Reincarnated As A Dragon's Egg ~Lets Aim To Be The Strongest~ - Chapter 501

Chapter 501

Published at 24th of January 2022 02:48:03 PM

501 Stone Slab

My body feels heavy In the end, I didnt receive too much damage from the clay brave, but The MP and HP cost of [Hellgates] is harsh. It feels like Ive been injured, or rather it feels as though my insides suddenly rotted. I mend my body thoroughly with [Autoregeneration].

Combined with the need for healing, the MP cost is close to a thousand. The consumption rate is incomparable with other skills. My ex-war buddy [Wind Slash]-san, now usurped by [Dimension Claw]-sensei, could be fired a hundred times for the same cost. [Hellgate]s limit is thrice in a day No, considering the need to use MP for other things in battle, the realistic maximum is probably twice per day.

Lilixira probably wont be coming here alone, so its important that I keep some strength in reserve to protect Aro the others. If Im forced to use [Hellgate] a second time, Ill lose that layer of security. With my stats now, the worry of Lilixira cornering me enough to force me to use it twice seems unlikely, and yet

First off, lets check out my newly acquired [Wormhole] skill. I guess I got it at level 100? Because the clay brave gave me so much experience, my level increased by so much that its hard to be certain

Normal Skill [Wormhole]

By distorting space and connecting to a separate location, teleportation without regard for physical distance becomes possible.

Oh, ohh? T-teleportation magic? S-such a handy thing actually existed? If that means we can flee from Lilixira as much as we want now, doesnt that mean everything Ive done by fleeing here will have been meaningless?

The range of movement is proportional to the users body span, and is at most ten times that size.

The MP consumption is extreme, and there is a short delay before activation, so it is difficult to use.

Thats what I thought. A distance of ten times my body length would be easy to cover with by jumping, even without putting much effort into it. If thats all, then I wish I had gotten [Gravillion] that Lilixira used to compress Eldia.

Since Ive gotten nothing but excellent skills as an oneiros until now, I might have set my expectations a little too high. Well, its my first time hearing of something like teleportation thats slower than conventional movement. In some sense it might be more realistic but How can I use it Err W-well, lets try investigating it later. Its probably not completely unusable.

I dig out the gigantic stone slab that the clay brave was originally leaning against As a result of my rampage, the terrain here has become a mess. It was quite a beautiful place decorated with flowers as well.

I pull up the stone slab. Well then, this should be Alchimias stone slab. Ill check what it says right away.

Its my first time seeing letters, but this worlds language information is apparently comes in the form a skill called [Grisha Language], and after Miria imparting the bare minimum to me, the rest came easily. Its possible I might have might have acquired knowledge of written words back then, too. At any rate, Ive seen the [Grisha Language] skill many times, but never something like a [Grisha Characters] skill, after all. Thinking about it that way seems consistent

Characters Ive never ever seen before are etched into the stone slab. Below them, a depiction of a dragon fighting a swordsman is carved. I-I cant read it at all

I gently set the stone slab on the ground, and begin to descend the mountain Well, lets call Aro over.

That was quick. I believed you would take two days at the longest.

As I descend from the summit, I see Umukahime sitting on a chair made of a bundle of mysterious tentacles that extend from her back. Aro and the black lizard are pinned beneath her.



The two are deepening their friendship.

Aro!? Black lizaard!?

Beside them, treant-san is half-buried in the ground.

Master-dono I have no excuses

And, treant-san.

If I may ask, why are you referring to me like an afterthought?

Umukahime gives a wide yawn.

After the roars came, they began to chatter about going by any means necessary. I had them settle down. Be at ease; I have not killed them, as you can see.

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S-shes genuinely strong Even though she was prattling on about her not being enough to test me after the shub-niggurath lost.

Sorry, it seemed I was no match for her. There didnt seem to be any malicious intent, so I quickly yielded.

Still in a kneeling position, Volk shakes his head with a look of frustration. In the distance, several of Umukahimes tentacles are slapping and flailing on the ground. As I return my gaze to Volk, I see a mysterious translucent fluid clinging to magiatite-jii in his hand Hey, the one who cut those was definitely you, isnt it? You put up quite a good fight, huh.

The atlach-nacha is the only one coolly standing unhurt Oi, its fine to get just a little worried about me, you know?

I was confident master would win.

The atlach-nacha speaks dispassionately from behind her mask. Her tone is almost as though the outcome didnt matter to her Shes learnt nothing but a twisted sort of wisdom.

The right master is also the memento of the left master. I wouldnt say that without meaning it.

M-my bad

I lower my head to the atlach-nacha. She lets out a proud sigh I-I can believe those were your true feelings, right?

I place the fallen Aro and black lizard on my back, and return to the mountain peak housing the stone slab with Umukahime leading the way Ah, thats right, treant-san didnt have anything done to it, it just missed magnificently with [Meteor Stamp] and removed itself from the fight. Ohh, I know that much.

However You cannot read the text? Has that not been needed up till now?

Umukahime speaks as if dejected.

Whats written on it?

I havent read it either. After all, it wouldnt be strange for the world to change significantly the moment someone were to lay eyes on it.


Volk, who is walking by my side, has a suspicious look on his face as well.

Perhaps that is an exaggeration. If it really had such power, surely Demon Lord-sama would have taken down Gods Voice five hundred years ago.

A melancholy sigh leaves her lips. Her expression is that of someone fondly longing for the past.

Demon Lord-sama was able to discover the ultimate objective of Gods Voice. By the time she engraved those words on the stone slab, she had already crossed swords with Gods Voice. She probably was able to note down what skills Gods Voice possessed.