Reincarnated As A Dragon's Egg ~Lets Aim To Be The Strongest~ - Chapter 325

Chapter 325

Published at 26th of May 2021 02:00:19 PM

325 Battalion Commander, Lightning Sword Lapar 1 (side Lapar)

Sixth battalion commander, Lapar As expected, we cant find any other soldiers. They must have all fled already, reports my subordinate, Paige, as she kneels towards me.

Hmm, I see. Well, I wasnt expecting much. Thanks for your hard work, Paige. So then, let us begin our final attack on the Lithovars by ourselves as planned.


The Starved Hunters are in a state of destruction. I heard from my subordinate that Tolman has already fled. Most of units have withdrawn with him, and Azalea has taken just a few soldiers in an attempt to slay the dragon.

The normal course of action here would be to go assist Azalea, or to meekly retreat with the others. But it is unforgivable for us to flee before mere forest-dwelling barbarians.

Azalea plans on taking back the spoils of that dragon, but I cant imagine his chances are very good. I only saw it briefly, but it is definitely not something that can be defeated. Tolman-sama can often be obstinate, and even though Azalea is usually composed, he holds Tolman-samas wishes over his own judgement. Among the many hot-blooded, rash personalities of the Starved Hunters, Azalea was the only one who I considered to be my equal as a strategist, but perhaps I evaluated him too highly.

No matter how you look at it, hes acting recklessly. He has a chance of winning, so is forced to try, but its far more likely that hell die in vain. When that happens, Tolman-sama will become a laughingstock who failed to achieve anything, and its clear hed be removed as a candidate for the throne. As a result, even though he will be disgraced in front of the royalty, reacting based on emotions is no good.

When I heard that Azalea would be attempting to subjugate the dragon, I came to the idea of striking the village while he has it distracted. We may have failed in collecting the carbuncle or slaying the dragon, but if at least the village is hit, Tolman-sama can save some face. We will also be able to bring back information about the dragon. If that happens, there will still be a slim chance that Tolman-sama can become king. I could become a royal knight. As a bonus, once Azalea is dead, should I successfully raise my reputation here, I could succeed him as the next commander of the entire Starved Hunters. Tolman must be facing quite the dilemma, but for me this is a opportunity.

When I first saw that dragon, I was astonished. From its overwhelmingly enormous body, two bizarre heads sprouted. It summoned an inexhaustible supply of wind slashes from its widespread wings, each of which tore people apart. After it jumped, the next moment there was a huge rumbling in another place. Having watched it from a distance, I judged that there were unforeseen circumstances, and promptly withdrew.

Some might say that other units saw us and broke, but that is absurd. Rather it should be said that I made a cool-headed decision.

Because of the dragon, the Starved Hunters were routed, and practically all were fleeing. I used that. Avoiding unnecessary battles with the Lithovars, I carried out a careful retreat. Perhaps they didnt have the leeway, but no pursuers were sent after us. That is why this course of action is now possible. While pretending to run away, I sent teams to scout around the village for an opening in their defences.

And now the opportunity is here. The timing couldnt be better. The only question that remains is how long Azalea can hold out.

The only soldiers with me are the seven who report directly to me in the fifty-first unit, but that is not a problem. They are my handpicked elite subordinates. Without that dragon around, dealing with the barbarians will be as easy as twisting a babys arm.

Lets go, then. If you see anyone with a strange whistle, shoot them right away.


That whistle can be heard from quite the distance. Being careful of them is a hassle, letting them summon the dragon would be far too shameful.

Once were inside the village, kill everyone you see. While theyre too bewildered to react, Ill use my ace in the sleeve to destroy them in one go. Be careful that you dont fall behind when its time to retreat.

Youre using it, then?

Right. Its dangerous and valuable so I dont like using it, but with that dragon setting a time limit, I have no choice. Anyway, lets hurry. Organising the information took some time. If were late, well all die.

I raise my sword high, and my subordinates shout out with their swords overhead. I laugh lightly, and we start down the least populated path to the village that was found by the scouts. Once Paiges magic has hidden our presences, we charge.

Right away, we come across some Lithovar guards. There are five of them. Because of the presence-hiding magic, weve successfully taken them by surprise. The one with a whistle hurriedly brings it to his mouth, while the other four charge towards us with their spears raised.


I point my sword forwards. At the same, all the subordinates behind me release their arrows. An arrow pierces the side of the man with the whistle, and he collapses. The whistle that he throws is shattered by a second arrow.



For them to be worried about their comrade, either they have a lot of leeway, or they dont have the intelligence to understand their present situation. The man who had the whistle is still breathing, but it doesnt look like he can walk. Leaving him for later should be fine.

The target of the arrows quickly changes from the whistle blower to the spearmen in the front. But as expected of those who live in a monster-infested forest, they charge forwards while dodging the arrows.

But my subordinates arrows fly where I indicate with my sword, targeting precise locations. I force the spearmen to bump into each other as they avoid the arrows, then shoot a volley into those who make a fatal mistake. One goes down, and then another. The backs of the fallen Lithovars are riddled with arrows. I almost feel like the conductor of an orchestra. I command the arrows of my subordinates, and force the Lithovars to jump as I please. Before I know it, I start to hum to myself.

But the last young Lithovar man is avoiding the arrows with agility that is incomparable to the others, jumping left and right as he closes in on me. He looks young, but hes taller than any of the others. His movements are unrefined, but that is exactly why they are so hard to predict. He moves truly like a wild animal.


Ive arrived, fiend! This Baron will die, but Ill at least take you with

He swings his spear in a wide arc. It might be a result of his original disposition, but it seems hes consumed by anger.

Youre full of openings, animal boy.

I catch the head of his spear with my sword, then flick it away with a twist of my wrist. The spear bends and flies from his hands.

In the end, a barbarian warrior could never compete with the swordsmanship that has been drilled into me from a young age as a member of the historic Ranpard family. The best solution to this mans movements occurs to me. All I must do is continue on as planned.

Grr, y-you!

He hesitates for a second, then leaps at me barehanded, despite the fact that I am on horseback and have my sword ready. Did he think hed catch me by surprise? No, it might just be plain desperation. His power of reasoning is poor. As expected of a barbarian, I suppose.

I will show you why I am feared as Lightning Sword Lapar.

I hold my sword to the sky and pour magic power into it.

Thunder Slash!

Clad in lightning and with my sword shining brightly, I close in on the barbarian.

Suddenly, the surroundings are enveloped in fog.


I open my eyes wide and stab my lightning sword into a figure I spot in the mist. My lips break into a smile as I feel a response, but that just lasts a moment. Its not a human. Its earth.

I get close enough to see, and find its just a crude mound of earth.

Cheh! [Clay], is it? It seems an enemy skilled at magic has come. But dont think that is enough to deceive me!

I control my breathing and stretch out my awareness to search for presences. I feel an evil presence. Its a short distance away, and has the shape of a human. Its right by where the whistle blower collapsed.

There! Arrows!

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My subordinates hear my voice and release arrows in unison.


The huge quantity of arrows are repeled by sudden strong winds. The wind splits the mist, thinning it. In front of the man who was pierced by an arrow stands a red-eyed Lithovar girl.

That was a ridiculous amount of power. I doubt she can keep blocking the arrows like that indefinitely. Though I would never have thought the Lithovars still had a mage this powerful in reserve.

Wh-who? Aro? Are you Aro?

The man shes saving seems to be in disbelief, as he fearfully stares at the girls face with his mouth wide open. She moves closer to him and strokes his abdomen where he was pierced by the arrow. After a grimace, she pulls the arrow from his belly.

Argh, aagh!

He moans in pain. She glaces at the tree towering behind her. The tree sways slightly, and his bottom half shines with light, his wound quickly closing No, did she simply use [Rest]? I rub my eyes with the back of my hand.

Aro Are you Aro?

Crying, he steps towards the girl. His expression is so joyous that you would never believe until a moment ago, no, even now, hes at deaths door. The girl makes a conflicted expression, then looks towards the village.

Go back to the village and report.


The man appears shocked. Then he seems to finally remember his role.

B-but, I cant leave you in such a dangerous place! Ill stay behind, so you should go report!

My subordinate shoots an arrow towards the girl. She chants [Clay], and holds up her hand. A mass of earth sprouts up to block the arrow.

The man realises that he wouldnt be able to stall for time, and after clenching his teeth for a few seconds, he breaks into a run towards the village.

Ill definitely come back soon! Dont die!

The girl seems to have a lonely expression as he hears him and mutters something quietly, then fixes her gaze on me.

Im too taken aback and stop my horse momentarily, but I hold my sword ready and glare back at her.

Just how long does a little girl who can use a little magic think she can last against Lightning Sword Lapar


I hear the sound of someone kicking off the ground behind me, and look back hurriedly.

Unfortunately, Im here too!

Its the big man called Baron from earlier. Perhaps made of magic, he strikes me with a spear of earth.


I block, and the tip of the spear breaks apart into a burst of sand. With my vision blocked, he jumps at me with all his strength. Unable to react, I tumble from my horse.

You [Lighting Radiation]!

Lighting explodes from my sword, scattering in every direction. He quickly jumps away from me. I use that opening to restore my stance.

Hes weaponless again, but the girl holds up her hand and another earthen spear appears by his feet. He wipes the wound he got from rolling on the ground earlier and holds the earthen spear ready.

I dont know who you are, but thanks. Ill leave the rear to you.

Lowly barbarians! Very well, become dust before my sword!