Re: Heroes X Marvel X DC - -2 Status And Card System

-2 Status And Card System

----- Current Status-----

Name: Markly John Wayne (Age: 17)

Body State: Gray (Ascendant)


[Wayne – Indomitable Will (Red), Intimidation (Red), Genius Intellect (Red)]

[X-Gene – Fusion (Violet)] ^

[Transmigrated Soul – Emphatic Mimicry (Blue), Otherworldly Knowledge]

[Sealed – Violet level required]

Abilities Acquired:

»Masteries (Violet)« ^

[Supreme Arts] [Survival Skillset]

[Medicine] [Marksman] [Engineer] [Linguistics]


»Mind (Violet)«

[Mindscape] [Telepathy]

[Telepathic Immunity] [Telekinesis – (FUS RO DAH)]


»Body (Gray)« ^

[Ascendant Physiology]

»Skills (Blue)«


[Kinetic Duplication] [Metamorphosis] [Flight]^

[Yin-Yang Force(Gray)] [Time Force (Gray)] [s.p.a.ce Force (Gray)]^


~~~Power Rules and Limits~~~

Note: Truck-kun here! The system you have has been greatly toned down because man the power you chose is really OP and took most of my remaining powers that's why it can only be accessed within the mindscape until you enhance your Emphatic mimicry to Violet Level, with a special gift of transforming items into cards too to be kept in you mindscape.

Color cla.s.sification goes as,

Level – Cla.s.s = Absorption time

Black – Basic Abilities (Masteries) = 45 mins

Red – Bloodline related = Nth hrs (Depend on the lvl of bloodline)

Orange – Race Related = N/A

Yellow – Gamma Cla.s.s = 1hr

Green – Beta Cla.s.s = 3hrs

Blue – Alpha Cla.s.s = 5hrs

Violet – Omega Cla.s.s = 10hrs

Gray – Ascendant Cla.s.s = N/A

^White - (Ascendant - Intermediate)

^Gold - (Ascendant - Peak)

^White Gold - G.o.d (Basic)

^Silver - G.o.d (Intermediate)

^Platinum - G.o.d Force (Peak)

^Malachite - Celestial Force (Dark dirty color mix of Blue and Green)

[A/N: Google search "Refined Malachite Skyrim"]

You will receive another timed notification from me for further levels since it's of no use early on, the message will come when your Empathic Mimicry and body state-level reach Violet level. Do note that you're not invincible just because of your cheat skill for your granted abilities limit is,

Empathic Mimicry:

• Access to mindscape, abilities, and items shown as cards

• Increases level according to Mental Power (MP)

• Every increase in level increases the lowest possible level of power when extracting from others and also shortens the time to absorb said ability.

• Only able to absorb base level of Other people's Abilities according to your [Emphatic Mimicry] level.

• The level of abilities increases when absorbing same power that is already acquired from a different person.

• Every upgrade of level in a power unlocks other functionality of the ability.

• Absorption speed increases with physical and emotional contact with the target.

• Area to absorb powers limited by 100ft radius within the user.

• Every breakthrough of Emphatic Mimicry allows fusion of abilities:

o Yellow – able to combine basic masteries

o Green – Mind Abilities Fusion

o Blue – Body

o Violet – Skills

o Gray – Force (Ascendant - Basic)^

o White - Force (Ascendant - Intermediate)^

o Gold - Force (Ascendant - Peak)^

o White Gold - G.o.d Force (Basic)^

o Silver - G.o.d Force (Intermediate)^

o Platinum - G.o.d Force (Peak)^

o Malachite - Celestial Force^


Note: Ability category will be updated upon reaching [Emphatic Mimicry(Violet)]

Do you guys think I need to put all the other Marvel Characters lists of Power u0026 Abilities (from wiki of course) whenever they are scanned for Skill Acquisition?

###Chapter 14### (Status Update)

—– Current Status—–

Name: Markly John Wayne (Age: 17)

System: Augur (Gray)^

Body State: Status = Exhausted^

[White (Ascendant – Intermediate)]^

Soul State: Status = Undying(Indestructible)^

[Gray (Ascendant – Basic)]^


[Wayne – Indomitable Will (Red), Intimidation (Red), Genius Intellect (Red)]

[X-Gene – Fusion (Violet)]

[Transmigrated Soul – Emphatic Mimicry (Violet)^, Otherworldly Knowledge(System)]

[Fury – Infinity Formula (Forever Compound – Violet), Cosmic Awareness (Red)]^

Abilities Acquired:

»Masteries (Violet)«

[Supreme Arts] [Survival Skillset]

[Medicine (Known Branches)] [Marksman] [Engineer] [Ninjutsu]

[Craftsman] [Strategist] [Inventor] [Vehicle Handling]^

[Commander] [Manipulator] [Astral Form] ^

»Mind (Gray)«^

[Telepathy] [Technopathy]

[Telepathic Immunity] [Telekinesis]

[Astral Manipulation (Ascendant – Basic)] [Soul Split]^

[Mindscape – Photographic memory (Books), Parallel Thinking(Augur), Eidetic memory(Library)]

[Hive-Mind] [Knowledge Replication] ^

[Mental Computation] [Hyper-Mind] [Intuitive Genius]^

»Body (White)« ^

[Ascendant – Intermediate Physiology]

(Lifespan – Unknown)

-Durability: Will only receive scratch on Vibranium based materials.

-Healing Factor: Namekian level regeneration of lost limbs.

»Skills (Violet)«

[Heal] [Flight] [Soul Search (Telepathy)]

[Kinetic Duplication] [Metamorphosis]

[X-ray Vision] [Omnilingual Translation (Linguistics)]^

[Instantaneous Adaptation] [Ability Absorption]^

[Biokinesis (DNA Manipulation)] [Power Bestowal]^

[Mana(Ki) Manipulation] [Elemental Control]^

[X-factor(Quirk) Detection] [Phasing] [Inaudibility]^

[Lie Detection] [Omni-Morph Duplication]^

[Molecular Manipulation]^

»Forces (White – Intermediate Force)«^

[Yin-Yang Force (Light/Life and Dark/Death)]

[Speed Force (Time and s.p.a.ce)] [Strength Force] [Chaos Force]



###Inventory (Chp15)###

—– Inventory—–

Muramasa Blade

Terragen Crystal

Ten rings of Mandarin


Maveth Monolith


Life-Model Decoy

Moonstone (Life-stone Tree fragment)

Power Prism (Life-stone Tree fragment)

Siege Perilous

Sentinel (Mk X and Mk 2)

Nimrod (Omega Sentinel/Bastion in the future)

Eidolon Warwear

Zodiac Key
