Reincarnated As A Dragon's Egg ~Lets Aim To Be The Strongest~ - Chapter 264

Chapter 264

Published at 28th of January 2021 02:10:38 PM

264 Attack

After a sidelong glance at Baron, whos fidgeting in worry, Hibi turns to face me. Having chanted an incantation under her breath, she connects to me with [Telepathy].

The truth is, our village is under attack. We have come to borrow your strength.

Y-your village?

The women and children have taken shelter in the basement of the meeting hall, but our opponents are numerous, so at this rate

I-I got it. In any case, its better if we hurry, right? Is it okay if we go now and I hear the explanation later?

That would be a great help. Thank you very much, dragon-god-sama

Hibi silently bows her head. Then, like before, I put Hibi and Baron on my back and head towards the village.

On the way, I spot another abyss. I dont have time to deal with it, so I keep on running like I never saw it.

An attack, huh She said some dangerous-sounding things too. Is it a swarm of monsters?

Theres no way its the anti-dragon-god faction attacking, is it? N-no, there shouldnt be any reason for them to fight now. Theres no way defeating the manticore would have made their relationship worse, is there? Could there be something I missed?

As I continue to run, the dragon-god village comes into view.

I throw my thoughts to Hibi. So, I didnt quite catch it, what exactly is attacking you?

Those things are.

Those things? Wondering what she means, I turn my gaze to the front, figuring that Ill find out by seeing.

Three Lithovar men are standing back-to-back, their spears ready. In between theres someone carrying a bloodstained person on their back. However, I cant see the opponent they should be fighting.

The men are surveying their surroundings, but upon seeing me, their tense expressions melt away.

Dragon-god-sama has come!

You fool! Dont lose your focus!

The moment the second man shouts, a black mass appears and charges them. With its eight legs writhing as it moves, theres no mistaking it as anything but an abyss.

Watch out! Theyve come!

Calm down and push it back!

The three of them break their formation to face the abyss together, but another one makes its appearance behind them. T-two of them together!?


Startled by my [Roar], the two abysses flee into the village, disappearing from view. I was able to get rid of them for now, but theyve gotten inside the village. Damn it! I thought it was strange how many there were; theyre also appearing in the village now.

I let Hibi and Baron down.

My partner glares at where the abysses disappeared. Its clear from the look in her eyes that theyre what she least wanted to see. My feelings are exactly the same.

Looking at Hibi, I ask her. Why are there so many of them?

The abyss breeding season is approaching, so their activity is increased as they acquire the nutrition needed to lay eggs. For some reason their numbers during breeding season has increased in the last few years, with the scale and frequency of their attacks rising year-by-year I expect they are attacking us as a group to gain nutrition more efficiently.

Ugeee I dont want to know that stuff. No, for me to make my living as the dragon-god, I need to know. How many of them are there?

They can hide their presences, so I cant give you an accurate count. Im sure theres more than twenty, however.

O-oh Abysses are C-rank monsters. Theres cant be many humans who are able to win against them one-on-one. Much less take on twenty of them together. This village did a good job surviving while the dragon-god was gone.

If we are unable to reduce their numbers even a little at this time, the situation will be even worse after breeding

In my mind, I visualise close to a hundred abysses marching in formation. I dont like imagining it

In terms of expected damage, arent the abysses even worse than the manticore? Isnt it a serious disaster?

Im not enthusiastic, but I need to participate right away.

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Leave me! Leave me, barbarians!

I hear someone making a racket behind me.

Ah! Hibi-sama, youve arrived at just the right time! The truth is, I found an adventurer and tried to threaten him away, but I saw that he was injured Probably, an abyss got to him.

Two Lithovars are carrying a bloodstained man between them. The man is wearing a set of blue military uniform-like clothes, with red trousers.

Perhaps confused by fear, hes acting violent despite his heavy bleeding. It looks like hes got blood in his eyes and cant see his surroundings.

Hes got a scabbard, but no sword in it. He must have lost it somewhere.

An adventurer, huh. They show up every now and again. He really has appeared at the worst time. If I was a human, theres no way I would go into an area that has these giant cockroaches crawling all over.

Another demon beast is not what attacked him, it seems. Please take him beneath the meeting hall and get him some medical treatment.

Understood. Pl-please calm down a little, were in an emergency situation. If you dont take shelter soon, itll end badly.

Shut up, barbarians! You plan to sacrifice me to your evil god! I know!

They pick up the man and take him away. I didnt get a chance to persuade my partner to use [High Rest]. Theres no time to chase after them either. He was making that much noise, so hell probably be fine I think.

Do you have any travelling companions? Are they safe?

Shut up! I have nothing to tell you!

I see him shouting until the last moment Adolf also said that the Lithovars are dangerous, so I wonder if thats the normal reaction. Theyre an unexpectedly well-natured bunch, so its a bit lonely.

More importantly, I should focus on the problem in front of me.

Searching for abysses with [Presence Perception], I face the village centre. Most of the Lithovars must be taking refuge underground, as I see hardly anyone. Abysses can hide their presences, so I should change my approach and search for people instead. I pick up on some human presences and move in their direction.

Its too dangerous to stay inside your house. Well take you to the meeting hall basement!


It seems that the non-combatants, children and old people, are being collected by adults going round in search of them. Should I help them with that? I circle around the building to take a look, and they notice me too.

Ah, dragon-god-sama!

The child waves his hand happily. Im still not used to being treated like that, so seeing that reaction makes me shy. In the next moment, a spray of sand appears behind the child, abysses appearing with it.


Moreover, theres three at once.

Were they hiding together under the ground!? I really cant let my guard down!