Reincarnated As A Dragon's Egg ~Lets Aim To Be The Strongest~ - Chapter 24

Chapter 24

The Final Mean

After that, I tried many things in order to erase the Vase Turtles HP.

WithPoison FengMy teeth were going to break.

WithParalysis Poison ClawMy claw broke and flew. I cried a little.

I bundled withered trees andtried to burn it to death withBaby Breath, and at first the damage when through but, It looks like it lost toHP Self Regeneration.

The moment that I think the HP reduced, its restored and negated.

Im out of moves.

As if to ridicule my actions, sometimes the vase turtle will cry n~turtlee? with a stupid voice.

Darn it, its making a fool of me.

Thinking that I should use my trump card, I walked holding the Vase Turtle.

Its because I only persisted for only that, I want the experience value.

Thats why, even if I know that its cruel, I was forced to take this move.

Dont think bad of me. I just want to raise my level, learnArt of Humanization and deviate from thePath of Evil.

It was around the cliff I overcame in order to shake off the large spider.

While standing on the edge, I lightly stroked the cover of the vase turtle.

You death will surely not be in vain.

I will become stronger. Thats why, Forgive me.

n~turtle? Turtle!?

The turtle raised a cry as if for sympathy.

I shake my little neck, aimed it down the cliff and toss it.


The vase turtle falls towards the deep, deep bottom of the cliff.

The vase turtle collided with a rock under the cliff and shattered, and at the same time as being swallowed by the muddy stream, its death agony ceased.

Goodbye, Vase Turtle.

Yo were a formidable enemy.

You aquired 36 EXP

Because of Title SkillWalking Egg:LvYou have acquired an additional 36 EXP

Plague Kid Dragons Level has risen from 14 to 15

My nemesiss death is reported indifferently, and my level rose treating that as food.

Its the situation where one feels empty after a intense fight.

Getting to know of the harshness of the natural world once again, I turn my back on the cliff impel by a little sense of achievement, and a sense of fretfulness that exceeds that..

Title SkillKing of Meanness:Lv1acquired

Title SkillPath of Evils level has risen from 2 to 3

Even if I take it together and marinate it beautifully too, its like that after all.

Although [Title skill] is due to the many aspect of my consciousness, isnt it? was something I thought alone and got excited about trying this and that, but apparently it doesnt seem to be effective.

If I give up once and leave, that turtle vase will squeal in a teasing voice. After that, should I say that I have the feeling that I wouldnt retreat.

I knew a weird title would come if I threw it over the cliff but Ive finally done it.

I did want experienceEven for me, only doing just that much was an achievement.

Lets put my hands together a little and pray.

Still, negative names are increasing steadily.

It feels as if its damaging my personal history and narrowing my employment opportunities.

I hate the great demon king dragon king route.

The coexistence with mankind route is good.

Well Im pretty tired, should I hunt my share of food, gather plants and go back?

No, its not much different if I place it on the ground, but I think its also an interior design.

Ah, If I cant get it, should I make it?

Its just that and fire..I heard you need a good amount of heat.

CanBaby BreathDo it? Will I be able to manage somehow if I prepare charcoal?

I guess I wont know until I try.

Clay ware is produced from around Jomon period right? Then, even I may be able to do something.

Ill roll out a rug in that cave and line up some clay ware.

Un un, that is good.

I might try various tinkering for a fashionable feel.

I might also make some paint materials and paint a pattern on the wall. Im getting exited.

Now my objectives have increased.

Un un, its a good thing.

I turn around and face my body to the cliff, I notice the trees and grass sway rustling.

That isnt one body too, its several.

If youre going to come than come.


Lightly restraining, I try toRoar

If they have a guy with leadership calm enough to wait for an opportunity even with this, It may become a little troublesome.

The rustling of the vegetation stops, and it becomes deadly silent.

In the next moment, 10 vasesvase turtles appeared in the bush and faced me.

I immediately confirm their status.

Of course, there are no guys with corrupted text.

Is this a battle of revenge?

But these guys legs arent too fast so I have the option of running away.

Because theyre hard and the only way I have of attacking is to beat them off cliff, the aftertaste isnt very good and I am attached with a weird title.

Although the efficiency is inferior, it will be good to aim at gray wolves.

I feel bad for burning their revenge, but should I take this chance to escape?