Return of the Frozen Player - Chapter 38: The Auction (1)

Chapter 38: The Auction (1)

The Auction (1)

A soft spotlight clicked on, and a middle-aged man got onto the stage. The emcee of the global auction was the famous Donny Lochifield. He was famous for being a pleasant, cheerful host, but today, his face was serious.

Even a person as famous as him is nervous.

Well, think about where he stands.

Todays auction wasnt some talk show. It wouldnt be an exaggeration to say that all the most powerful people in the world were gathered here. People on the internet were even calling it a global summit.

Ladies and gentlemen, I am your host for tonight, Donny Lochifield. He looked a bit nervous, but he was a professional. First, Ill explain how the auction will work. If you look at your seats, there will be a small remote.

Its this. Gong Juha picked up a remote from her large, comfortable seat.

Bidding is simple. Simply press the green button and enter your desired bid. It was an easy system even for those whod never been to an auction. Im sure youre all excited, so I wont keep you waiting. We will now begin the auction. The first item is the sword of the Lion King, Richard

As the item was brought onto the stage, it was projected onto a large hologram screen.

Mr. Snake head, is there anything you want to get today?

Not really. How about you?

Well, me too Im not here as a bidder. Gong Juha looked down at her security armband. She sat up straighter. Im a professional, so I have to do my job properly.

I dont think you can say that when you were gambling during working hours Seo Jun-ho replied half-heartedly, getting lost in his thoughts. Last night, hed seen the memories of a Watchdog in a dark alley and realized.

I cant defeat Arma alone. He was impossibly powerful. Seo Jun-ho had thought he would be able to handle him alone, but that was a big miscalculation.

Arma was the third disciple of the King of Corpses, Nazad Hallow of the Nine Heavens.

He wouldnt have any problems if he went to the 2nd floor right now. Thats how strong he is.

It was because he was a summoner. Summoners own levels didnt matter as much as those of what they summoned.

Thankfully, I know what he summons because of the memories I saw last night But it still wouldnt be enough to take him alone. Seo Jun-ho realized he needed backup. And the only one who could help me

Seo Jun-ho turned to look at Gong Juha, who was sipping on her iced tea and watching the auction.

is Gong Juha. She was strong enough to defeat Arma. On top of that, she was part of the official security of the auction and could understand Seo Jun-ho. He looked down at the catalogue he was holding.

Five hours until Heavens Breath comes onto the stage. The Watchdogs operation would begin then.

The auction proceeded for five hours without any problems. Seo Jun-ho was starting to get nervous.

Number 203, congratulations. You have won the Ice Crown.

Who the hell is number 203?

They keep sweeping away all the Cold attribute items. As the other bidders complained, Seo Jun-hos face was stoic. Obviously, he wasnt number 203. He didnt have any reason to spend tens of millions of won to buy ice-affiliated artifacts.

(TN: Because he already got them for cheaper.)

Wow, this is fun, this is fun~ Number 203 was the innocent lady sitting next to him. She smiled brightly as she pressed on her remote. Including the item shed just won, shed successfully bid on eight artifacts. They were all items that helped with cooling the heat.

Didnt you say that you were a professional? He struck at a sore spot.

W-well, a real professional Yeah! A real professional has to know how to multitask.

It seemed that the requirements for being a professional kept increasing. She cleared her throat, as if embarrassed, and turned to look at Seo Jun-ho.

Arent you going to buy anything?

If theres something I like, then sure.

You dont care much about gear?

I do. He cared a lot, but he also had unreasonably high standards. Theres nothing that I like. Hed used the best equipment in the past, so most artifacts wouldnt catch his eye. The only thing hed obtained so far was a necklace that prevented one from getting sick frequently. When hed won it, Gong Juha had gotten curious.

Whats that? Is it for your girlfriend?

Shouldnt you ask if I have a girlfriend first?

Oh, sorry For your mother, then?

I dont have a mother either.

Im sorry. Ill shut up. Gong Juhas face went white as she turned away.

This next item has a long story attached to it. Number 84 on the catalogue, the Unknown Ball.

Unknown Ball? Seo Jun-hos attention turned back to the auction. It was a small ball the size of two fists, occasionally emanating light. Donny continued his story.

Twenty years ago, this ball was given as a reward for clearing the 2nd floor. But to this day, no one has figured out what it is. No item window pops up either. Thinking that it has some incredible hidden power, many people have bought it, but no one has ever been able to figure it out. Its current owner is Count Charlie of England, who intends to sell it. Bidding will start at 50,000 dollars.

Its that ball again.

The auction has been here for twenty years, but no item comes in as frequently as that ball.

Thats because its resold so often.

Will someone even buy it? People who know about it wouldnt.

Seo Jun-ho listened to the murmurs of the audience with one ear, but his eyes were concentrated on the ball.

I have to buy it. He didnt have a solid basis. It wasnt rare for him to get this feeling. But whenever he felt a hunch like this, he left his decisions to his intuitionit was always right. Its Keen Intuition.

As Seo Jun-ho raised his remote, Gong Juha blinked.

Are you planning to buy the ball?

Yes. I felt a pull. He ignored the confusion on Gong Juhas face and pressed the button on his remote.

Number 173, going for 52,000 dollars.

Number 89, going for 55,000 dollars.

Number 114, going for 57,000

There were inevitably a few people that were curious among the hundreds of participants. As the race ended, Seo Jun-ho won the mysterious ball for 150,000 dollars.

Im excited. Just what about the ball set off the hunch?

The next item was brought onto the stage.

A lot of you came to Las Vegas to see this very item. Donny gave a knowing smile, and the audience sat up straighter.

Its finally coming out.

Number 85. Im sure of it.

I couldnt even sleep because I wanted to see it. All around the auction hall, people were swallowing in anticipation. Donny gave an elegant wave of his hand and introduced the item.

Discovered in an ancient dungeon on the 2nd floor; this is the top-grade magic core, Heavens Breath.

Dozens of spotlights turned on, shining down on the gem. The audience erupted.

Ohh, that

Heavens Breath!

They say its as beautiful as if it were crafted by God himself.

Most magic cores were spherical gems. Even the Frost Queens core looked like a round sapphire. Heavens Breath was in the same shape, sparkling white and gold.

Wow, its really pretty. It was aesthetically pleasing, but also reminded one of the sky. Sure, it was pretty, but there were other parts to admire.

It has an overwhelming amount of magic. Seo Jun-ho now understood why there were rumors that it could single-handedly power a city. That huge amount of magic was packed into a small core.

Team Leader Gong, who discovered the core?

One of the Big 6 Guilds, Labyrinth, got it from an ancient dungeon in the Frontier called Tomb of Mercy. They put their lives on the line to clear the dungeon It was a high-risk-high-reward raid, but they succeeded. They said theyre selling the core to make up for the losses.

How much do you think itll go for?

Hm Well, that will depend on whats called, but in my opinion Gong Juha looked around and leaned in close. Itll go up to the trillions. These days, people prefer to use magic instead of gas or electricity. The people in the VIP seats are probably bidding with their countrys budgets, she whispered.

Jesus Christ. Seo Jun-ho glanced around, noticing something that the world leaders didnt. He quickly pulled himself together.

Heavens Breath has come out, so itll begin soon. The Watchdogs would begin moving.

The magic core crafted by God! Bidding for Heavens Breath starts at 1 million dollars!

Beep Beep

The hologram screen displayed the bids in real time. Perhaps to shake off normal bidders, the bid quickly reached 50 million. The audience held their breath in anticipation of who would win.

? Gong Juha sensed something and wrinkled her forehead as she looked up. Seo Jun-ho noticed a beat later and stared up at the ceiling.

Theyre here.


The ceiling broke in with a loud roar, but no one in the audience was harmed.

Theres a reason why hes called the Guardian Knight.

Ranker Ha Inho. In an instant, hed created a magic shield that covered the entire audience.

Who the hell! Wait, whats that? Gong Juha stood up abruptly and squinted at the things on top of the shield. Skeletons? Dozens of skeletons had broken through the ceiling.

Skeletons Is it the Skeleton Mage from the massacre in Turkey? Seo Jun-ho muttered gravely.


Skeleton Mage? Thats possible! Gong Juhas eyes shined as she hissed into her Vita.

Evacuating the VIPs and the audience is our top priority! Recover the auction items after that. Im leaving the skeletons to Inho. Move!

She really was a pro. In an instant, shed become a charismatic commander on the battlefield. She turned to Seo Jun-ho.

Mr. Snake head. If possible, can you lend us your Huh? Gong Juha tilted her head.

Seo Jun-ho had been sitting next to her up until a moment ago, but hed disappeared like a ghost.