Reincarnated As A Dragon's Egg ~Lets Aim To Be The Strongest~ - Chapter 515

Chapter 515

Published at 10th of February 2022 08:48:16 AM

515 Counterattack (side: Volk)

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Youre back.

A short while after Irushias departure to go fight the Saint, the atlach-nacha has returned safe from her scouting.

Then, as planned, well withdraw to the mountain to gain some distance.

I address Aro, the magiatite, lecherta, atlach-nacha, and treant. Aro anxiously looks in the direction of Irushia.

As regrettable as it is, we are far too weak to fight their main force. We cant afford to be caught up in that fight.

I say to persuade her, and we begin to head uphill. The treant takes on its child-sized round doll form Its apparently its tree spirit form, but I cant help but find the appearance unsettling.

As we climb, I see Aro stroking the treants head, and ask if she finds it cute. In my forest there were many similar gods, so it feels reassuring, she responds.

I see, there were many I had heard that Aro had lived deep in Noahs Forest, so it might be best if I resolve myself before I head deep in that forest.

As I stare at the treant lost in thought, it comes up to me and presents its head out to me.

You can pat too if youd like, Volk-dono.

Thank you for the offer, but I cant afford to relax just now.

Whats important now is making sure we dont get caught up in the Fly King Beelzebubs assault. Ive never seen Beelzebub in person, but I know just how terrifying he is as the Saints vanguard.

Apparently, even Irushia would have been unlikely to win against him when he was an ouroboros. Beelzebubs powerful combat capabilities and wide-range skills, are made even harder to deal with by his outstanding flight ability.

I dont think Irushia will be overwhelmed as he is now, but If Beelzebub fights steadily as a pair with the Saint and uses soldiers as diversions, it could easily become a brutal war of attrition.

The thunderous roar of a distant storm echoes through the fog. Aro stops moving and turns around, staring back the way we came with a pained expression.


More than that, I feel bitter While dragon-god-sama is fighting, were just running.

Irushias foremost wish is for everyone to survive.

Besides I feel the same as Aro. I smile wryly to myself. For so long now, Ive acted as a lone wolf who couldnt fit in civilisation, but Ive finally found a place where I belong.


Either way, I doubt well be able to just keep running.

In this thick fog, we shouldnt be found soon. But From what Ive heard, that Saint is devious, ruthless, and thorough. She probably has some plans to use us drive to Irushia into a corner.

Right now, we are Irushias weakness. That was why he couldnt have fled to this land by himself. Its impossible to imagine the Saint wont try to attack us. Through some means or other, an attack should be coming.

I hear the sound of something cutting through the air. Looking up, I see a small green dragon flying high above. Its not a monster weve seen here No, could it be one of the dragons used by the Kingdom of Shard, a zephyr!?

Straining my eyes, Im able to make out an armoured swordsman on the dragons back.


The zephyr shrieks as though to draw attention to its position, then flies higher disappears into the fog.

Did it run?

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No, it called for allies. Rather than attacking us one-by-one, theyre going to use their numbers as a weapon.

Using the Kingdom of Shards dragon riders to search the fog en masse is a huge undertaking. In the first place, the zephyr are essentially the symbol of Shard, and arent very many of them in total. Its remarkable that the Saint could borrow them.

I was hoping we would be able to cut down our pursuers numbers and contribute even slightly to the battle, but if theyre going to fight from above Were going to be placed at quite a disadvantage. Of course, I cannot fly, nor do I have a skill to strike an enemy that has fled to the skies.

Aro has her magic, so she should fare a little better than me, but It doesnt change the fact that the skies will be area of safety for them. Their ability to always avoid our attacks by flying up is bad for us. Well be forced to fight on their terms. Any enemies that we fail to finish off will be able to fall back and recover, giving them a considerable psychological advantage.

If I only had one good anti-air attack I look at the atlach-nacha, but she shakes her head.

Dont expect too much Its not impossible to throw you with my thread, but its too limiting. If we use it multiple times, itll be easy to react to.

As I thought But without getting up there, its going to be difficult to stop them from getting away.

Leave it to me! With my [Tree Spirit] form, I can fly to some extent, Volk-dono!

The treant proposes proudly, but It seems unlikely that the treant could do much in that form.

Perhaps its best if you dont?

I dont think the treant has enough mobility to change the situation by itself.


The lechera cries and moves in front of me, displaying the small bat-like wings on her back. She can fly, but Im still a little worried about her combat strength. Shed be facing the Kingdom of Shards strongest dragons, and the worlds strongest armed force, the Holy Knights.

The treant falls back, dejected, but the lecherta walks up to my side.

She is asking you to ride on her back, Volk-dono.

I see, that could

If I, the lecherta, and magiatite head to the skies, while Aro, the atlach-nacha, and treant fight from the ground, we should be able to avoid being forced into a disadvantageous position.

Theyll soon be here in great numbers. Well turn the tables on them and cut down the Saints numbers. Its crucial that the sky team and the ground team do not become separated. Pay close attention so that we dont lose each other.

Its hard to imagine that the Saint could gather many first-class swordsmen and zephyr so easily. If we can cut down their numbers now, it should restrict their future actions considerably.