Reincarnated As A Dragon's Egg ~Lets Aim To Be The Strongest~ - Chapter 543

Chapter 543

Published at 16th of March 2022 02:56:37 PM

543 The Mischievous Demons Trap (side: treant)

I dash along the ground covered by mist, heading in the direction Aruane disappeared in.

Aruane is a strong enemy. On top of that, she has the undead white mage Ool as a means of healing. Shes not an opponent I can take on at all.

However, shes already been injured from Aro-donos brave and ingenious plan. Ools mana should have been considerably reduced as well.

I dont know how much of an effect that had, but To have any chance of winning, Ive no choice but to be optimistic. I already knew long ago that my path to victory would be narrow.

In the first place, against a superior foe, reversing the battle situation in a single move is beyond my capabilities. Aro-dono and atlach-dono are cunning, possess skills with excellent single-hit power, and have the stats to back it up.

However, as Im fundamentally a battle-of-attrition type, even though I can reliably win against weaker enemies, I cant create opportunities against stronger opponents. I understand that fact more than anyone. I do have [Meteor Stamp], but thats not a move that can hit when used by me alone.

During the battle, Ill need to find some other path to victory. Whether or not such a path will exist is beyond me.

However, it is because I dont know for certain theres meaning in fighting. At least, theres no reason for me to stand by and leave Aro-dono and atlach-dono to die. If I consider it further, its clear that the option of running away simply isnt available to me. Hence, I can only press on. No matter how narrow a road this will turn out to be.

After heading straight for a time, the path ahead splits left and right along a cliff wall, leading to separate locations.

Hmm did she go right or left? Ah, its also possible that she went upwards. I wonder if there arent any claw marks I can see on the cliff.

I notice a large chasm in the cliff wall. I looked around at other spots, but the edges of the chasm are glowing with black light. T-thats Dont tell me, could that be the special thread that atlach-dono uses?

Atlach-dono must have left it behind. That makes sense. Aruane had apparently hidden her somewhere before going to meet up with Lilixira. So then it makes sense that she would have stashed her in a cave like this!

If Aro-dono were here, she would most likely have noticed right away after pursuing Aruane to this cave. Im glad atlach-donos hints are available.

H-however, this cave is certainly big but Its a little too small for me. I could just barely squeeze myself in if I wanted, but then I wouldnt be able to move properly or evade Aruanes attacks.

If I move too much inside and end up bringing the cavern down, I could bury atlach-dono alive. B-but, if I wait outside, Aruane will kill her to fulfil the conditions for controlling her body using [Blood Doll]. Though if she was bluffing earlier, its also possible that shell bring her out alive for Lilixiras [Spirit Servant], as was her original plan ugh, ummm

Argh, as if I could wait outside while theres a chance atlach-dono will be killed! Ive already decided not to be afraid anymore!

I use [Tree Spiritisation]. My giant body quickly shrinks down. As usual, I shift into a birdlike form around the size of a human child.

With this, Ill be able to advance through the cave regardless of how narrow it gets. If I didnt do this, Id be immobilised inside, and would end up being toyed with and killed by Aruane.

Howevermy physical abilities are greatly reduced in this form. Ive no choice but to make the best use of this tiny body to rescue atlach-dono, and then somehow escape from Aruane.

Even though Ive become smaller, avoiding Aruane while rescuing atlach-dono in such a small cave Such a skilful action is likely close to impossible. Furthermore, Aruane has too many advantages in her favour in this cavern. After all, I have no idea of the layout.

This is most likely a foolish course of action. Simply considering the odds of success, waiting outside in ambush would be better. The possibility of her bringing atlach-dono out alive isnt zero. Even I know that. Yet even so, I dont want to take that option.

Sticking close to the cave wall, and moving as quietly and quickly as possible, I press on.

I dont hear anything resembling Aruanes footsteps. Is this not the right place? No, that shouldnt be possible. I checked from close up earlier, and that was certainly atlach-donos thread.

Could I be too late, and atlach-dono has already been taken away? No, Aruane was injured. She should have required healing from Ool. Theres no way shes had enough time to arrive, pick up atlach-dono, and then leave without running into me.

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Could something have happened that prevented her from entering this cave?

If so, then its more than I could have possibly wished for! Ill collect atlach-dono and Aro-dono, and then well hide somewhere together while master-dono takes care of that vile woman. With that, Ill have perfectly fulfilled my role.

Aruane thought you would come, Aruane did. After all, she gets it. You, youre the most cowardly, yet the kindest of them. So, Aruane understands that.

From behind, I hear a voice. Turning around, I see Aruane and the expressionless Ool, her bloodstained body being dragged by him.

This cavern, it only has one route. Sorry, sorry about that. Aruane you see, doesnt think badly of you at all. More than that undead onee-san whos putting her life on the line, you, with your unbound potential, are more dangerous. So, Aruane led you here, where your true form would be sealed. If you hadnt come, you would have probably just been running around from place to place, so Aruane would have ignored you.

My escape route is blocked. They must have been hiding somewhere. Behind the rocks in the cavern, or likely even higher up in the cavern ceiling

I thought I was lucky. However, all the resolve I was able to muster has been rendered meaningless by such a simple plan from this demon.

Sorry about this. Aruane, you see, will never lose in a battle of wits. After all, she can see everything.

Her eyes open wide Sure enough, she isnt an opponent someone like me can somehow face. Too shocked to react, I stand still.

At this stage, theres nothing I can do. At most, I can try fleeing towards atlach-dono, and then likely die from Aruanes claws before I reach her.

Aro-dono Im sorry. The path to victory was closed from the very beginning. This demon hasnt been careless in the least, even against opponents like us. Her apparent leniency in not coming to finish us off was probably just because she needed to keep her health and mana high enough to take atlach-donos corpse to fight master-dono.

Well then lets end it. Aruane will help to bring your body to that spider girls side. Of course, Aruanes limit is controlling one body at a time, so having both of you move together is impossible.

Aruane tosses something towards me. Its pure white, and splattered with a poisonous-looking blood red. I remember it from somewhere.

My thoughts cease for an instant. Its atlach-donos leg. Distantly, I understand that this means Aruane went around and disposed of atlach-dono before lying in wait for me. My mind goes blank, and I freeze.

Farewell. Wooden hero-san.

Aruane leaps towards me. In the air, a red liquid gathers on her fingers, and begins solidifying into vicious claws.