Reincarnated As A Dragon's Egg ~Lets Aim To Be The Strongest~ - Chapter 531

Chapter 531

Published at 28th of February 2022 03:07:11 PM

531 The Second Demon

I look at the diminutive old man and what seems like a Holy Knight riding together on a dragon.

Dragon-god-sama! That man, hes the one that fought with Volk!

Aro shouts from my back.

Th-then, that old man is the strange swordsman Aro was talking about!? An uneasy feeling passes through my chest. Him coming here means that What happened to Volk, the black lizard, and magiatite-jii?

No, right now, all I can do is to focus on the battle in front of me. I have no choice but to pull through this and defeat all these guys, then search for Volk and his party. I need to calm down. If I mess up here, I wont be able to rescue atlach-nacha Aro and the treant will also be killed.

Perhaps wary of my [Dimension Claw], Lilixira comes to a halt still a fair distance from me But, the dragon carrying the old man and Holy Knight dives towards me without any reservation Ill bring it down with [Dimension Claw]. Itll be troublesome if Im forced to take on even more enemies in this situation.

If that old man has stats on the level of Aruanes, the situation could easily become difficult Rather than that, from the fact that Volk lost even with magiatite-jii and the black lizard to help him, I can assume hes equivalent to A rank. Same as Aruane,Lv: 90 No, its possible his level is even higher. While hes still at my ideal distance, Ill prioritise eliminating him!

I raise a claw towards the dragon that the old man is riding on.

Oi, oi, youre sure acting like youve got a lotta leeway in front of me! Being ignored like this is lonely!

Circling round to my front, Beelzebub flies past my chest, tearing into the base of my neck with his sinister-looking claws. As I feel the pain and glance down, he immediately slips past and distances himself again. It seems he used [Poison Claw] this time, but it didnt have much of an effect on me.

The humanised Beelzebubs attacks arent really that damaging, but In this situation where I cant focus on him alone, his ability to distract me with his small body and fast speed is troublesome. I need to also look for an opportunity to defeat him!

Cheh! Didnt even flinch! Saint-sama, let me cancel my humanisation already, wont you?

Beelzebub says with annoyance Id be happy if she took that option, but I doubt shed ever do so. If Beelzebub takes the form of a giant, ponderous fly, Ill be able to quickly take him out with [Dimension Claw]. If that happens, Lilixira loses her main fighting force, and will become unable to take action.

I ignore Beelzebub flitting around me, and focus on my front. The dragon carrying the old man and holy knight is continuing to close the distance, but it doesnt look like theyre in range to do anything yet. If thats the case, Ill be able to one-sidedly attack.

I raise my foreleg, and use [Dimension Claw] to shred the dragon mount. I have no idea how the riders will react, but the dragon should be unable to avoid this attack. I slice through the dragons body, cutting off everything from the shoulders down and causing it to plummet in a spray of blood.

480 experience points have been acquired.

Due to the title skill [Walking Egg: Lv-], an additional 480 experience points have been acquired.

The one I took down was just the dragon itself. Under the cover of the blood spray, the old man carried the Holy Knight and jumped down to the ground. It seems he kicked off of his dragon mount at the last moment to throw himself at the ground.

He should have taken heavy damage after falling so hard without a plan from that height. Yet, his landing didnt throw up any dust clouds at all. Just as he hit the ground, he seemed to stop in place for an instant. Could he have some sort of gravity-controlling skill? Looking at the current situation, he seems to be someone Lilixira anticipates as a significant part of her fighting strength

[Anise Howgrey]

Species: Earth Huma

Condition: Normal

Lv: 55/55 (MAX)

HP: 424/424

MP: 265/294

Attack: 321+19

Defense: 225

Magic: 263

Speed: 371


Hand: [Shortsword of Empty Dreams: B]

Characteristic Skills:

[Grisha Language: Lv8] [Swordsman Talent: LvMAX]

Resistance Skills:

[Poison Resistance: Lv6] [Cutting Resistance: Lv7] [Fall Resistance: Lv4]

Normal Skills:

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Title Skills:

[Big EaterGiant Killer: LvMAX] [Sword God: Lv-] [Ascetic: Lv-]

This guy Isnt his level a bit low even, even just compared to the Holy Knights? Did Volks group really lose to this old man this Howgrey?

Its completely unthinkable that he took down Volk with these stats. I know firsthand just how much of an overwhelming advantage higher stats give in battle. The first explanation that comes to mind are his skills, but I already recognise most of them.

Maybe he acquires some sort of additional ability from his weapon. Its strange that the bonus attack that he gets from it is so low for its rank.

[Shortsword of Empty Dreams]: Value B

[Attack: +19]

A shortsword that a certain noble had an alchemist make, in order to defeat a giant dragon.

Its true that it can cause injury through even the toughest of scales, but with such a tiny sword, thousands of slashes would be needed to take down a giant dragon.

Its able to inflict minimal damage even on opponents with a huge difference in stats.

Its certainly an unusual sword, but it seems it cant have been responsible for beating Volk. From the information, I dont believe Ill lose to such a sword either What is Howgrey thinking by bringing such a thing here?

However, if thats the case, Howgreys strength must lie in his skills after all. If were talking about strange skills, there are only a few. [Godspeed Flash] was used by Nell, a member of the [Starved Hunters], and should be a sword skill that momentarily raises the speed of the swordsman to shear through the enemy. There are only two normal skills new to me.

Normal Skill [Blissful Spinner]

By casting a sword in a spinning motion, it can be controlled freely as though part of the users body. One of the ultimate sword skills.

This doesnt seem like it if so, maybe its the last one.

Normal Skill [God-Felling Myriad Slash]

A blade that has reached the realm of divinity.

A consecutive attack of blades that can fell even gods.

I-its not this one either?

Hmph You should go into hiding. I know you holy knights have resolved yourselves, but you cant even serve as a decoy in this situation. Youd only die in vain.

Howgrey says that to the holy knight riding with him earlier, and dashes along the ground towards me However, his speed is appropriate for his stats. It shouldnt be any different from that of the holy knight whom he just warned off. Howgreys pace is far behind Aruanes, not to mention Beelzebubs.

Is he seriously planning to cut me using such a sword, and with such stats? He isnt triggering any alarms from my [Presence Perception] either. While Lilixira, Beelzebub, and Aruane give off an uneasy feeling, I sense absolutely nothing from Howgrey.

Thats exactly why I find that ominous. I still have absolutely no idea what hidden strength he might have for him to have been brought here, even now that Ive faced him down.