Reincarnated As A Dragon's Egg ~Lets Aim To Be The Strongest~ - Chapter 510

Chapter 510

Published at 6th of February 2022 04:51:12 PM

510 Contact

After Beelzebubs kin flies away towards my illusion, I return to my normal form and hold still low to the ground.

A short time later, one of the atlach-nachas [Doppel Cocoons] loses its shape and falls apart. One of three has disappeared. Its the signal that shes found them. Theyre getting close. Its finally time for contact.

I take on my [Baby Dragon] form with [Dragon Mirror] again. Normally, the [Baby Dragons] wings are too small, so I keep them large enough to fly.

Once its calmed down a bit, meet up with the atlach-nacha and head to the mountain! Its about to start!

Lilixira should be about to attack me alongside two [Spirit Servants]. A stray shot from such a battle could even kill the treant in one hit. Its best to have them all keep their distance.

After calling out with [Telepathy], I spread my wings and jump up. I twist the light around me with [Mirage], doing my best to prevent myself from being seen. In the air, I use [Presence Perception] to thoroughly investigate my surroundings.

Then, I cause a black sphere to appear in my mouth. Its the [Gravidon] magic skill.

Even if I make myself smaller with [Dragon Mirror], the strength of my magic is unchanged. Between [Dragon Mirror], [Mirage], and Umukahimes mist, Ill suppress my presence as much as possible, and then take the initiative with [Gravidon].

By doing this, I should be able to prevent Beelzebub from shooting off an [Inhaala]-strengthened [Storm of the Fly King]. Theres no way he can prepare such a huge move while fighting me.

Suddenly, a giant figure looms out of the fog. This size has to be Beelzebub.

Species: Beelzebub

Condition: Spirit

Lv: 86/130 (locked)

HP: 2152/2152

MP: 1887/2071

Its perfect timing. He would probably normally have attacked from further away, but it looks like tricking the fly with [Mirage] paid off.

Suddenly, the fog swirls as it flows towards the huge shadow. Its [Inhaala]. Im grateful that it has such an obvious wind up. Its going as planned. I release the [Gravidon].

The fog thins in the path of the black sphere as it is sucked in, allowing me to make out Beelzebubs figure. His huge fly snaps towards me. Immediately, his body shrinks as he transforms into a thin, grey-skinned man.

Even so, the [Gravidon] wont miss a small target. But, at the last moment, the [Gravidon] swerves and flies off into the distance.

A wall of light has appeared in front of Beelzebub. Its the skill that reflects magic, [Mirror Counter]. It seems that completely blocking it was impossible due to the difference in the strength of our magic, so the [Mirror Counter] was constructed at an angle to deflect the [Gravidon]. The only one who could do a trick like that is Lilixira.

But, both Beelzebubs [Humanisation Technique] and the [Mirror Counter] were far too fast a reaction. Its true that it was a fairly long distance attack, but it seems like they knew I was about to attack. Lilixira herself said that she was using [Laplace Interference Authority] to predict the future when she was recruiting me to fight the Demon Lord. I guess I should just feel lucky that I was able to defend against the [Storm of the Fly King].

Lowering my physical stats any longer is dangerous. I release [Dragon Mirror], returning to my oneiros form.

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Its been a while, Irushiaaaaa! Im happy to see you again! Being able to fight such a dangerous dragon almost makes becoming the dog of such a boring, gloomy woman worth it!

His fly-like wings flap, and Beelzebub darts through the air. I can see him. Last time, he was so fast in his human form that I could barely follow him with my eyes, but now I see him clearly.

Beelzebub is probably Lilixiras strongest asset. In his normal giant fly form, he has incredible firepower, and in his human form hes the only being fast enough to properly compete with me in a contest of speed. In addition, hes the holder of the [Animal Realm] divine skill. If I can defeat him, Lilixira should be fairly hard pressed.

I had wondered if Beelzebub might get dismissed after the opening, but hes coming straight at me. I had predicted they wanted a short decisive battle, but it seems they really are committed to it. Thats fine, Ill end it in a moment! Lilixiras probably worried about losing a battle of attrition, but I also dont want to draw out the battle and endanger Aro and the others for longer than needed.

Behind Beelzebub, a huge number of shadows appear. A lot of the fog has thinned from the [Inhaala], so theyre easy to see.

This huge number of shadows Theyre dragons. Humans wearing the Holy Knight armour are riding the two-and-half metre long dragons.

Species: Zephyr

Condition: Normal

Lv: 50/65

HP: 525/525

MP: 114/114

The zephyr have green scales and angled faces. Theyre C+ rank. About twenty of them are flying around. I didnt think humans had a force this powerful.

Lilixira is with them. I cant see her face clearly because of the distance, but he figure is the same as before, and she has her characteristic long white hair, so theres no mistaking her. With dragon riders on either side, shes also riding a zephyr.

Now, lets take the head of that dragon and restore peace to the human world!

I faintly hear Lilixiras shout She really is saying whatever she wants. I put my trust in her and defeated the Demon Lord, and then led the ruin away from human lands. Declaring that theyll take my head just sounds like mockery to me now.