Reincarnated As A Dragon's Egg ~Lets Aim To Be The Strongest~ - Chapter 407

Chapter 407

Published at 18th of September 2021 01:49:40 PM

407 The Last One

That pompous fool! Where is Rogueheil Sh-shit! Its always like this! Hes meant to back us up, but doesnt show when you need him! Hes useless when it counts!

Thermals body trembles with rage as he stares at the passage that I blocked. The target of his abuse is the still-absent final member of the Three Knights.

If we prepare to kill Irushia here, the Saint will be forced to step in! Even if she runs, princess-sama can kill Irushia and gain time for the next fight. Theres no problem at all with that plan!

Thermal is distraught. One of his hands still clutches Mirias leg as a threat, but hes using his other hand to furiously scratch his head.

I feel a sudden chill and rush forwards.

In my experience, once cornered like this, theres no telling what someone will do. The figure of the Hero after he was forced into an unfavourable position and suddenly started to kill humans crosses my mind. That was an extreme case, as there was the interference of Gods Voice, but its easy to imagine what could happen when someone who has taken a hostage becomes desperate.

Thermal was counting on escaping with Miria as a hostage more than I thought. From his behaviour, I had assumed that he couldnt hurt Miria, but that has backfired. My options were limited, but I was still too impatient to secure Miria.

Congratulations, Irushia. Ill flee for now. You can have the girl, but this is my revenge Essentially, Im venting my anger on her. Ill be taking this girls legs!

Healing magic skills such as [Rest] are only capable of healing what could be recovered by normal healing processes. Even though a body covered in cuts can be healed, a severed arm or a crushed eyeball cant. Regeneration of body parts requires skills like [Autoregeneration], but although I have that skill, its not one that can be used on others.

At this distance, rather than using [Wind Slash], knocking him off his feet directly is faster. But Im still going to be a step too late.

Watch closely, Irushia! Output, 100% Poison Tou-!

Thermals movement abruptly freezes. Is this my partners [Rulers Demon Eye] skill?

Hurry, I can only buy us a moment!

My partner sends a thought to me while staring at Thermal. Without taking the time to nod my acknowledgement, I stretch out my foreleg as far as it will go and knock away Thermals body with my claws.


Thermals body breaks apart, slamming against the wall while scattering dark green liquid. His body loses its shape for a moment, but quickly returns to human form. Having seemingly escaped from the Demon Eyes paralysis, he pants while glaring at me.

We made it. The Demon eye only worked because Thermal was glaring at my partner. Had he been looking at me, the eye contact requirement of [Rulers Demon Eye] wouldnt have been met.

Guh, so you have a skill to stop movement! But this is fine. I was only ever venting my anger. Its better that I was able to gain information on your skill.

Thermals body loses its colour, breaks down, and disappears as it sinks inside the wall.

Princess-sama No, this is enough playing knight. Ill advise Demon Lord-sama to hide for now. I dont think you guys, or the Saint would be that frightening, but Its better safe than sorry.

His mouth still opens and closes while losing its shape and disappearing, producing words up until it has entirely disappeared.

I rush over to the collapsed Miria. Relieved, I see that her HP is safe. She doesnt have any status conditions, either. Thermal has gotten away. But Miria is safe.


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I lower my head and sigh in relief.

Are they seriously restreating?

My partner calls out to me.

I wonder. This place must be important to them, and I think they would be leaving earlier than they would have to, but For a bluff, he seemed really at his wits end. For now, I want to defeat Mephisto, whose whereabouts we know.

are you really Irushisan?

Miria looks up at me from the floor, asking between coughs.

I dont reply, instead looking at the nightmare on my back Nightmare, would you mind taking her with you?

She tilts her head in hesitation, but upon being stared at by my partner, jumps down from my back. This late in the game, shes still as easy-to-understand as ever.

The nightmare draws next to Miria, bringing her white mask close to her. Miria looks frightfully between me and the nightmare. The nightmares appearance must be a bit of a shock to her.

Its happens at that moment. Without any presence that I can pick up on, the sudden sound of destruction reverberates from the collapsed wall. At once, I sweep Miria and the nightmare towards me.

A bronze pillar erupts from the mountain of rubble and pierces my forefoot. Blue blood spills out. I lift my broken right forefoot. The centre has been gouged out, bones-and-all. It struck with incredible force, as well as speed. Although I was protecting Miria and the nightmare, I couldnt avoid the damage with my stats, and it easily pierced through my body surface.

Hoh Thermal-dono was not mistaken to call for me. This one might be a bit much for Thermal-dono or Mephisto-dono to handle. No, Im glad I arrived in time. I had meant to hide myself until the Saint began to move for real, but I suppose not everything can go as planned.

After slipping through the rubble, an old man with a large build appears. Beneath his bald head, his long white moustache hangs down to the base of his chest. His clothes have the same colour scheme as the other Three Knights, but hes wearing a robe, and theres no sign of a sword or scabbard.

These features are a match for the rumours and Volks description. Probably, this person is the last of the Three Knights, the [Infinite Sword], and the most powerful mage in the capital. Bishop Rogueheil Or rather, the slime that has stolen Bishop Rogueheils appearance and name.