Return Of The 8th Class Mage - Chapter 168.1 Coming to a Close (1)

Chapter 168.1 Coming to a Close (1)

Chapter 168.1: Coming to a Close (1)

168 Part 1

Return of the 8th Cla.s.s Mage 168 Coming to a Close (1)


Fran Page had felt some surprise at Ians antics, but he scoffed after discovering the draught. He did not avoid it or tear himself away. Fran was just looking down on him.

Yes, you have spoken among yourselves that youll overtake me to make me swallow that potion. Youre going to enter my mind world. All right, thats a great plan. However, will that be possible? Do you think Ill open my mouth?

Fran was in perfect condition rather than being unable to battle, and it would be impossible to force him to swallow the potion.

Ian, I do not know how you came back, but resistance is futile. You will know that better than anyone else.


However, Ian did not step back even a little and even seemed to have found confidence in Frans words. His faint smile was evidence.

Do you know that Im more than what you have made of me? I have too much burden to live as one of your metaphysical forms. While that had not been my intentions, things happened that way.

His ego as Ian Page had become much stronger than Fran Pages form. Fran also had noticed that fact, since their faint connection had been completely severed.

I know that.


Ian let go of Frans collar and uncorked the vial.

Oh, youre going to feed it to me?


Ians next act was unexpected as he turned the vial upside down, so the liquid fell.

Youre going to announce your surrender?

That was a lie.

The drops stopped in mid-air, and they were sprayed over Fran in an instant. However fast Fran was, he could not avoid all of the drops.

What are you doing?

The back of Frans hand was wet with the draught, and he asked in an annoyed tone.

I told you that it was a lie. This draught is not for drinking.


If I must categorize this

A sudden change was happening to Fran as Ian began to talk.

Its more of an ointment.

As he had said, grotesque bubbles burst out of the potion on Frans hand.

What did you!

From now,

The bubbles spread all over Frans body, and the speed astonished even Fran.

Ill take away your immortality.

Like that announcement, Ians own metaphysical form in the vial entered Frans mind world. There were tens of thousands of Fran Pages locked in pink membranes in his mind world, and the environment was similar to what Ian had seen in his own mind world. Actually, except for the number of souls trapped here, they were the same.

Its beyond imagination.

Fran Page had overused his power over time to fragmentize that many dimensions and used them as extra lives.

This madness ends now.

Ians metaphysical form began to collect mana in Fran Pages mind world, and while not as much as his original self, he could use a substantial amount of magic.

Spirit Cutter.

Spirit Cutter was a spell that cut down spirits literally. As Ian activated the spell, gray magic blades appeared in his right hand. It was high-cla.s.s black magic he had learned when destroying the Immortal Troops of the Eastern Plains.

With a grunt, Ian swung the long blade widely, and the training he received from Oliver now saw the light. Loud booms rang where the Spirit Cutter swept, and they were cries Fran Pages souls made as they disappeared. Since hundreds of souls disappeared with a slice, the sound had to be loud.

Please rest, souls poisoned with madness that have fallen to become expendables!

Ian cut, cut and cut Fran Pages souls again, and shouts rang everywhere.

[Please let me live! Please!]

[I did not do anything wrong!]

[We were only consumables!]

Fran Pages souls cried at the injustice they suffered, but Ian did not stop.

[Stop! Stop right now!]

[You b.a.s.t.a.r.d who does not know your benefactor!]

[You d.a.m.n..]

The reason was simple. A mind world was the heart of a soul that possessed the body, and these souls have been left alone for a long time in such a s.p.a.ce. They had to have been affected negatively, and they were Frans souls, to begin with. There was a high possibility that they had fallen at the moment the dimension had been fragmented.

Ian let out rough breaths as he could not count how many souls he had cut. Ians speed decreased, and he looked worn out.

I have to end this as fast as possible

His opponent was Fran Page, who was the greatest magician and the source of all evil. He would find a new countermeasure, and he had to remove all souls before Fran could do so.


While there were thousands left, Ian could already hear Frans voice. Not only that, but a human form came in from the innermost corner of the pink mind world, as Frans mind also entered.

I was light on you since youre of my blood. I gave you special treatment, but youve gone too far.

Fran mumbled gloomily as he spat out each word.

Ill send you off without any pain, and your other form goes first!

Fran showed his true colors, and he did not move like a mage. He closed the distance between him and Ian with low and fast footsteps like a well-trained knight, and not unlike Oliver. He took out a magic blade like a knight would unsheathe a sword.

That blade went through Ians abdomen. Even as he did not feel pain or bleed since he was a metaphysical form, his body now became faint as it would disappear at any moment.

However, as a metaphysical form was made of ones soul and memories, Ian could feel a hollow pain.

Please wait outside since I will kill you myself. Do you understand?

Fran almost held victory in his hands, and he spoke with confidence. However, Ians response had been unexpected, as he raised his lips in a smile.

Youve hit the b.u.t.ton. His words were full of nuances.

Lets see the end. Fran Page.


(Spirit Explosion.)

Cracks appeared in Ian Pages stabbed form, and the faint body looked like it would explode at any moment.


Fran immediately understood the situation. Ian had a way he could attack all souls in Frans mind world with one sweep. However, he had not done so at the beginning since he wanted to lure the soul in control of Frans body to the mind world to hold him off for a while.

As the explosion shook the axis of the mind world, Ians original self, who had received his forms memories, moved on to the next step.