Reincarnated As A Dragon's Egg ~Lets Aim To Be The Strongest~ - Chapter 497

Chapter 497

Published at 20th of January 2022 02:47:59 PM

497 To the Earthen Brave

I follow Umukahime as she heads towards the centre of the fog.

Still, I never thought thered be a stone monument with information on Gods Voice here.

I know Gods Voice has been manipulating me and pushing me towards certain actions, but I have no idea what their end goal might be, nor what it might mean for me. Im a little worried that as soon as I know how to begin to properly resist, Gods Voice will immediately become completely hostile to me, but Even though I dont know their ultimate objective, I know just how rotten a personality Gods Voice has.

Without any information, theres no telling what I might be forced into. If theres something here that could help me guess as to Gods Voices intent, then its worth betting on.

Besides Gods Voice is probably going to try something in the showdown with Lilixira. If Gods Voices objective is to bring about a scramble for the four divine skills through confict between humans and monsters, then Its possible I might inadvertently do as they want.

Umukahime stops and turns to face us.

Wh-what is it? Are we there?

I ask, and Umukahime shakes her head.

No. Only one of you should proceed from here. I will also wait behind.

O-one of us? So Volk and the others will also be waiting here?

As I ponder the matter, Aro jumps down, her right arm clad in soil. Sh-shes ready for combat!

.Why do you only want dragon-god-sama to go? Every word youve said is fishy.

S-stop, Aro! Lets be peaceful! Peaceful!

It was the last will of my master. Would you mind playing along? Your master there seems to have an interest in Gods Voice too, so Isnt it okay?

Aro and the others dont know much about Gods Voice. They heard the term when the topic came up in conversation with Lilixira on the giant tree island, and then when Volk asked during the following journey, I explained that I have a strange voice following me around and telling me to do things. As they dont know the details, Umagahimes words must have sounded highly suspicious to Aro and the others.

If you try to force your way through, I wont show any mercy. Although thats not how I would like things to go

Umakahime thins her eyes. She looks just like a kimono-clad beauty, but her bearing is far from human. I sense a strong killing intent emanating from her.

Im confident Ill be able to do a fair amount of damage. If I narrow my goal and abandon thought of winning Lets see One, two I guess I could kill two. Do you want to try?

Umakahime points a finger at Aro, and then at treant-san. Treant-san shivers, then turns away to hide and pretend to be a tree. Hey, treant-san, do you really think thatll work now?

Aro, please stand down.

Its true that if we do as she wants, well be dividing our forces. But if she was going to lie to us, I dont think shed do it in such a roundabout way. Besides, bearing in mind what the shub-niggurath said, it seems likely that shes telling the truth. Most of all I want the information on Gods Voice.

Shes probably not lying. Ill have to confront Gods Voice in some form one day, anyway.


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Aro nods, then steps back. Umakahimes expression smooths back to that of a human.

Then, climb straight up the mountain. The stone monument is at the peak.

I glance back at Aro and the rest, then nod and pass by Umakahime to push on through the dense fog.

Along the way, I spot a giant head floating in the fog Ah, its another clay guardian. There are three of them evenly spaced along the path. Theyre completely motionless, so I wonder for a moment if they might just be statues, but upon checking I see that they are indeed clay guardians with [Direct Burst].

Well, if theyre not going to attack, then Ill hold back for now too.

As I reach the summit, the barren earth gives way to a grassy plateau. At the end of the path is a stone slab, about three metres tall and surrounded by colourful flowers. The visibility is poor because of the fog, but its a beautiful and fantastical sight.

That stone slab should contain secrets on Gods Voice, left behind by the Demon Lord of a bygone era who was Umakahimes master.

I spot a dark red suit of armour lying in the shadow of the stone slab. No, its not just a suit of armour. Something is inside it. Umakahime called this a test, so that suit of armour might the tester.

Ill keep my distance and see what I can find out for now.

[Clay Brave]: rank monster

Five hundred years ago, the cursed alchemist Alchimia who obtained the power of the Demon Lord despite having a human body, created this golem as half of herself.

Some have said that it was created as the symbol of her folly and regret, while others claim it was created simply as a way of using up unused weapons.

as I thought, its a monster! I thought there was something inside, but it seems its a humanoid monster made from solid clay.

Still This makes it clear. The creator of this clay brave and the clay guardians was probably the same person who made the clay bears. If they lived five hundred years ago, that should have been the same time that Eldia was serving his Demon Lord, but Eldias extreme hatred towards humanity makes me doubt he would ever serve a human, even if they had the power of a Demon Lord.

The shub-nigguraths and Umukahimes master was most likely the alchemist Alchimia, who defeated Eldias Demon Lord and somehow took [Asura Realm].

In other words, this armour must be the overseer of the last test. It probably isnt about to casually show me the stone slab. A light glints in the clay braves eye sockets as it rises to its feet and places a hand on the hilt of its sword.