REBORN: Revenge - 367 Revenge 368: Aaron's Lover

367 Revenge 368: Aaron's Lover

"I can't believe how shameless she is!" Some unknown girl shouted as she approached Aaron and Nathalia.

They both stared at the fuming girl that is approaching them, then they glance at their target who is behind that girl. There is no doubt that this unknown girl is one of Ilana's lackeys.

Nathalia couldn't help but shake her head in disappointment. 'Why can't she just approach me herself? Does she have to let this girl do the job she's supposed to do?' Nathalia inwardly ask.

Despite Ilana's first move, it did not matter to Nathalia and Aaron because they already expected this. Whether it is some other girls that Ilana brainwash or herself, it did not matter. The result will be the same, Ilana will be the one defeated.

"Shameless? In what way?" Nathalia asked the girl nonchalantly. She didn't even look at the girl, it is as if she couldn't care less about what that girl is about gonna say to her.

Seeing that nonchalant look on Nathalia's face, the girl is even madder at her. "In what way, you say? Look at you! You're flirting with someone else's lover!" The people who heard that girl looks at her in confusion. In their minds, the girl is clearly talking nonsense.

She is saying that Nathalia is flirting with someone else's lover, and the only person that they know that could be Aaron's lover is Nathalia. They have never seen Aaron getting close to any other girls except for his sister, Lannie, and Nathalia.

Obviously, Lannie is not even on the list of Aaron's possible lover since she never shows any signs that she is interested in Aaron.

"Goodness. Is she on high? She's talking nonsense." One of the bystanders said.

"Who is she anyway?"

"I don't know, but I've seen her around the new girl. What's her name again? Ah! Right! It's Ilana. I've seen her around Ilana."

Hearing that students are starting to speculate who is the other party that the girl is talking about. Some of them even laugh after hearing that.

"Wait. Is she saying that Ilana, the new girl in school, is Aaron Coleman's lover?" Said the bystander and started to giggle in a ridiculing way.

"Who fed her that idea? And why didn't that new girl correct this friend of hers?"

Ilana and the girl heard all the comments she's hearing from the crowds and could not help but feel humiliated. Never in a million years that they both thought that people will humiliate them like this. However, they both are not backing down. Nathalia is the reason for all this, they both will do whatever is necessary to make sure that their reputation will n not plummet as it is now.

"What are you people talking about?! Do you people really have no idea that Ilana is Aaron's lover?!" The reason why she is so firm in this idea is that she saw how kind Aaron is to Ilana personally. Aaron has never been once nice to any other girls except for his sister.

Additionally, whenever Aaron is with Nathalia or Lannie there is always an argument between them. In her point of view, Aaron only sees them as an annoying people, and the only reason that he is with them most of the time is that Nathalia and Lannie are his sister's closest friends.

Ilana looks around and saw that the students she and the girl have gone nuts thinking that she is Aaron's lover. Although the times that Aaron is kind to her, she thought that he has fallen for her. Specifically, Aaron has never once said to her that they are lovers, but the one thing that Ilana is sure of is that she has a special place in his heart.

For all the time that she and Aaron spent together, she had already thought that Aaron has already announced that she and he are a couple. However, upon seeing the other students' faces, it seems like that is not the case yet.

'Is he planning something grand?' 

In her mind, she thinks that Aaron is only pretending to be a couple with Nathalia, then he is going to approach her and announce to everyone that they are a couple. If that happens, the one who will be humiliated today is not her and her new lackey, it's going to be Nathalia who will be facing such humiliation.

"Why is she smiling? Has she gone nuts now?" Nathalia whispered to Aaron. When she took a glance at Ilana's direction, she didn't expect Ilana to have a smug look on her face. That look on Ilana's face is confusing her and in some way, it's giving her an opportunity to strike.

"She must be thinking something so ridiculous that could turn the tables around," Aaron whispered back. He has no idea what is on Ilana's mind, but whatever it is, he is sure that it's going to turn out worse for her.

"Aaron!" Ilana called out Aaron's name and from the way she looks right now, she's about to cry. "Enough of this Aaron!" The way she sounded like a girlfriend who found out her boyfriend is cheating on her sounds so realistic that some small-minded students believe her now.

"Oh, G.o.d." Nathalia has the urge to laugh, but she is holding herself back for the sake of Aaron's plans. "Sometimes, I wonder, how on earth do you always end up having girls like that around you."

"Maybe I'm just too handsome for them to ignore." Aaron confidently said and that made Nathalia scoffed at him. Even at the situation that they are in right now, Aaron still able to manage to talk like that.

Nathalia decided not to make a comment and just focus on the job she was tasked to do. "Enough? What do you mean by that, Ilana? As far as I know, what I do with my man over here has nothing to do with you."

Since she is also known to be cold and indifferent to other students, Nathalia is giving Ilana as a piece of how indifferent she can be.

"Y-your m-man? Impossible! I am his girlfriend, not you!" Truthfully, as she is having some alone time with Aaron, she is starting to have feelings for him.

Initially, her father told her to make Aaron fall for her just in case if James Coleman's plan fails and they have security under Aaron's protection. And they could still live the life they want if she is able to get herself to be part of the Coleman family.

It's a win-win situation for them, but if Nathalia is standing in her way to achieving her goal, then she will have to do whatever it takes to get rid of her.

"Girlfriend? Woman, is being delusional right now or what? Please tell me and I might let you off the hook since my dear Aaron does have a lot of admirers here in school. It's not surprising if those admirers are dreaming about him." Nathalia said this, she caresses Aaron's cheeks. She looks like a sweet girl who only cares for her man.

It may not be obvious on his face, but Aaron is trying hard not to ruin the moment. While Nathalia was caressing his cheeks, he felt like he wants to push her away because of his heart beating fast. He thinks that the longer Nathalia does that the less he can control himself.

"Besides, even if I am not his girlfriend, that doesn't mean that he will go out with you. After all, he wouldn't want to be with a girl whose family background is as dirty as dirt." Hearing that Ilana blood fumed in anger. She couldn't believe that Nathalia just said that to her.

"Nonsense! I can sue you for saying that about my family!" Without evidence to back up her claim, Ilana is not a bit worried about it. She's confident that Nathalia has nothing that can go against her. 'You think you can humiliate just like that? Heh. Dream on!'

"Sue me? Ilana, did you not saw the news that just got released an hour ago? Your father is all over the news about his bad business." Even just by saying it, Nathalia is still surprised at the fact that everything that Aaron planned is happening so smoothly.

He and his sister made sure that anyone In school has no access to the recent news so that they won't tell Ilana about it because if they did know about and tell her, Ilana will flee the school and the plan is a no-go.

Without any hesitation, Ilana whipped out her phone and takes a look at the recent news. When she found what she is looking for, her face went pale.