Reincarnated As A Dragon's Egg ~Lets Aim To Be The Strongest~ - Chapter 634

Chapter 634

Published at 27th of July 2022 11:37:17 AM

634 Strategy and Anticipation

The ending to the battle against the xiangliu is getting close as a result of Aro running low on MP.

Shes already cancelled her [Darkness Kaleidoscope], causing her clones to disappear. Shes flying around on her black wings, but it seems like her flight speed is gradually slowing down. No longer able to distract the xiangliu with her clones, she cant to do anything but fly away as it chases her.

Miia, keeping this up any longer is pointless. They dont have any way of dealing damage now.

The xiangliu is a Legendary monster. It has a massive stat advantage over Aro and treant. Its speed is mediocre, so Aros been able to delay the inevitable, but its main strength is its toughness. Despite being unilaterally attacked by Aros magic all this time, it doesnt seem to have taken much damage. The xianglius scales are thick, and it regenerates them quickly.

Aro doesnt have enough MP to keep using [Dark Sphere]. Theres no point in fighting any longer.

It looks like the difference between them was too big The experience points aside, it probably would have been better if it had been an attacker-type rank, so theyd at least get used to dangerous fights.

Miia says, holding a hand to her chin.

Do you mind if I step in now?

Isnt there [Death God Seed] still? If Aro-kun can protect treant-kun and keep luring the xiangliu, they might still have a chance.

Shell get caught any second! Its impossible for her in that state.

Hmm I suppose thats true. Well, from the start she wasnt committed to killing the xiangliu. She chose a strategy that would let her safely stack up some damage. For better or worse, she really is an honours student.

What are you trying to say?

Even whenever she managed to crush some of its scales with [Dark Sphere], it quickly grew them back. Despite bringing out her copies, she still focused almost entirely on not getting hit, rather than on aiming at the same spot repeatedly to deal significant damage.

But shes up against [Corrosive Acid] and the xianglius high attack stat She wouldnt be able to fight back if it scattered the acid around.

She could have potentially won a quick decisive battle by using treant-kun as a shield. It would have been risky, but nothing else could have worked. If she was aiming to win from the start, she might have had a chance. But its impossible now.

Miias tone is dispassionate, as though simply stating the facts, but her choice of words feels biting. I want to say something in retort, but decide better.

However, Aro has always fought like this around me, and I think the main objective currently should be raising their levels. Until I heard Miias comments, I had been thinking this way of training was fine. Besides, whenever she needs to, Aro really does fight to win. Id prefer it if Miia wouldnt sulk just because were not sticking to her ideal vision of training.

Besides, as Miia conceded earlier, the xiangliu is genuinely strong. If its stats were a little lower, Aro might have been able to win. But even I would have a hard time if I were to try fighting it in close combat. If Aro and treant had gone all in to try and overwhelm its regeneration, theyd probably just get the tables turned on them instead. It would be an intense close quarters fight, so its also possible that any help from Miia or me wouldnt make it in time.

Miia is saying that they should have gone for it regardless. But cant I agree that its a good idea to take that much risk, just for the purpose of combat training. Her thinking is clearly based on her view of her allies as resources to be spent. I remember her saying it would be fine if either of Aro or treant died, since Id have the other.

Gods Voice is effectively an giant amoral system devoted to bringing about the end of the world. I already knew before meeting Miia that my way of thinking was too naive to fight against such a foe. But, this is a line that I absolutely wont cross.

Sorry. I guess from your point of view, I look way too naive.

No, its fine. I didnt mean to be judgemental. I was just saying what I thought. Sorry for giving the wrong impression.

I cant tell whats behind her words. Whenever shes laughing or is exasperated, her expressions always seem somehow artificial to me. I cant even tell if shes being sarcastic, but I dont want to ask.


Suddenly, Aro screams. The xianglius [Corrosive Acid] hit her back after she failed to dodge. She falls to the ground, shoulder-first. Her feathers melt, and the flesh of her back putrefies to reveal white bone.

Having slipped from Aros arm, treant hits the ground face-first.

The xiangliu surges forwards. Its no longer possible for them to keep their distance.

I-I wont let you!

Treant stands up in front of Aro and rapidly swells in size. Thick bark covers his body as he grows back into his world treant form.

He raises a huge branch overhead. The branch is entwined by thinner branches as a result of his [Woven Armour], resulting in a heavy lump at the end of the branch. Probably, his plan is to take a hit from the xiangliu, and then hammer back at it with [Wood Counter].

But, the xiangliu isnt that easy of an opponent. Even in treants forte of endurance, the xiangliu is far stronger.

Not only would a single hit from the xianglius high attack be dangerous, but it also has a wide array of close-range skills. Its far too dangerous to fight in close quarters. Miia seems to want them to fight, but I cant support it.

Taking aim at treant, the xianglius tail arcs back before whipping towards him. No, thats wrong! Its going to wrap around and restrain him. Not only will it prevent him from counterattacking, but once it starts squeezing, itll be difficult for me to rescue him safely.

I release a [Dimension Claw] at the xianglius tail. The unexpected injury causes it to recoil and leap backwards. Treant lowers his thick branch, clearly relieved.

The xiangliu produces a whirlwind beneath itself to soften its landing, then glares at me from a distance.

Miia, this is it.

Theres no helping it then. You dont need to be so wary of me by the way. I dont mean to be acting all arrogant.

I feel relieved upon hearing Miias words. I thought she might try and make them fight even longer.

But This xiangliu really is tough. It might take me a while to kill it. I also want to avoid getting into a close combat fight against that monstrous attack strength of its.

I kick off the ground and spread my wings to fly straight towards the xiangliu.

Miia, some covering fire please!

Miias attack strength is weakened as a result of her [Humanisation Technique]. If she doesnt want to release it, then its better if she helps by using magic, the strength of which is undiminished by humanisation. A magical attack from Miia should be more than the xiangliu can shrug off. If I can draw its attention, we should be able defeat it quickly.

Theres no need. Ill deal with it by myself.

Miia draws her sword and prepares to leap forward before suddenly vanishing. No, she darted forwards. Her movement was far faster than my flight.

It reminds me of Lilixiras [Immortal Step] skill. It was what let her warp space to teleport, or to distort the trajectories of her weapons. Miias movement just now looked similar to that [Immortal Step].

But, Miia has no such skill. Probably, that was just [Godspeed Flash]. Ive seen the skill in use before, and I know it temporarily raises the users speed. However, it seems Miia has honed it to the point that it looks like teleportation. I hadnt realise it could become that powerful when mastered.