Reincarnated As A Dragon's Egg ~Lets Aim To Be The Strongest~ - Chapter 678

Chapter 678

Published at 30th of August 2022 06:54:51 AM

678 A Certain Girl and the State of the Holy City (side: Miria)

Four days have passed since Jornes attack. Meltisan and I have gathered survivors at Saint Lilixiras residence, the Ridom Palace by working with the warrior priests who were stationed here.

Under normal circumstances, this palace would be considered too hallowed for ordinary people to tread, but hardly any of the clergy were of a mind to protest.

I was hoping help would have come by now.

Meltisan mumbles as we walk through a passage.

They might not be able to get inside. The barrier didnt budge at all when the people from the northern district cathedral tried to break out.

Two days ago, a separate group tried to tear a hole in Jornes [Sanctuary]. But, neither blade nor magic scratched it, and the constant attacks from the monsters resulted in disaster. A messenger came to tell us last night.

We might be at our limit Were steadily losing fighters, and the monsters have had their numbers replenished thanks to the second [Nirvana] yesterday. The cathedral group has got to be on the verge of breaking too, since they lost so many fighters. Were not going to last much longer at this rate.

As Meltisan says, theres no telling how many more days we can survive. Were cooperating with the warrior priests to secure the perimeter, but we keep losing fighters, which then increases the burden on those still alive. Well need to return to the front soon too.

To make matters worse, theres concern over the idea the monsters produced by the second [Nirvana] are significantly stronger than the first.

Its generally thought that strength of the monsters produced by [Nirvana] depends on the level the dead had in life, since the monsters are clearly weak for something produced by Jornes.

Moreover, theres a clear variation in strength with the monsters. All of them are stronger than an ordinary person, so its not as though the level is perfectly conserved, but its almost certain it has an influence.

The black rain that Jornes made fall at the start apparently wasnt very deadly outside of the city centre. People felt sick the moment it touched them, so anyone with a degree of magic resistance was able to take refuge.

In other words, most of the dead bodies turned by the first [Nirvana] were ordinary low-level citizens. However, the second [Nirvana] yesterday was different. Those incapable of fighting have been hiding inside, so most of the dead bodies the second time belonged to the warrior priests who died fighting in the streets.

If the monsters strength depends on their level in life, then those made by the second [Nirvana] are far stronger. Most people are also saying the number of strong individuals has increased since yesterday.

That reminds me, is Bishop Dogen okay? Hes not doing something unnecessary again, is he?

Dont worry. Hes still tied up and locked away where he wont bother anyone

I smile wryly at Meltisans answer.

Bishop Dogen is a bishop with jurisdiction over one of the parishes of the Holy City. I had high hopes for him, since he was supposedly fairly high level, but then it turned out he was secretly thinking that we should all submit to Jornes-sama, so our souls can be saved through reincarnation. He was planing on taking action when he saw an opportunity, but some of his subordinates betrayed him and told his plan to Meltisan and me.

We caught him by surprise and restrained his whole faction, but afterwards he would talk to the refugees and fan their anxiety to try and bring them to his way of thinking, so we had to hide him away out of sight.

We should have just killed the bastard. We cant afford to keep feeding him. We should kick him out so he can die like he wants.

Hes just confused. With all thats happened, it cant be helped

As I speak, a man comes running towards us from the end of the passage. Hes wearing a white robe, and has dark skin.

Hes Sirius, the leader of the warrior priests here. He was apparently the commanding officer of a particularly powerful group, and hes the strongest person here.

Meltidono, Miridono, I have bad news. The cathedral group were destroyed by a particularly dangerous big one. It probably came from the second [Nirvana]. Its only a matter of time before this place falls too.


I was worried about the enemy getting stronger. But I didnt think it would make this much difference.

We cant keep waiting for help to come. Ive already talked it over with a few people, but Im seriously thinking of trying to kill Jornes-sama.

No, you cant! Shes able to wield such powerful magic!

I understand. But, at the rate this is going, well just be ripped apart by the monsters. Besides, Jornes-sama is hardly moving at all. There must be some reason she cant. It could be a weakness we can exploit.

I dont agree with Sirius-sans assessment. During these four days, the only time Jornes took action when she used [Nirvana] a second time. Im convinced its not that she cant fight, but that shes choosing not to.

At any rate, we have too little information on her. Ill attack to see how she responds. I have a special bow skill, thats good at piercing through defence. Even if it doesnt kill her, it should get her to respond. Id like you two to join in the strategy meeting.

I suspect he wants us to join in on more than just the meeting.

Hmm. Were only going to die at this rate, so I agree. Miria, what about you?

Meltisan says gravely, then looks at me. If I give my approval here, its almost certain Ill be pulled into joining the operation. Thats the meaning behind Meltisans look.

If Meltisan is going, then Im going too.

Im not going to send Meltisan off to her death while I stay behind. In the first place shes only here because I dragged her along.

I thought you were against attacking Jornes

Meltisan says with a troubled expression. I leave her behind and follow Sirius-san.

Lets go. The others are already gathered.

I dont like the idea of provoking an enemy who is content to watch from the sidelines, but its also true we have no hope otherwise.