Reincarnated As A Dragon's Egg ~Lets Aim To Be The Strongest~ - Chapter 398

Chapter 398

Published at 9th of September 2021 02:10:37 PM

398 A Certain Girl and the Royal Banquet (side: Miria)

Meltisama and her companion, is it? This way please.

As we arrive at the castle gate, a soldier on watch bows his head towards me and Meltisan. But although he smiles towards Meltisan, he then thins his eyes towards me, seemingly finding me bothersome.

While were led through the castle courtyard by a soldier, I quietly talk to Meltisan.

Didnt it look like I was being treated as a nuisance?

Right, well, apparently most people dont bring an attendant. A servant would be one thing, but its possible that theres no one else whos bringing someone who is so clearly another adventurer. I havent gone to this sort of event before, so I have no one idea whats common sense or the standard etiquette.

I want to go home

A joking complaint escapes my mouth. I shake my head to drown out my timidness. This is no good. I need to curry favour with Princess Chris-sama.

Ive heard that even scholars are unsure whether Princess Chris-sama is an unthinking fool, or is a prodigy who sees further into the future than anyone else.

I think she probably isnt the former. But I dont know if shes the latter.

I only did some light preliminary investigation, but I cant say whether or not there is any consistency to her actions. Ive only seen the surface, but she appears to be constantly changing her subordinates and throwing the populace in confusion for no reason, but on the other hand its also hard to imagine that shes acting without any sort of calculation.

I cant put it into words very well, but Princess Chris somehow seems more terrifying, more monstrous. I have to stand before that monster.

Judging from that soldiers reaction earlier, I cant expect much from her first impression of me. To be honest, Im wondering if it was correct for me to come.

But, I have a story that might attract her attention. I havent defeated many monsters, nor have I gone to any particularly dangerous places. But I was wondering if she might find the tale of me and Irushisan interesting. That story is my only weapon against the princess.

Following the soldier with Meltisan, we arrive in a hall of the castle. Dishes and spoons are arranged on several round tables. Adventurers have already begun to gather.

I had heard that nine people were invited in total, but of the eight currently present, two appear to be attendants. There is a knight-like man accompanied by a woman who seems to be his servant, and an old swordsman with a long white beard accompanied by a young swordsman. The remaining four are a monocle-wearing gentleman with dagger on his waist, a swordswoman with a small build who appears to be even younger than me, a purple-haired mage with a tattoo of a magic beast on his face, and thin man with a scythe on his back.

Its my first time seeing them in person, but I recognise a few from rumours.

The monocled gentleman is known as Minds Eye Bernard, and is a renowned adventurer. Ive heard that rather than fighting from the front, he typically assists from the rear.

The robed man with the magic beast tattoo is Death Flame Garzan. Unusually for mages, hes known to use close-range high-power magic, and to fight with knives in close quarters.

With the two attendants removed Meltisan is the seventh to arrive. The other two should still be coming.

Theres a chair that looks like its for the princess, but shes not here yet.

After a little time passes, a woman with short golden hair appears. Shes wearing a thick robe to cover herself. Bandages are visible from around her mouth. There are many adventurers with dark pasts who take actions to hide their backgrounds There are many like that, but why would such a person come to the castle? I cant help but think that if she wanted to hide herself, then she shouldnt have come to a place like this.

Another short while later, a man with a large build and silver hair appears. On his back, he carries a huge sword that seems appropriate for his size. The sense of vigour emanating from him is much greater than that of the other adventurers.

Meltisan, that person

aah Probably, thats the Dragon Hunter.

His appearance is a match. Theres no doubt that hes Dragon Hunter Volk. Probably, that greatsword is his beloved sword, Leral.

I notice that Meltisan was less articulate than usual, and turn to at her to see that her eyes are glued to Volk-san. Indeed, his facial features are amazingly well-proportioned. His features are beautiful like a sculpture of a god.

He looks over everyone, then sights deeply.

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Seven, eight, nine; everyone is here already. I came all the way here, but theres no sign of Howgrey. I thought he might come, but I guess its another miss.

He says as though bored. The Howgrey that hes referring to must be the legendary Master Fencer who is considered dead. But certainly, if he was alive, it wouldnt seem strange for him to be invited to a gathering like this. Although I heard that he was uninterested in power, so whether he would accept the invitation is another matter.

Disgust appears on Volk-sans face, and he looks over us again.

About two seem like they could be useful. Also, isnt that the sickly woman from yesterday. It looked like you got into a disagreement with the Three Knights, but well done in coming all the same.

For a moment, I meet the dangerous eyes of the Dragon Hunter. I lower my gaze on reflex. Meltisan looks at me questioningly.

You lot, if you dont want to die, then flee now with all your strength. If you stay, youll almost certainly die.

Questioning expressions appear on the faces of the other adventurers. Of course, I dont have any idea what hes saying either. One of the nearby soldiers approaches him with a troubled expression.

Umm, Volk-sama Is there something not to your liking?

Hey, wheres the princess? Does your master not show her face after inviting people? Just how much of a coward is she?

U-umm My apologies. The princess is extremely busy First of all, umm I will tell you the order of business

The castle soldier seems to be scared of the huge Dragon Hunter, as hes backing away from the bare hostility.

Alarm appears on the face of Minds Eye Bernard, whos watching from a distance. He turns to the old swordsman and calls out to him.

This is bad, Romrodon-sama! The Dragon Hunter is about to move!

Apparently Minds Eye Bernard and the old swordsman Romrodon-san were already acquainted. Romrodon-sans apprentice bites his lip and puts a hand on the sword on his waist.

I see, so the fake Princess Chris wants to render us powerless or split us up first. In that case, my course of action is already decided.

Volk-san draws the greatsword from his back.

What are you

The next instant, the soldiers upper body splits in two along with his armour.