Reincarnated As A Dragon's Egg ~Lets Aim To Be The Strongest~ - Chapter 572

Chapter 572

Published at 25th of April 2022 03:25:53 PM

Lilixira falls, disappearing past the edge of the cliff. For a short while, I simply stare at her falling figure, hovering in place while clutching [Oneiros Raizem] in my hand. Perhaps its the result of taking too many injuries and having my consciousness begin to cloud over.

I discard [Oneiros Raizem]. The greatsword shifts to light and disintegrates as it falls from my hand. Then, I release [Dragon Mirror], and my arms revert to forelegs.

A loud crash resounds from the bottom of the cliff. Its probably the sound of Lilixira hitting the ground.

Hearing it, I finally released the breath Id been holding. Even if theres a tiny chance of it happening, I mustnt let that woman slip through my fingers after coming this far. Ill avenge my partner, and retake the peaceful times.

Divine skill [Hungry Ghost Realm: Lv-] has been acquired.

Divine skill [Animal Realm: Lv-] has been acquired.

Message notifications resound in my head. Its the Saints divine skill [Hungry Ghost Realm], and the Magic Beast Kings divine skill [Animal Realm].

I now have all the divine skills. What significance this actually has is beyond me, though.

The fact that Ive received this message means My victory is certain? Back then, going by the words of that Gods Voice, the condition for the succession of a divine skill to occur is to have Laplace judge that the bearers death is inevitable.

In fact, the Hero Irushia was killed by Adofu immediately after I got his divine skill. The slime Demon Lord escaped after being rescued by Thermal, but still died not long after. After all, the slime used the reduction in level cap to evolve into a [Ruin] with the abnormal status [God of Destruction], which inevitably brought about its eventual death.

However, precisely because of the slimes example, theres still a possibility of something unpleasant happening after the divine skills have been transferred. I mustnt trust the words of Gods Voice. In the first place, I dont understand at all what Laplace is exactly, besides being some form of power that Gods Voice uses.

Characteristic skill [Gods Voice] has risen from level 7 to 8.

Title skill [Laplace Interference Authority] has risen from level 4 to 7.

More messages resound in my head Some weird skills have their levels raised all at once. Itll be nice if this isnt an omen of being dragged into something bad, though.

While using the mana recovered from passive regeneration to heal using [High Rest], I soar towards the cliff floor. I still havent gotten the experience acquisition notification. Ill settle this fully with Lilixira.

Partner Im finally getting vengeance for you.

I land on the cliff floor. With [Presence Perception], Im immediately able to find her.

Covered in blood, Lilixira lies sprawled at the cliff floor. Her eyes gaze upward, clearly lacking any vigour.

The wound I sliced in her abdomen has yet to be healed, and her body is blanketed in cuts. On top of that, her entire body has darkened. Its probably because she lost her divine skills.

Thinking back to my own evolutions and the slime incident, the divine skills probably let living beings develop into a superior existence, and provide the power to maintain that state. And, once the divine skills are lost, monsters become unable to maintain such a body. The Hero Irushia had his maximum level drastically lowered. The slime Demon Lord became degraded and had its stats substantially decreased, before eventually forcing through an evolution and taking on the [God of Destruction] status condition.

Surely even you cant do anything after being reduced to this state.

I say to Lilixira. Her eyes regard me for a moment, then turn back to the skies above the valley.

Ahh, thats right. Ive lost.

Lilixira mutters as if it were another persons matter. She might not even have the energy left to even muster up emotion. Her state is that haggard.

Even though I understood what the shield could do to think that Id fall for such an obvious trick. Since you were the user, I might have been a little careless.

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What did you see?

I had planned on killing her straight away. And yet, I find myself suspending the foreleg I raised, and spontaneously starting a dialogue with her.

Maybe its because Ive clearly won. Right before taking the life of Lilixira who Ive detested this much, strangely enough, Im perfectly calm.

Because the scale of the battle had gotten so overwhelmingly large, perhaps Ive been resenting the image of Lilixira that I had built up in my mind, rather than Lilixira herself. From the start, without knowing anything about her objective, I stood in opposition to her sudden betrayal and attempt to dispose of me.

After quietly hesitating for a moment, Lilixira speaks softly.

I didnt think I would have to turn my blades against that child for a second time.

Hearing her words, I understand. The [Oneiros Flugel] showed Lilixira an illusion of Alphiss. At the time, I had no idea what she could have possibly been shown to make her unconsciously lower her swords But if it was Alphiss, I can begin to understand.

It stood out that Lilixira, whod fought in the opening phase with reliability foremost on her mind, gradually started taking crude actions towards the end. I believed that she probably had no choice but to attack due to the time limit from [Chakra Awakening]s continuous HP and MP consumption, but that alone wont account for it. Right at the very end, I was even suspicious that Lilixira had an ulterior motive behind deliberately fighting without bothering to cover up her weaknesses.

In hindsight, once Alphiss arrived, Lilixira clearly broke down. Her breakdown was even more obvious once shed killed her with her own hands. If Alphiss didnt come, I might never have been able to land so many attacks, with her being so pathologically focused on her risk-averse way of fighting.

If she was that important to you, itd be much better if you didnt bring her along! Of all people, why ask such a

Shes an excellent person, and above all, a holy knight. She had hoped for such a way of life herself. She must have been fully resolved, even if things were to end this way.

Thats why I said!

Ive sacrificed thousands of lives up till now, but my friend is special so I dont want her to die theres no way I could say something so selfish. The weight of ones life isnt a matter of their station after all.

Hearing her speak, I can only stare blankly. I ponder over her words for a moment, then partially lower the foreleg I had raised.

Is that so.

I respond, weakly.