Reincarnated As A Dragon's Egg ~Lets Aim To Be The Strongest~ - Chapter 592

Chapter 592

Published at 18th of May 2022 03:16:30 PM

592 Aros Sense of Smell

Once Ive confirmed the surrounding area is safe with [Presence Perception], I lower my two [Ouroboros] heads to the ground and open my jaws.

Its over now. You can come out.

I call out to Aro and the treant, who have been taking refuge in my mouths.

Master-dono Im glad your safe.

In tree spirit form, treant crawls out, sliding over my tongue. Sure enough, hes covered in my saliva.

You went through a lot, master-dono To think there was a monster like that

Y-you also went through a lot, treant. Sorry about that. There really was no other option at the time.

I didnt expect us to run into a max-level L rank like that. I was getting complacent, certain that I could deal with any number of ranks this place could throw at us.

Knowing that threats like the origin matter are around, rushing through this Forest of Ngai is risky, but time is too critical to take it slow. If we dawdle for too long, well be too late to return. In the end, even knowing the danger of this Forest of Ngai, weve no choice but to keep pushing on as before.

Levelling up wont take too long, provided as I can find opponents that are at my level or just slightly above. In order to hurry, I need to accept some degree of risk.

That mysterious tower in the distance absolutely has to be dangerous. Theres no way itll just let us return to our previous world easily. Still, all I can do is keep pushing forwards.

As treant tries to stand up, he slips on a puddle of my saliva and falls back down. He was thoroughly shaken around in my mouth by the [Rolling], so his sense of balance is probably shot.

As he flails on the ground, a waft of saliva reaches my nostrils, causing me to grimace.

Its master-donos own smell, after all. I dont mind, but its probably best if you dont react that way to Aro-dono.

Still on the ground, he shoots me a piercing glare.

S-sorry, treant

After apologising, I call out to Aro still in my mouth.

Aro Are you okay? Can you get out?

Theres been no sign of her coming out for a while now. After I call out to her, she finally begins to emerge. Once shes all the way out, I cancel [Dragon Mirror] and return to my oneiros form.

Aros pale cheeks tinged a slight red, she scratches the side of her face with a finger.

I feel like Ive gotten a little bit used to being inside dragon-god-samas mouth.

Aro raises the back of her hand to her nose and sniffs it. Both me and treant freeze at her words.

Aro-dono Do you feel unwell? It might be good if master-dono were to cast [Fake Life] on you once

I-I didnt mean it in a weird way!

Her face bright red, Aro shouts at treant.

I-I see, Aro-dono I see, right, umm, you were trying to prevent us from being worried, so thats why you said that. Please dont feel discouraged.

I dont feel discouraged!

At any rate, Im glad everyones safe.

I look around, hoping to spot somewhere they can wash upbut I then realise that I didnt spot a single river while I was flying over the forest. There was nothing but trees as far as the eye could see.

Is it possible that there are no rivers at all here? Th-then we cant even secure drinking water I suppose I should be able to last a few days without water, but

[Aqua Sphere]

A large sphere of water appears above the treant. The sphere bursts, drenching him in water. He shakes his body like a wet dog, shedding the water.

AhhThat feels refreshing.

T-treant, you can do that!?

Didnt you know I had this skill?

R-right, he did have that skill. He hadnt used it in a long time, so I somehow forgot about it. This means he can supply us with near-limitless water. Hes seriously an all-purpose treant-san.

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Its probably a good idea to do that for Aro too

Suddenly, Aros outline blurs, and she becomes a mass of black light before quickly returning to normal.

Its okay! I can clean up this way!

amazing So this is the power of a walpurgis Her torn dress is repaired too.

Huh That reminds me

Aro Has your sense of smell returned?

A moment ago she was sniffing the back of her hand.

I actually just noticed a moment ago, but It seems I can smell again.

Aro says, a smile appearing on her face.


I bring my face closer to her.

Yes! It was never completely gone but was just really faint, and it improved slightly with each evolution, but this time it all came back at once!

As she speaks, I watch as she takes small breaths. It seems like even her way of breathing has returned. The change has been gradual, so that was probably why I was so late to notice.

Im glad for you, Aro I was so worried youd never get your senses back

Overcome with emotion, I feel tears welling up in my eyes. Aro could never sleep, nor could she enjoy the taste of food. Ive always been worried whether reviving her as an undead was for the best.

Dragon-god-sama, youre overreacting!

We should find some food. If your sense of taste has returned, we need to celebrate.

Is that okay? But the time

Id like to hurry, but Its been a while since Ive eaten, too. With everything thats happened, Im sure we could all do with a rest. Weve also gained a bunch of ingredients, so itd be a shame to let them go to waste.

As I speak, Aro tilts her head to the side.

Umm Ingredients?

Its not clear how much well be able to recover though

I look back down the path of destruction from my [Roll]. I glance back up at the sky, but theres still no sign of the origin matter Im committed to fighting it again one day, but I dont want to see it right now.

It fell from so high up that Im not sure how good quality the meat will be, but Well, they were rank monsters. Some of them should still be intact. Its also a little doubtful whether what they have can be called meat, butit should be edible, at least.