Reincarnated As A Dragon's Egg ~Lets Aim To Be The Strongest~ - Chapter 610

Chapter 610

Published at 1st of June 2022 02:57:09 PM

610 Breakthrough

Its possible for me to close in on the hecatoncheir, attack with my claw, then quickly withdraw. Even if it blocks with its sword, my speed is superior, so its possible for me to get past its guard.

But, this fighting style isnt great. If anything, the hecatoncheirs defence and recovery abilities are so high that Im the one who would ultimately collapse first. [Shadow Dance] prevents me from doing anything other than half-hearted attacks, which are then quickly buried under its defence and recovery. Straightforward attacks arent going to work, no matter how I struggle.

Thats why this battle has become a wait-and-see. Having clashed claw against sword several times, I keep my distance and shoot out [Scorching Breath].

The raging flames wrap around the hecatoncheir. But, I know that this is meaningless in front of its resistances. I know its essentially wasting MP, but I want to see how it reacts to having its vision blocked.

At present, I dont see any method of beating it. So, Ill test everything I can do, one by one.

The silhouette remains motionless inside the flames. Its not using [Shadow Dance]. It probably intends to preserve MP until it gets completely dangerous. Just how patient is this thing?

I chase the flames and swipe at the figure, damaging one of the arms that it sticks outs to defend.

Then, I take a hold of the hecatoncheir and slam my tail against the ground to leap up.

H-heavy This stupidly huge statue bastard But this weight should only let me slam it against the ground even harder.

If I could use the [Sky Drop] and [Return to Ground] combo, this would be easy, but

All of a sudden, the hecatoncheir disappears and my arms close around empty space Well, of course this would happen. With [Shadow Dance], theres no reason for it to let me take it into the air.

Having appeared behind me with [Shadow Dance], the hecatoncheir swings its sword up. But, I acted knowing that this would happen.

I activate [Gravity]. Black light spreads out from me, swallowing the hecatoncheir and forcing it down.

Were not very high up, and I used [Gravity] at full power, so this might just be a waste of MP. But, if this can do significant damage, then it could be a weakness that lets me win damage regardless of its swordsmanship.

Just before it hits the ground, the it becomes a shadow. Upon landing, the shadow reforms into the hecatoncheir. Theres no sound of it impacting the ground.

I see, so [Shadow Dance] can be used in that sort of cheat-like way. Because of that skill, I cant expect much from physical attacks. A magical attack might have a chance of damaging even it as a shadow, but the fast-moving shadow is so hard to hit that verifying it would be hard, and even if it magic could damage it, its hard to imagine it being practical. Giving up on hitting [Shadow Dance] is probably the safer option.

My magical strength is higher than my attack strength, so using magic might be more effective for getting past its defences. Its magical resistances are perfect, but then so are its physical resistances. But, I dont think its likely Ill be able to land [Gravidon] without it dodging with [Shadow Dance].

My [Wormhole] skill seems to have the effect of carving out anything in the destination space, but Well, its out of the question. The range is disappointingly small, and a the target destination is broadcasted by a suspicious light. Worst of all, the activation time is too long. Theres no way it wont react in time. To be honest, the day may never come when I can use the far too niche teleport skill which is slower than just running.

Thinking that it might be possible for me to use it to slip past the hecatoncheir and enter the tower directly, I try to set the coordinates inside the tower, but the skill feels like its forcefully cut off.

It seems the tower is protected by some sort of barrier. The inside might even be some kind of separate space entirely Well, even if it had succeeded, I could imagine it trapping me inside the tower with who-knows-what. I never really had much hope for [Wormhole]-san.

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Lets move on. I need to search through my skills and find some valid way of fighting it. I wont worry about MP for now. If I cant see a way of winning, theres no point after all.

Lets move on. I need to search through my skills and find some valid way of fighting it. I wont worry about MP for now. If Im not able to find a way of winning, its pointless after all.

I activate [Ideal Weapon]. As an oneiros, I can produce a weapon suitable for my opponent The MP cost is reasonably high, but this is the skill I have the most hope for. Its going to be a long battle anyway, so as long as I can keep a hold of my weapon, the cost shouldnt be too bad.

I dont just want any weapon. I want something that can crush a hard object. A heavy weapon I want it to be blunt, rather than cutting, and I want to be the strongest I can create.

If the hecatoncheir has any weakness, its the lopsidedness of its stats. Its able to make up for its shortcomings to some extent with its skills, but with a powerful [Ideal Weapon], I should be able to pierce that gap.

[Oneiros Mallet]: Value L (Legendary)

[Attack: +130]

A giant hammer with a faint purple glow.

Made from the bones of the [Dream Dragon] that resides in the world of dreams.

It is said that angels use it to ring the instruments of gods world.

The target of this weapon has their physical resistance and defence temporarily reduced.

A giant blue and purple hammer appears in front of me. Petal-like designs are engraved in it, and they combine with the colours to make it a beautiful weapon.

I quickly use [Dragon Mirror] to reach out with my foreleg and grab the [Oneiros Mallet]. It should also extend my reach, making it easier to attack without being counterattacked.

Hmm, [Oneiros Mallet]. Its specialised for countering defensive strategies, and is an supposedly an oneiros weapon. It shouldnt be bad. But, Ive hardly ever wielded a hammer before. The only other time was when I fought that shellfish monster, the shin. That part worries me, but Ill just have to hit it as hard as I can.

My hopes rest on this. If this isnt able to deal serious damage, Ill be out of ideas. My possibility of defeating it would be completely gone.