of her. No, it shouldnt have been like this.

She did not understand why things had intensified so quickly and within such a short period of time.

Yexuan Miao Zifu opened her mouth, terrified.

An Yexuan offered Miao Zifu no chance to speak. He said plainly, Zifu, Ill send you home.

Miao Zifu didnt dare to speak anymore but she inwardly started hating on Duan Qiushu. Thinking of Duan Qiushu, she was reminded of that man in the crowd. She had his face imprinted in her head. If she had no other choice, she would make them hold their silence forever.

After dropping off Miao Zifu at her home, An Yexuan was ready to leave. Frightened, Miao Zifu hugged him. Yexuan, dont go. Im scared. Please dont leave.

Zifu, calm down. I have other matters to deal with. An Yexuan kept his cool composure throughout her pleas.

Miao Zifus heart was in utter misery. He had never truly cared about her. If it had happened to Chu Feier, he would have already gone on a rampage.

Yexuan, have you forgotten how Feier left us? If you leave this place, Ill burn everything down and end things once and for all. No matter what happened, she must keep An Yexuan by her side. She was afraid that once An Yexuan left today, she would never see him again.

At the mention of Chu Feier, An Yexuans body froze. After some thought, he strongly flung Miao Zifu away. Rest. Ill stay here and wont leave.

An Yexuan didnt leave even during the dead of the night. He stood by the window all night with cigarette butts strewn all over the ground. The faint embers lingered, just like his mind.

The next day, the police came knocking and requested for Miao Zifu. Someone has sued you for fraud. Miss Miao, please leave with us!