Reincarnated As A Dragon's Egg ~Lets Aim To Be The Strongest~ - Chapter 26

Chapter 26

Chapter 26


Alright Alright~ my level has risen considerably.

Ill check my status for a moment.

Race: Plague Kid Dragon

Status: Normal

Level: 22/40

HP: 58/116

MP: 43/113

ATK: 105

DEF: 91

Mana: 95

Agility: 93

Rank: D+

Special Skills:

Dragon Scales:Lv2Voice of God:Lv3Glisha Language:Lv1

Fly:Lv2Dragon Scale Powder:Lv1Darkness Attribute:Lv

Resistance Skills:

Physical Resistance:Lv3Fall Resistance:Lv4Hunger Resistance:Lv3

Poison Resistance:Lv3Solitude Resistance:Lv4Magic Resistance:Lv2

Darkness Attribute Resistance:Lv2Fire Attribute Resistance:Lv1Fear Resistance:Lv1

Normal Skills:

Roll:Lv4Status Check:Lv4Baby Breath:Lv3

Whistle:Lv1Dragon Punch:Lv2Plague breath:Lv1

Poison Fang:Lv1Paralysis Poison Claw:Lv1Dragon Tail:Lv1

Roar:Lv1Star Drop:Lv1

Title Skills:

Son of the Dragon King:LvWalking Egg:LvClumsy:Lv4

Just a Fool:Lv1Infighter:Lv4Pest Killer:Lv1

Lie Spitter:Lv2Evasion King:Lv1Relief Spirit:Lv3

Little Hero:Lv1Path of Evil:Lv3Disaster:Lv1

Chicken Runner:Lv2Mister Cook:Lv1King of Meanness:Lv1

Did my attack power become 100 at last?

However, I cant stay satisfied with this.

Because in order to contend with the little rock dragon, Ill have to raise all stats close to 200.

Still looking back carefully, Ive been saddled with disturbing titles.

King of meanness, Did I really do something so bad?

AndPath of Evilcame to Lv3.

The maximum skill level is 10.

Ah, Aah, max is it?

Its been a while since Gods Voice suddenly appeared that I freaked out quietly.

Now should I retrieve the vase turtle meat?

While its unfortunate, The vase shells are no good. Theyre all cracked.

Whats more, there are parts of the vase shell attached to the actual bones of vase turtle, and this cannot be removed well at all.

When I tear off the vase turtle from the lightly damaged vase shell, the shell that was originally full of cracks broke into fragments.

It seems difficult to separate the remaining vase shell like this.

Mmm, using it as a vase with the contents left as it is, its a little

Well, it isnt that I cant use it if I take others leaving only the minimum parts, but in the end even if I take care to keep it pretty, its all smashed up.

Like I thought, Ill have to make it from clay myself.

For now, Ill take the best vase shell from among the remains and remove the vase turtle meat from within it.

Todays meal will be a soft shell turtle stew.

It seems to be quite delicious.

Ill also gathered some suitable edible plants. Vegetables are important.

After all, a world like this most likely has a bread based diet huh.

Id like to make something like a vegetable rice porridge with the pot of soup left though. Isnt there something similar to rice?

I tear off the vase shell and meat and toss it inside one of the vase shells.

With blood smearing all over, it became a considerably grotesque display but that cant be helped.

When I ca

rried the vase shell packed with meat, I heard the sound of foot steps from behind going thud thud.

Crap, a large monster?

Ill quickly run away before its appearance is seen.


Huh? What, there was another one?

But some how, the voice was a little low or loud for a vase turtle?

Making a creaking sound, the trees were crushed.

And than I saw its appearance.

An upside down vase the size of a car, and even the limbs peeking out from those holes are around the size of my stomach.

The moment I looked, I felt the difference in the quality of status.

They, are whats called an outrageous monster.


Oi Oi, whats this fellow.

This is foul play.

Race: Great Vase Turtle

Status: Normal

Level: 24/55

HP: 233/233

MP: 156/156

ATK: 74

DEF: 245

Mana: 76

Agility: 4

Rank: C-

Special Skills:

Turtles Shell:Lv5Heat Detection:Lv4

HP Self-Regeneration:Lv4

Resistance Skills:

Physical Resistance:Lv5Magic Resistance:Lv4

Paralysis Resistance:Lv2Fire Attribute Resistance:Lv3

Normal Skills:

Shell Seclusion:Lv4Bite:Lv3Iron Tackle:Lv4


Title Skills:

Iron Defendse:Lv6One who gets Silly:Lv4

Curse of the Turtle:Lv1

It has a stat with over 200.(a stat of level 200)

Its attack proficiency is far inferior, but it is higher than the little rock dragon in respect to the HP and defense aspect.