Reincarnated As A Dragon's Egg ~Lets Aim To Be The Strongest~ - Chapter 101

Chapter 101

Jade Rabbits Evolution Plan

I crushed the shell of the scorpion which I defeated before with my mouth.

Its hard and bitter.

It doesnt taste so good huh, this thing.

My resistance didnt go up either. It seems like I now know that I can eat poison-related thing.

I safely eat the scorpion, spitting the shell shard on the ground.

Thanks for the treat.

Although the taste is not that good, it fills my stomach for the time being.

Who knows, perhaps even the ants might be soft once I extract it from the shell.

Although youre going to need poison resistance, the black lizard might eat this with delight.

I advanced through the desert while putting the Ball Rabbit on top of my head.

Although it would really saves me from all the troubles if theres a cave ahead, looking at the surrounding area I dont think I should expect much.

If I put the Ball Rabbit to dig it should be able to build a base of considerable size.


The Ball Rabbit moves restlessly on top of my head.

Its a bit ticklish.

Although I really want to see theLightskill, words cant get through.

It might instinctively use it once it goes into the dark place.

[T.N: Definitely doesnt sound creepy at all, even for a dragon]

However, even though I helped it once, this fellow really trust me too easily.

Even a Chihuahua is not that tame.

I travel carefully through the desert.

It only has 5HP after all.

Even if I want to evolve the Ball Rabbit, what should it defeat?

As it Lv will improve even if it defeat anything aside from F rank, its limited to what the Ball Rabbit can deal the finishing blow.

Is the scorpion from a while ago just right?

Although I dont know the chance if I use the Ball Rabbit as a bait, it might feel intimidated if we both came together

MyPresence Detectioncaught something.

Perhaps theyre buried underground. Lets roast them a little.

[T.N: not too sure about this paragraph]

I lay down my body by bringing my stomach and chin down to the ground.


Hearing the Ball Rabbits voice on my head, I decided not to drag this on any longer.

I inhaled deeply, then roars aiming towards the ground.


The sound vibrates with the sands splashing around.

The Lv of Normal SkillRoarwent up from 1 to 2

Perhaps they were scared of my voice, here and there, piles of sands burst and lots of monsters dash out.

Theres around 30 of them, all are only monsters between F to E+.

Aside from that stupidly huge centipede, theres really not that much of a great difference between this desert and the forest huh.

I go to the nearest one, the same scorpion like the previous one.

Using theParalysis ClawI lightly graze it.

Although the scorpion violently struggles at first, its movements gradually becomes weak.

Sorry, scorpion. Please let us eat you properly.

RaceBaby Scorpion





Alright, it should be fine now that its paralyzed.

As Ive already crushed its scissors, fang and tail, theres no means for it to counter attack.

If I let the Ball Rabbit attack it, and let it stop if I see that the paralyzed status of the scorpion is almost removed, it should be able to safely earn experience value.

I put the Ball Rabbit on my palm and slowly lowers it to the ground.

It seems like its unable to understand the situation.

Please attack quick.

When I rush it with my eyes, the Ball Rabbit timidly approaches the scorpion.

I wonder if its safe. Will it be okay with seeing blood?

The Ball Rabbit tackles the scorpion.

RaceBaby Scorpion





Uwa, not even 1HP decreased.

Between Lv2 F rank and Lv6 E rank, is there a way to overcome that difference?

The Ball Rabbit continuously tackles

Its okay, do your best, keep going!

Furthermore, it seems like it hurt itself again.

A good hit!Now, thats a good hit!

Finally, it treats its longs ears like a whip, lashing it towards the scorpion.

Oh, it hit the part that I had crushed, that should be effective against the scorpion, maybe.

After continuously hitting the scorpion, it looks up to me.

It seems to think that all that it did was useless.

The scorpions HP, not even 1 had decreased.

With this, even if I kill it, it doesnt seems like the Ball Rabbit will gain any exp.

I use my eye to urge it to try a little harder.

The Ball Rabbit seems reluctant, but it faced the scorpion again.


A small fireball the size of a rice grain appears.

Is that theLightskill?

If it can be used for a long time, it will be able to act like a lamp like the Light Mushroom in the forest.

After the fireball spins around the Ball Rabbit 3 times, it flies towards the scorpion.

It pops and spread with a light tone, searing a part of the scorpions shell.

It went through!

It will be able to knock it down if f it can shoot four more. though I thought that, the Ball Rabbit had become tired and crouched in its place.

It seemed like it had spent all of its MP with that one blow. Since its F rank, theres no other way huh?

The paralysis seems like its going to be removed, as the scorpion slightly moved its body.

I crushed its head with my claws.

Because of the high difference in rank, the experience value cannot be obtained

For me thats a good thing, as Im fine if it all goes to the Ball Rabbit.

Its good if I can keep doing this until it can evolve.