Reincarnated As A Dragon's Egg ~Lets Aim To Be The Strongest~ - Chapter 382

Chapter 382

Published at 24th of July 2021 08:10:36 PM

382. One Who Pierces the Moon

Volk holds his greatsword tight and charges straight at me.

The glint in his eyes can be seen shining brightly past his swaying silver hair.

I will take you down, Ouroboros!

Hes fast.

His fighting spirit must be rubbing off on me somehow since hes moving faster than what his status shows.

Lets calm down first, in terms of stats, I should be faster.

If I just deal with this calmly, I can break through his defenses.

I tell Alo and the others behind me to stand back as I brace myself from Volks attack.

Ha ~a~a~a~ah!

As Volk runs at me, he swings his sword sideways three times.

The wind force from the swing creates shockwaves heading towards me.

I respond by spreading my wings open, gathering magic power at my claw, and with a flap, I parry VolksShockwavewith my ownWind Slash.

Just as I thought, Volks skills let him overwhelm the opponent with attack after attack.

As proven by how Volk continues to charge at me even though I blocked his earlier attack.

Volk jumps left and right to confuse me, but I was still able to evade the slash of his sword.

I really want to useGround Upheavalto make him lose his balance, but since were in a cave, I could accidentally bury us all alive.

Right now, were at medium distance. Theres a chance hell useShockwaveagain.

Ill need to stop Volks movements so I can take the fight up close without worry.

Partner, readyDemonic Eyes of a Ruler.

That skill may be low-leveled, but try to use it when you see the chance.

And yes, I know VolksMagic Resistanceis high, but his magic stat is low despite his level.

He should still get affected somehow.

It wont work if I cant look at his eyes

If you pretend youre about to unleash a breath attack, wont he be forced to look at you to keep his guard up?

But, I cant use breath attacks. Isnt that yours?

Just make pretend, well make it work somehow.

Oh, and, useDeathat the right timing too.

But dont hit him, we dont want him dead. Just make sure hes at the right position to dodge it before you use it, so we can limit his movements.

Yknow ya kinda play dirty sometimes

Partner lifts her chin up and looks down at me, appalled at my plan.

N-No, its just, you know, if theres a safe way to incapacitate him, wouldnt you go with that?

Im a pacifist first before a brute.

Besides, diversions and distractions still count as good strategy, do they not?

Unfortunately for you, my dragon brain doesnt just think about frontal assaults when fighting enemies.

Even though she made me think that she wouldnt go through with my plan, Partner bends back and takes a deep breath.

The image of Partner, an Ouroboros, preparing a (pretend) breath attack looks so imposing, I can see why its regarded as legendary.

The base of Partners neck begins to swell.

Look whos giving it their all in the acting biz.

Partner notices me staring at her then looks back at Volk.

Volks attention is turned to Partner.

Of course, hes still keeping an eye out on me, but his attention is mostly focused on Partner.

Volk has theDragon Slaying Championtitle. That means he must be accustomed to fighting against dragons.

As a swordsman, theres no way he can ignore the danger of an incoming breath attack.

Slowly, but surely, I move my head away from Partner without letting Volk notice.

Wary of a breath attack, Volk doesnt take his eyes off of Partner, and thus he falls victim to her crimson glowing eyes.

Volk gets astonished and stumbles on his feet.

But, he immediately cartwheels and protects himself from hurting his knee.

Volk sweats in anticipation and hurriedly faces Partner, whos still intaking in air.

He mustve been expecting hed get hit by the breath attack.

Guh I will not be stopped by this petty trick

Volk thrusts his sword to the ground, raises his quivering knee, and attempts to stand up, staggering.

He struggles to walk to the side, even dragging his feet if he must, despite still being numb from Partners control.

Hes trying to avoid Partners breath attack with the little strength he can muster.

Sorry, but youre not going anywhere!

Without him noticing, I had already placed my head on the ground, with my chin touching the earth, right near where Volk is standing.

I also already prepared myScorching Breathbeforehand while he was busy with Partner, and so, with a simple open of the mouth, I release.

Fire quickly spreads upward and all around Volk.

W-What?! A simultaneous breath attack?!

In response to the unexpected fire from out of nowhere, Volk uses most of his strength to jump out of the way.

Then, he looks at Partner, fearing her breath attack will be released next.


Partner exhales in a calm, relaxing manner, as if she just had morning tea.

Finally, I can breathe again

And with that, our bluff has been exposed.

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This cant be! The prideful dragon who knows eternity, the legendary two-headed dragon, Ouroboros using such underhanded tactics!

Volks face frowns, and anger fills his eyes.

He has more of a dragon brain than me.

Well sorry for not living up to your expectations. Ill start doing it your way, then.

Mimicking Volks previous frontal assault, I rush towards him, ignoring the blazing ground that I ignited with my fire.

Volks reaction was late and by the time he raised his sword to guard himself from my attack, I was already right at his face.

Since we want him alive, I aim, not at Volk, but at his sword.

The impact of my claw and Volks sword creates a clanging sound.

While Volk is busy trying to push back my claw swipe with his big sword, the fire spreads near us and is currently burning us alive.

Because of my tough scales and high HP, Volks the one receiving more damage.

Im impressed he can still stand despite being roasted in literal fire, but its time to end this.

As the one with higher attack stat, I effortlessly push down Volk with my claw.

But then, Volk tilted his sword at an angle and my claw slid past it.

Damn! He used my force against me and stuck my claw unto the ground!

And with a quick change with the hold in his sword, Volk swings upward, almost hitting my chest, but he was actually just raising his sword up.

I will show you the power of the skill I obtained together with this sword,Moon Piercer

Volks hold in his sword tightens.

Its coming! Hes gonna unleash a big attack!

Volks attack stat, plus his own sword, is already high enough to bypass my defense.

I panic, and swipe Volk with my other claw to stop him from whatever he was about to do.

Ill hit him with myParalyzing Poison Claw.

While its true that with VolksParalysis Resistance: Lv5, he could just shrug off a scratch, but a direct hit should still leave behind aParalysisstatus condition.

Lets just hope its enough to really incapacitate him.


Partner, who has been waiting for the right timing the whole time, unleashes herDeathskill.

An eerie black light makes its way to Volk.

H-H-Hey, Partner! The timing is really, really good and all, but youve got it all wrong!

While we dont even know if the skill would work or not, I believe I told you that you were supposed to not actually hit him!

Hes comin at us with intent to kill, Im just returnin the favor. Stop being too soft all the time

W-Why you!Exorcism Blade!

Volk quickly manages to regain his stance and swings his sword at the black light.

The light fromDeaththen scatters into small particles.

So its a skill that cuts through magic, how convenient.

Im glad he was able to deal with it since I dont want him dead yet.

Because he shifted his attention to PartnersDeathskill, he was unable to guard against against my claw swipe.

Pushed by my palm, Volks body flies into the air.

My claw pierced deep into his shoulder.

Volks grip on his sword weakens, and just as he was about to let go, he immediately regains hold of it with his other hand.

As expected from a master swordsman.

His battle instincts are telling him that letting go of your only weapon means death.

L-Leral! My, one and only, Leral!

Volk pulls his sword close to him and hugs it dearly.

Nevermind, this is clearly something different. Hes developed a kink for that sword of his.

Volk crashes into the cave wall and dust scatters everywhere.

When the dust cleared, a bloodied Volk is seen stuck on the wall. His eyes are open, but Volk himself is unconscious.